function t_point = out_of_sample(point, mapping)
%TRANSFORM_SAMPLE_EST Performs out-of-sample extension of new datapoints
% t_points = out_of_sample(points, mapping)
% Performs out-of-sample extension of the new datapoints in points. The
% information necessary for the out-of-sample extension is contained in
% mapping (this struct can be obtained from COMPUTE_MAPPING).
% The function returns the coordinates of the transformed points in t_points.
% This file is part of the Matlab Toolbox for Dimensionality Reduction v0.7b.
% The toolbox can be obtained from
% You are free to use, change, or redistribute this code in any way you
% want for non-commercial purposes. However, it is appreciated if you
% maintain the name of the original author.
% (C) Laurens van der Maaten
% Tilburg University, 2008
% Handle PRTools dataset
if strcmp(class(point), 'dataset')
prtools = 1;
ppoint = point;
point =;
prtools = 0;
% Linear mappings
case {'PCA', 'LDA', 'LPP', 'NPE', 'LLTSA', 'SPCA', 'PPCA', 'FA'}
t_point = (point - repmat(mapping.mean, [size(point, 1) 1])) * mapping.M;
% Kernel PCA mapping
case 'KernelPCA'
% Compute and center kernel matrix
K = gram(mapping.X, point, mapping.kernel, mapping.param1, mapping.param2);
J = repmat(mapping.column_sums', [1 size(K, 2)]);
K = K - repmat(sum(K, 1), [size(K, 1) 1]) - J + repmat(mapping.total_sum, [size(K, 1) size(K, 2)]);
% Compute transformed points
t_point = mapping.invsqrtL * mapping.V' * K;
t_point = t_point';
% Neural network mapping (with biases)
case 'AutoEncoderEA'
% Make zero-mean, unit variance
point = point - repmat(mapping.mean, [size(point, 1) 1]);
point = point ./ repmat(mapping.var, [size(point, 1) 1]);
% Run through autoencoder
point = [point ones(size(point, 1), 1)];
w1probs = [1 ./ (1 + exp(-point * mapping.w1)) ones(size(point, 1), 1)];
w2probs = [1 ./ (1 + exp(-w1probs * mapping.w2)) ones(size(point, 1), 1)];
w3probs = [1 ./ (1 + exp(-w2probs * mapping.w3)) ones(size(point, 1), 1)];
t_point = w3probs * mapping.w4;
case 'Autoencoder'
point = point - mapping.min;
point = point ./ mapping.max;
t_point = run_data_through_autoenc(, point);
case {'Isomap', 'LandmarkIsomap'}
% Precomputations for speed
if strcmp(, 'Isomap')
invVal = inv(diag(mapping.val));
[val, index] = sort(mapping.val, 'descend');
mapping.landmarks = 1:size(mapping.X, 1);
val = mapping.beta .^ (1 / 2);
[val, index] = sort(real(diag(val)), 'descend');
val = val(1:mapping.no_dims);
meanD1 = mean(mapping.DD .^ 2, 1);
meanD2 = mean(mean(mapping.DD .^ 2));
% Process all points (notice that in this implementation
% out-of-sample points are not used as landmark points)
points = point;
t_point = repmat(0, [size(point, 1) mapping.no_dims]);
for i=1:size(points, 1)
% Compute distance of new sample to training points
point = points(i,:);
tD = L2_distance(point', mapping.X');
[tmp, ind] = sort(tD);
tD(ind(mapping.k + 2:end)) = 0;
tD = sparse(tD);
tD = dijkstra([0 tD; tD' mapping.D], 1);
tD = tD(mapping.landmarks + 1) .^ 2;
% Compute point embedding
subB = -.5 * (tD - repmat(mean(tD, 2), [1 size(tD, 2)]) - meanD1 - meanD2);
if strcmp(, 'LandmarkIsomap')
vec = subB * mapping.alpha * mapping.invVal;
vec = vec(:,index(1:mapping.no_dims));
vec = subB * mapping.vec * invVal;
vec = vec(:,index(1:mapping.no_dims));
t_point(i,:) = real(vec .* sqrt(val)');
case 'LLE'
% Initialize some variables
n = size(mapping.X, 1);
t_point = repmat(0, [size(point, 1) numel(mapping.val)]);
% Compute local Gram matrix
D = (L2_distance(point', mapping.X') .^ 2);
[foo, ind] = sort(D, 2, 'ascend');
for i=1:size(point, 1)
% Compute local Gram matrix
C = (repmat(point(i,:), [mapping.k 1]) - mapping.X(ind(i, 2:mapping.k + 1),:)) * ...
(repmat(point(i,:), [mapping.k 1]) - mapping.X(ind(i, 2:mapping.k + 1),:))';
% Compute reconstruction weights
invC = inv(C);
W = sum(invC, 2) ./ sum(sum(invC));
% Compute kernel matrix
K = repmat(0, [n 1]);
K(ind(i, 2:mapping.k + 1)) = W;
% Compute embedded point
t_point(i,:) = sum(mapping.vec .* repmat(K, [1 size(mapping.vec, 2)]), 1);
case 'Laplacian'
% Initialize some other variables
n = size(mapping.X, 1);
% Compute embeddings
t_point = repmat(0, [size(point, 1) numel(mapping.val)]);
for i=1:size(point, 1)
% Compute Gaussian kernel between test point and training points
K = (L2_distance(point(i,:)', mapping.X') .^ 2)';
[foo, ind] = sort(K, 'ascend');
K(ind(mapping.k+1:end)) = 0;
K(K ~= 0) = exp(-K(K ~= 0) / (2 * mapping.sigma ^ 2));
% Normalize kernel
K = (1 ./ n) .* (K ./ sqrt(mean(K) .* mean(mapping.K, 2)));
% Compute embedded point
t_point(i,:) = sum(mapping.vec .* repmat(K, [1 size(mapping.vec, 2)]), 1);
case 'LandmarkMVU'
% Initialize some variables
n = size(point, 1);
% Compute pairwise distances
X = L2_distance(point', mapping.X);
neighbors = zeros(mapping.k2, n);
% Compute reconstruction weights
tol = 1e-7;
Pia = sparse([], [], [], mapping.no_landmarks, n);
for i=1:n
% Identify nearest neighbors in distance matrix
dist = L2_distance(X(:,i), mapping.D);
[dist, ind] = sort(dist, 'ascend');
neighbors(:,i) = ind(2:mapping.k2 + 1);
% Compute reconstruction weights
z = mapping.D(:,neighbors(:,i)) - repmat(X(:,i), 1, mapping.k2);
C = z' * z;
C = C + tol * trace(C) * eye(mapping.k2) / mapping.k2;
invC = inv(C);
Pia(neighbors(:,i), i) = sum(invC)' / sum(sum(invC));
% Fill sparse LLE weight matrix
M = speye(n) + sparse([], [], [], n, n, n * mapping.k2 .^ 2);
for i=1:n
j = neighbors(:,i);
w = Pia(j, i);
M(i, j) = M(i, j) - w';
M(j, i) = M(j, i) - w;
M(j, j) = M(j, j) + w * w';
% Invert LLE weight matrix
Pia = -M(mapping.no_landmarks + 1:end, mapping.no_landmarks + 1:end) \ ...