% This program should only be used after the geneticalgorithm program has
% been used to design a network connecting a set of points in a
% geographical area.
% This program uses the Tabu Search algorithm to find the best locations
% for servers in a network. Each solution locates the servers at the
% specified set of nodes. The cost of each solution consists of the
% installation cost of the necessary processing power and a cost for the
% bandwidth used to move the packets back and forth within the network. It
% is assumed that the packets are sent to the nearest server node for
% processing
tabuloop = 1500; % This is the number of times we cycle through the tabu process
listlength = 1000; % This is the number of former best solutions we keep in the list
processweight = 3; % This is the weight we use to multiply the processing load
startvalue = 1; % This is the value assigned to each node for the starting solution. It must be 0 or 1
% Initialise the tabu list
for i = 1: listlength
for j = 1: N
tabulist (i, j) = 0;
% The first step is to convert the output of the network designed in the
% geneticalgorithm program for use here.
for m = 1: N
for n = 1: N
network (m, n) = 0;
for j = 1: k
if solution (1,j) ==1
m = links (j,2);
n = links (j,3);
network (m, n) = 1;
network (n, m) = 1;
% The next task is to find the minimum hop count in the routes available
% between every node, and every other node. We use the Dijkstra algorithm
% applied for every node as a source (except the last node).
for source = 1: N
% Initialise hop counts (route costs) to 100
for dest = 1: N
hops (dest) = 100;
included (dest) = 0;
hops (source) = 0;
included (source) = 1;
% Find the links connected to source node, and set their hop
% count (route cost) to 1
for n = 1: N
if network (source, n) == 1
hops (n) = 1;
% Start a for loop which will add all the other nodes to the
% included set
for j = 1: N - 1
% First we find the node, not yey included, which has the
% lowest hop count
minhop = 10000;
for i = 1: N
if included (i) == 0 & hops (i) < minhop
minhop = hops (i);
newnode = i;
% We now add the new node to the set of included nodes.
% Then we update the hop count by modifying the hop count
% of the nodes we can reach from the new node
included (newnode) = 1;
for n = 1:N
if network (newnode, n) ==1 & hops (newnode) + 1 < hops (n)
hops (n) = hops (newnode) + 1;
% We keep the hop count for this source to all other nodes
% in the array networkcost
for n = 1: N
networkcost (source, n) = hops(n);
% Networkcost now gives us the minimum number of hops required to get from every
% node to every other node. We will use this to construct the cost function
% for every candidate solution
% The next step is to generate a starting solution. Each solution is simply
% a set of N bits. The easiest starting solution is to have all bits equal
% to 1 or all bits equal to 0. The current best solution is called
% "servernodes"
for n = 1: N
servernodes (n) = startvalue;
% We place this original solution in the tabulist and set the index to 2.
% We will use the index to keep the place where the next solution is to go.
for i = 1: N
tabulist (1, i) = servernodes (i);
index = 2;
lowestcost = 1000000; % We will use this variable to keep track of the cost of the best solution so far
maxskipno = 0; % We will use this number to find the largest number of neighbours which were on the tabu list at any iteration
% We now start the tabu search. We will limit the number of loops to run up
% to tabuloop
for loopno = 1: tabuloop
% We visit the N neighbours of the current solution
for n = 1: N
neighbour (n) = servernodes (n);
for n = 1: N
if n > 1
if neighbour (n - 1) == 1
neighbour (n - 1) = 0;
neighbour (n - 1) = 1;
if neighbour (n) == 1
neighbour (n) = 0;
neighbour (n) = 1;
% If the neighbour is on the tabu list, there is no point in
% evaluating its cost function. Therefore we search the list
% We create an array whose members will be left equal to 0 if the
% corresponding neighbour is not on the tabu list
skip (n) = 0;
for i = 1: listlength
for j = 1: N
vector (j) = tabulist (i, j);
if isequal(vector, neighbour)
skip (n) = 1;
if skip (n) == 0
% We now need to find which of the nodes with servers is the
% nearest node to each node in the network. We do this by using the
% array networkcost
tabucost (n) = 0;
for i = 1: N
% i is the index of the ordinary nodes in the network
minicost (i) = 1000;
for j = 1: N
% j is the index of the nodes which are servers
if neighbour (j) == 1
if networkcost (i, j) < minicost (i) & i ~= j
minicost (i) = networkcost (i, j);
if i == j
minicost (i) = 0;
tabucost (n) = tabucost (n) + minicost (i);
% We now need to find out how much processing power is needed at
% each of the processing nodes. To do this, we need to find out how
% many nodes will be connected to each of the server nodes. To do
% this we will need to count the number of nodes to which each
% server connected with the lowest number of hops. If there is a
% tie, then the load of that node will be equally distributed
% between all the tieing server nodes
% Initialise load to zero
for j = 1: N
load (j) = 0;
for i = 1: N
count = 0;
for j = 1: N
if minicost (i) == networkcost (i, j) & neighbour (j) == 1
count = count + 1;
% count is the number of server nodes which will share the load
% for node i.
for j = 1: N
if neighbour (j) == 1 & minicost (i) == networkcost (i, j)
load (j) = load (j) + 1/count;
for j = 1: N
tabucost (n) = tabucost (n) + processweight * sqrt(load (j));
% tabucost now contains the values of the cost functions of the N
% neighbours of the current solution. We select the best of these to be
% the new current solution
lowcost = 1000000;
for n = 1: N
if tabucost (n) < lowcost & skip (n) == 0
lowcost = tabucost (n);
bestn = n;
if servernodes (bestn) == 1
servernodes (bestn) = 0;
servernodes (bestn) = 1;
% We record the best solution so far, and its cost
if lowcost < lowestcost
lowestcost = lowcost;
for i = 1: N
bestsolution (i) = servernodes (i);
% We now add this solution to