Sentinel SuperPro Emulator and Monitor v1.7
installation instructions:
1.copy the files in dll folder to windows\system32 install.bat from service folder.
3.add the exam.reg to registry
after installation you can use monitor.exe to show data communication
between supepro protected programs and dongle ( if present)
or programs and emulator (if good regestry present).
you can change the content of ProcessNames.reg and add some exe file names to it.
then you can add this file to registry.
in injection time,emulator will see the registry and if can not find
the ProcessNames Value, it will be injected to all process of system.
but if ProcessNames Value is present, it is tested and emulator will injected
to those file that is listed in it.for example i create a ProcessNames.reg file
that contain wlscgen.exe and notepad.exe.
my emulator can read dongle data for emulation in 2 mode.
at first it check the registry for a data for certain DevelopeID. if not found it search
system32 directory to find a XXX.TORO file. XXXX is DeveloperID in hex format.
i attached an example of such file(A870.TORO). this is for emulation of wlscgen.exe
from sentinellm 7.3.0. the vendor code that is in this file is 0x0A70.
you must copy this file to system32 folder.