function M = constructM(fea,options)
% Usage:
% M = constructM(fea,options)
% fea: Rows of vectors of data points. Each row is x_i
% options: Struct value in Matlab. The fields in options that can be set:
% NeighborMode - Indicates how to construct the graph. Choices
% are:
% 'KNN' - Put an edge between two nodes if and
% only if they are among the k nearst
% neighbors of each other. You are
% required to provide the parameter k in
% the options. [Default One]
% 'Supervised' - Two variations:
% 1. k=0, Put an edge between two nodes
% if and only if they belong to same class.
% 2. k>0, The distance between two nodes
% in the same class will be smaller than
% two nodes have diff. labels
% You are required to provide the label
% information gnd in the options.
% k - The number of neighbors.
% gnd - The parameter needed under 'Supervised'
% NeighborMode. Colunm vector of the label
% information for each data point.
% Examples:
% fea = rand(50,15);
% options = [];
% options.NeighborMode = 'KNN';
% options.k = 5;
% M = constructM(fea,options);
% fea = rand(50,15);
% gnd = [ones(10,1);ones(15,1)*2;ones(10,1)*3;ones(15,1)*4];
% options = [];
% options.NeighborMode = 'Supervised';
% options.gnd = gnd;
% options.k = 0;
% M = constructM(fea,options);
% fea = rand(50,15);
% gnd = [ones(10,1);ones(15,1)*2;ones(10,1)*3;ones(15,1)*4];
% options = [];
% options.NeighborMode = 'Supervised';
% options.gnd = gnd;
% options.k = 4;
% M = constructM(fea,options);
% Xiaofei He, Deng Cai, Shuicheng Yan, and Hong-Jiang
% Zhang, "Neighborhood Preserving Embedding", Tenth IEEE International
% Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'2005), 2005
% Sam Roweis & Lawrence Saul. "Nonlinear dimensionality reduction by
% locally linear embedding", Science, v.290 no.5500 , Dec.22, 2000.
% pp.2323--2326.
% Written by Deng Cai (, Jan/2005, Jan/2007
[nSmp, nFea] = size(fea);
switch lower(options.NeighborMode)
case {lower('KNN')}
aa = sum(fea.*fea,2);
ab = fea*fea';
Distance = repmat(aa, 1, nSmp) + repmat(aa', nSmp, 1) - 2*ab;
Distance = max(Distance,Distance');
Distance = Distance - diag(diag(Distance));
if options.k <= 0
error('k must be greater than 0!');
case {lower('Supervised')}
if options.k > 0
aa = sum(fea.*fea,2);
ab = fea*fea';
Distance = repmat(aa, 1, nSmp) + repmat(aa', nSmp, 1) - 2*ab;
Distance = max(Distance,Distance');
Distance = Distance - diag(diag(Distance));
WLDA = ones(nSmp,nSmp);
Label = unique(options.gnd);
nLabel = length(Label);
for idx=1:nLabel
classIdx = find(options.gnd==Label(idx));
WLDA(classIdx,classIdx) = 0;
Distance = Distance+WLDA*(max(max(Distance))+10);
error('NeighborMode does not exist!');
if options.k == 0
W = zeros(nSmp,nSmp);
for ii=1:nSmp
idx = find(options.gnd==options.gnd(ii));
idx(find(idx==ii)) = [];
z = fea(idx,:)-repmat(fea(ii,:),length(idx),1); % shift ith pt to origin
C = z*z'; % local covariance
tW = C\ones(length(idx),1); % solve Cw=1
tW = tW/sum(tW); % enforce sum(w)=1
W(idx,ii) = tW;
M = (eye(size(W)) - W);
M = M*M';
M = max(M,M');
M = sparse(M);
[sorted,index] = sort(Distance,2);
neighborhood = index(:,2:(1+options.k));
W = zeros(options.k,nSmp);
for ii=1:nSmp
z = fea(neighborhood(ii,:),:)-repmat(fea(ii,:),options.k,1); % shift ith pt to origin
C = z*z'; % local covariance
W(:,ii) = C\ones(options.k,1); % solve Cw=1
W(:,ii) = W(:,ii)/sum(W(:,ii)); % enforce sum(w)=1
M = sparse(1:nSmp,1:nSmp,ones(1,nSmp),nSmp,nSmp,4*options.k*nSmp);
for ii=1:nSmp
w = W(:,ii);
jj = neighborhood(ii,:)';
M(ii,jj) = M(ii,jj) - w';
M(jj,ii) = M(jj,ii) - w;
M(jj,jj) = M(jj,jj) + w*w';
M = max(M,M');
M = sparse(M);