/* --- STC MCU International Limited -------------------------------*/
/* --- STC 1T Series MCU Programme Demo ----------------------------*/
/* --- Fax: 86-755-82944243 ----------------------------------------*/
/* --- Tel: 86-755-82948412 ----------------------------------------*/
/* --- Web: www.STCMCU.com -----------------------------------------*/
/* If you want to use the program or the program referenced in the */
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/************* 本程序功能说明 **************
#include <reg51.h>
#define uchar unsigned char
#define uint unsigned int
#define Timer0_Reload 18432 //T0 interrupt at 10ms @22.1184MHZ
sfr AUXR = 0x8E;
sfr CCON = 0xD8;
sfr CMOD = 0xD9;
sfr CCAPM0 = 0xDA; //PCA module 0 work mode
sfr CCAPM1 = 0xDB; //PCA module 1 work mode
sfr CL = 0xE9; //PCA counter
sfr CCAP0L = 0xEA; //PCA模块0的捕捉/比较寄存器低8位。
sfr CCAP1L = 0xEB; //PCA模块1的捕捉/比较寄存器低8位。
sfr PCA_PWM0 = 0xF2; //PCA模块0 PWM寄存器。
sfr PCA_PWM1 = 0xF3; //PCA模块1 PWM寄存器。
sfr CH = 0xF9;
sfr CCAP0H = 0xFA; //PCA模块0的捕捉/比较寄存器高8位。
sfr CCAP1H = 0xFB; //PCA模块1的捕捉/比较寄存器高8位。
sbit CCF0 = CCON^0; //PCA 模块0中断标志,由硬件置位,必须由软件清0。
sbit CCF1 = CCON^1; //PCA 模块1中断标志,由硬件置位,必须由软件清0。
sbit CR = CCON^6; //1: 允许PCA计数器计数,必须由软件清0。
sbit CF = CCON^7; //PCA计数器溢出(CH,CL由FFFFH变为0000H)标志。PCA计数器溢出后由硬件置位,必须由软件清0。
#define PWM0_NORMAL() PCA_PWM0 = 0 //PWM0正常输出(默认)
#define PWM0_OUT_0() PCA_PWM0 = 3 //PWM0一直输出0
#define PWM1_NORMAL() PCA_PWM1 = 0 //PWM1正常输出(默认)
#define PWM1_OUT_0() PCA_PWM1 = 3 //PWM1一直输出0
/************* 本地函数声明 **************/
void en_PCA(void);
void en_PWM(uchar channel,uchar start_value);
bit B_T0_interrupt;
void main(void)
uint i;
en_PWM(0,128); //load PWM value
en_PWM(1,128); //load PWM value
en_PCA(); //enable PCA
EA = 1; //enable all interrupt
while (1)
TMOD = 0x02; //T0 as 8 bit reload
TH0 = 0 - 10; //Reload time
AUXR |= 0x80; //T0 as 1T
ET0 = 0; //disable T0 interrupt
TR0 = 1; //enable T0
PWM0_NORMAL(); //PWM0 normal output
PWM1_NORMAL(); //PWM1 normal output
for(i=0; i<10000; i++) ; //delay for output PWM
TR0 = 0; //disable T0
PWM0_OUT_0(); //PWM0 stop and putput 0
PWM1_OUT_0(); //PWM1 stop and putput 0
TMOD = 0x01; //T0 as 16bit timer
TL0 = (0 - Timer0_Reload) % 256; //load the 16bit time
TH0 = (0 - Timer0_Reload) / 256;
AUXR &= ~0x80; //T0 as 12T
ET0 = 1; //enable T0 interrupt
TR0 = 1; //enable T0
B_T0_interrupt = 0; //clear the T0 interrupt flag
while(!B_T0_interrupt); //wait the T0 interrupt
TR0 = 0; //disable T0
void timer0 (void) interrupt 1
B_T0_interrupt = 1;
//Note: CCAP0H and CCAP1H load the PWM output low time.
void en_PCA(void)
CMOD = (CMOD & 0x81) + 4; //PCA clocj select Timer0 overfollow,Timer0 can select 1T mode or 12T through set AUXR.
CL = 0x00; //clear PCA counter
CH = 0x00;
CR = 1; //Start PCA counter
void en_PWM(uchar channel,uchar start_value)
if(channel == 0)
CCAP0L = start_value; //Set the initial value same as CCAP0H
CCAP0H = start_value; //25% Duty Cycle
CCAPM0 = 0x42; //0x42 Setup PCA module 0 in PWM mode
if(channel == 1)
CCAP1L = start_value; //Set the initial value same as CCAP1H
CCAP1H = start_value; //25% Duty Cycle
CCAPM1 = 0x42; //0x42 Setup PCA module 1 in PWM mode