#include< iostream >
#include< fstream >
#include< cstdlib >
#include< string >
#include< iomanip >
using namespace std;
//#define first_no 8
//#define follow_no 8
#define pro_no 16
#define nt_no 8
#define t_no 16
#define stack_size 32
#define stack_increment 32
#define queue_size 32
#define item_no 8// perhaps too small for some bigger grammar
#define state_no 16
typedef struct production production;
typedef struct item item;
typedef struct step step;
struct production
string left;
string right;
struct step
char act;
int next;
class nonTerminal
nonTerminal() {};
bool find_first( const char &ch)
if( first.find( ch, 0 ) < first.length() ) return true;
return false;
bool find_follow( const char &ch )
if( follow.find( ch, 0 ) <follow.length() ) return true;
return false;
void set_sign( string s ) { sign = s; };
string get_sign() { return sign; };
void set_added( bool a ) { added = a; };
bool get_added() { return added; };
void set_null() { isNull = true; };
bool is_null() { return isNull; };
string get_first() { return first; };
string get_follow() { return follow; };
int add_first( const char &ch )
int i = 0;
for( i = 0; i < first.length(); i ++ )
if( first[ i ] == ch ) return -1;
first += ch;
return 0;
int add_follow( const char &ch )
if( ch == ' ' ) return -1;//extra and unnecessary insurance
int i = 0;
for( i = 0; i < follow.length(); i ++ )
if( follow[ i ] == ch ) return -1;
follow += ch;
return 0;
string sign;
string first;
string follow;
bool isNull;
bool added;
template< class T >
class queue
base = ( T * )malloc( queue_size * sizeof( T ) );
if( ! base ) exit( 0 );
memset( base, 0, queue_size * sizeof( T ) );
front = 0;
rear = 0;
int get_size() { return ( rear - front + queue_size ) % queue_size; };
T get_front()
if( front == rear )
cout<<"Get_front failed! The queue is empty!"<<endl;
exit( 0 );
return base[ front ];
T pop()
if( front == rear )
cout<<"Pop failed! The queue is empty!"<<endl;
exit( 0 );
if( front + 1 == queue_size )//unnecessary to use '>='
front = 0;
return base[ queue_size - 1 ];
return base[ front ++ ];
int push( const T ch )
if( ( rear + 1 ) % queue_size == front ) return -1;
base[ rear ] = ch;
rear = ( rear + 1 ) % queue_size;
return 0;
bool isEmpty() { return ( front == rear ); };
string traverse()
T *tmp = NULL;
string str = "";
for( tmp = front; tmp != rear; tmp = ( ( tmp + 1 ) % queue_size ) )
str += *tmp;
return str;
string int_traverse()
int tmp = 0;
string str = "";
char *buffer = ( char * )malloc( sizeof( char ) * 8 );
for( tmp = front; tmp != rear; tmp = ( ( tmp + 1 ) % queue_size ) )
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( char ) * 8 );
str += itoa( base[ tmp ], buffer, 10 );
return str;
T *base;
int front;
int rear;
template< class T >
class stack
base = ( T * )malloc( stack_size * sizeof( T ) );
if( ! base ) exit( 0 );
memset( base, 0, stack_size * sizeof( T ) );
top = base;
size = stack_size;
int get_size() { return size; };
T get_top()
if( top == base )
cout<<"Get_top failed! The stack is empty!"<<endl;
exit( 0 );
return *( top - 1 );
int push( const T &ch )
if( ( top - base ) >= size )
base = ( T * )realloc( base, ( size + stack_increment ) * sizeof( T ) );
if( ! base ) exit( 0 );
top = base + size;
size += stack_increment;
*top = ch;
top ++;
return 0;
T pop()
if( top == base )
cout<<"Pop failed! The stack is empty!"<<endl;
exit( 0 );
top --;
return *top;
bool isEmpty() { return ( base == top ); };
string traverse()
T *tmp = NULL;
string str = "";
for( tmp = base; tmp != top; tmp ++ )
str += *tmp;
return str;
string int_traverse()
T *tmp = NULL;
string str = "";
char *buffer = ( char * )malloc( sizeof( char ) * 8 );
for( tmp = base; tmp != top; tmp ++ )
memset( buffer, 0, sizeof( char ) * 8 );
str += itoa( *tmp, buffer, 10 );
return str;
T *base;
T *top;
int size;
struct item
string left;
string right;
int start;//start is the index of the first element after the dot '.'
bool considered;
bool operator==( const item &aim )
return ( ( left == aim.left ) && ( right == aim.right ) && ( start == aim.start ) );
production pro[ pro_no ];
nonTerminal nt[ nt_no ];
item state[ state_no ][ item_no ];
string select_aggregate[ nt_no ][ t_no + 1 ], sentence;
char t[ t_no ];
bool changed = true;
int go_to[ state_no ][ nt_no ], end_pos = 0;
step action[ state_no ][ t_no + 1 ];
int get_sentence()
fstream read;
char ch = 0;
sentence = "";
read.open( "sentence.in", ios_base::in | ios::binary );
if( ! read )
cout<<"Sentence Input File Opening Error!"<<endl;
exit( 0 );
read.get( ch );
while( read.fail() == false )
if( ch == ' ' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' )
read.get( ch );
sentence += ch;
read.get( ch );
sentence += "#";//once forgot!
return 0;
int in_nt( const char &ch )//premise: nonTerminals are all characters
int i = 0;
string aim = "", str = "";
aim += ch;
str = nt[ 0 ].get_sign();
while( str != "" )
if( str == aim ) return i;
str = nt[ i ].get_sign();
return -1;
int in_t( const char &aim )
int i = 0;
char *ch = t;
bool exist = false;
while( *ch != 0 )
if( *ch == aim )
exist = true;
ch ++;
if( exist == false ) return -1;
else return i;
int analyze()
int i = 0, count = 0;// count records how many times of output have been done
char *next = &sentence[ 0 ], ch = 0;// ch to store the character just popped
string to_pop = "", str = "";
int t_pos = 0, nt_pos = 0, now = 0, current_nt = 0;
fstream write;
step *current_t = &action[ 0 ][ 0 ];
production *to_recurse = pro;
stack< char > signs;
stack< int > states;
write.open( "output.out", ios::out | ios::app );
if( ! write )
cout<<" Output File Opening Error!"<<endl;
exit( 0 );
write<<"The analysis process is as follows:"<<endl<<endl;
write<<'\t'<<'\t'<<"States"<<"\t\t"<<"Signs"<<"\t\t"<<"Input"<<"\t\t"<<"Production"<<endl;// the first line
signs.push( '#' );
states.push( 0 );
now = states.get_top();
while( current_t->act != 'a' )
str = states.int_traverse();
write<<'\t'<<( count ++ )<<'\t'<<str<<'\t';
if( str.length() < 8 ) write<<'\t';
str = signs.traverse();
if( str.length() <= 8 ) write<<'\t';
str = next;
if( str.length() < 10 ) write<<'\t';
nt_pos = in_nt( signs.get_top() );
if( nt_pos != -1 )// deal with go_to with more priority
current_nt= go_to[ now ][ nt_pos ];
if( current_nt != -1 )// no state defined in 'goto'
states.push( current_nt );
now = states.get_top();
t_pos = in_t( *next );
if( t_pos == -1 ) return -1;// *next is an illegal character
current_t = &action[ now ][ t_pos ];
if( current_t->act == 0 ) return -1;//no action defined in 'action'
if( current_t->act == 'a' ) continue;//accept state met
if( current_t->act == 's' )// step forward
signs.push( *next );
states.push( current_t->next );
next ++;