% This is a demo for evaluating the performance of STGP model based
% EOT on simulated data.
% Author : Waqas Aftab <waftab1@sheffield.ac.uk>
% Date : 29/12/2018
% clear matlab memory
clear all; close all; clc;
% Simulated scenario. Five different scenarios are simulated.
% 'S1' = 3 vertices, 'S2' = 4-vertices , 'S3' = 12-gon ,
% 'S4' = axis symmetric, 'S5' = irregular
scenario = 'S2';
%%%%% STGP Model parameters
deS_y,ker] = sym_expressions;
% MC parameters
MCruns =100; % Number of MC runs
% Time parameters
K = 250; % Total time steps
Ts = 1/30; % Sampling time
T_t = K*Ts; % Total time
B = 24; % Number of keypoints
% Memory Allocation Ground Truth / STGP-EKF / GP-EKF
true_state = zeros(MCruns,K,4+3*B); % Ground truth state
true_cog = zeros(MCruns,K,4); % Ground truth cog
x_f = zeros(MCruns,4+3*B,K); % filtered estimates
P_f = zeros(MCruns,4+3*B,4+3*B,K); % filtered covariance
x_s = x_f; % smoother state
P_s = P_f; % smoother covariance
x_p = zeros(MCruns,4+3*B,K); % Predicted state
xf_output = zeros(MCruns,4+3*360,K); % filtered output
stgp_f_cog = zeros(MCruns,4,K); % stgp filtered cog
xs_output = zeros(MCruns,4+3*360,K); % smoothed output
stgp_s_cog = zeros(MCruns,4,K); % stgp smoothed cog
P_p = zeros(MCruns,4+3*B,4+3*B,K); % Predicted state covariance
x_gp = zeros(MCruns,4+360,K);% GP-EKF state vector
gp_cog = zeros(MCruns,4,K); % GP-EKF cog
% Performance Validation parameters
STGP_F_P = zeros(MCruns,K);% STGP filter precision
STGP_F_R = zeros(MCruns,K);% STGP filter recall
STGP_S_P = zeros(MCruns,K);% STGP smoother precision
STGP_S_R = zeros(MCruns,K);% STGP smoother recall
GP_P = zeros(MCruns,K);% GP precision
GP_R = zeros(MCruns,K);% GP recall
STGP_time = zeros(MCruns,K);% STGP computation time
GPEKF_time = zeros(MCruns,K);% GP computation time
% Figure / Video Properties
fontSize = 10; % font sixe
Total_time = min(25,ceil(Ts*K)); % total time of video in seconds
framerate = K / Total_time;% video frame rate
for mc = 1:MCruns
% STGP-EKF Basis points
switch scenario
case 'S1'
No_of_vertices = 3; % Number of vertices
case 'S2'
No_of_vertices = 4; % Number of vertices
case 'S3'
No_of_vertices = 12; % Number of vertices
case 'S4'
No_of_vertices = 12; % Number of vertices
case 'S5'
No_of_vertices = 12; % Number of vertices
theta_E = 0:2*pi/B:2*pi-(2*pi/B); % Value of theta at B keypoints
theta_b = reshape(repmat(reshape(theta_E',1,[]),3,1) ...
,[],size(theta_E,1))'; % repeat each entry thrice for pos , vel and acc
% GP-EKF GP parameters
Nalpha = B; % No. of inducing points (equally spaced on [0,2*pi)
l_gp = deg2rad(15); % GP length scale
var_r = 1; % Shape variance
var_f = 1; % Magnitude variance
GPEKF_gamma = 0.001; % Decay constant - forgetting factor
alpha = linspace(0, 2*pi, Nalpha+1); % Inducing points
alpha = alpha(1:Nalpha);
% GP-EKF gradients
% Covariance function and it's derivative w.r.t. x1
GPEKF_k = @(x_1, x_2) k_periodic(x_1, x_2, l_gp, var_f) + var_r;
dk = @(x_1, x_2) dk_periodic(x_1, x_2, l_gp, var_f);
% STGP-EKF GP parameters
var_f = var_f; % Variance amplitude of spatial covariance kernel
p = 2; % Periodicity of the spatial covariance kernel
l_phi = l_gp; % Length scale of spatial covariance kernel
var_r = var_r; % Variance of mean radial extent of spatial covariance kernel
theta0 = [var_f p l_phi var_r]; % Initial / Fix hyperparameters
switch scenario
case 'S1'
sim_p = 1/3; % hyperparameter for simulated data
case 'S2'
sim_p = 1/4; % hyperparameter for simulated data
case 'S3'
sim_p = 1/12; % hyperparameter for simulated data
case 'S4'
sim_p = 1; % hyperparameter for simulated data
case 'S5'
sim_p = 2; % hyperparameter for simulated data
sim_theta0 = [var_f sim_p l_phi var_r]; % Initial / Fix hyperparameters for simulation
% STGP-EKF Kinematics model (CV model)
F_K = [1 Ts 0 0;0 1 0 0;0 0 1 Ts;0 0 0 1]; % Kinematic states transition
q_x = 1^2; % variance of process noise in x
q_y = q_x; % variance of process noise in y
Q_K = [q_x*Ts^3/3 q_x*Ts^2/2 0 0;q_x*Ts^2/2 q_x*Ts 0 0;0 0 q_y*Ts^3/3 ...
q_y*Ts^2/2;0 0 q_y*Ts^2/2 q_y*Ts]; % Process noise covariance
% GP-EKF kinematics
Sv = q_x; % Velocity spectral density
GPEKF_F = gp_model_F(Ts, alpha, GPEKF_gamma);
GPEKF_Q = gp_model_Q(Ts, Sv, alpha, GPEKF_gamma);
% STGP-EKF Extent paramters (Matern + Periodic Spatio-temporal model)
nu = 5/2; % Matern covariance paramter nu
p_e = nu-0.5;
l_t = 2; % Length scale of matern covariance
lambda_t = sqrt(2*nu)/l_t; % Lambda for (temporal) matern covariance
var_t = 1; % Variance in magnitude of temporal covariance
q_t = (2*var_t*sqrt(pi)*lambda_t^(2*p_e+1)*gamma(p_e+1))/(gamma(p_e+0.5));...
% Temporal process noise variance for extent states
% STGP-EKF Extent model matrices
F_i_E = double(subs(F_E_delta));
F_E = kron(eye(B),F_i_E);% Extent states transition
Q_delta = double(subs(Q_E_delta));
C_ee = GetGPCov(ker,theta_b,theta_b,theta0,1,0);
invC_ee = inv(C_ee);
Q_E = q_t*C_ee*kron(eye(B),Q_delta);% Extent model process noise
% STGP-EKF Combined Model
F = [F_K zeros(4,3*B);zeros(3*B,4) F_E]; % State transition matrix
Q = [Q_K zeros(4,3*B);zeros(3*B,4) Q_E]; % Process noise covariance
% Measurement paramters
var_rho = .25^2; % variance in range error
var_th = deg2rad(.25)^2; % variance in angle error
lambda_m = 20; % Mean number of measurements (Poisson Model)
% STGP-EKF Smoother paramteres
l_s = ceil(l_t/Ts); % smoother lag
% Simulated Data Parameters
% %% Model Mismatch paramters
th_v = deg2rad(0:360/No_of_vertices:360-(360/No_of_vertices));
theta_v = reshape(repmat(reshape(th_v',1,[]),3,1) ...
,[],size(th_v,1))'; % repeat each entry thrice for pos , vel and acc
sim_C_ee = GetGPCov(ker,theta_v,theta_v,sim_theta0,1,0);
% Singer Model
var_m = 12;
s_alpha = 1;
at = s_alpha*Ts;
sim_F_i_E =[1 Ts (s_alpha*Ts-1+exp(-at))/s_alpha^2;0 1 (1 - exp(-at))/s_alpha;
0 0 exp(-at)];
q11 = (1-exp(-2*at)+2*at+(2*at^3/3)-2*(at)^2-4*at*exp(-at))/(2*s_alpha^5);
q12 = (exp(-2*at)+1-2*exp(-at)+2*at*exp(-at)-2*at+at^2)/(2*s_alpha^4);
q13 = (1-exp(-2*at)-2*at*exp(-at))/(2*s_alpha^3);
q22 = (4*exp(-at)-3-exp(-2*at)+2*at)/(2*s_alpha^3);
q23 = (exp(-2*at)+1-2*exp(-at))/(2*s_alpha^2);
q33 = (1-exp(-2*at))/(2*s_alpha);
sim_Q_i_E = 2*s_alpha*var_m*[q11 q12 q13;q21 q22 q23;q31 q32 q33];
sim_F_E = kron(eye(No_of_vertices),sim_F_i_E);
sim_Q_E = sim_C_ee*kron(eye(No_of_vertices),sim_Q_i_E);
r0 = 25; % radius at initiation
r_mink = 1; % Minimum radius throughtout sim
x0 = [-45;10;-45;10]; % Initial kinematics state
% STGP-EKF output parameters
B_output = 360; % Output estimate number of basis
theta_o = deg2rad(0:360/B_output:360-(360/B_output));
N_o = size(theta_o,2);
theta_o = reshape(repmat(reshape(theta_o',1,[]),3,1) ...
C_oe = GetGPCov(ker,theta_o,theta_b,theta0,1,0);
% Memory allocation GP-EKF
Nx = 4+Nalpha;
oalpha = B_output;
GPEKF_theta = 0:360/oalpha:360-(360/oalpha);
GPEKF_N_o = size(GPEKF_theta,2);
Kaa = calculate_gp_covariance(alpha,alpha, GPEKF_k);
Kta = calculate_gp_covariance(deg2rad(GPEKF_theta), alpha, GPEKF_k);
r_0 = mvnrnd(kron(r0*ones(No_of_vertices,1),[1;0;0]),sim_Q_E)';
x_0 = [x0;