function c = mefcv2(x,N1,N2,ns,nag)
% mefcv2 - 2D forward mirror-extended curvelet transform
% -----------------
% --
% x is an N1-by-N2 matrix.
% --
% N1, N2 are positive integers.
% --
% ns is the number of levels, including the coarsest level. ns =
% ceil(log2(min(N1,N2)) - 3) is commonly used.
% --
% nag. 2*pi/nag is the size of the spanning angle of each wedge.
% nag is required to be a multiple of 8 and nag = 16 is often used.
% -----------------
% --
% c is a cell array which contains the curvelets coefficients. If
% tp=='ortho', then c{j}{l}(n1,n2) is the coefficient at scale j,
% direction l and spatial index (n1,n2). The directional index l
% iterates through the wedges in the first quadrant. Notice that, for
% the mirror-extended wave atoms, the spatial indices wrap around once.
% -----------------
% Written by Lexing Ying and Laurent Demanet, 2007
%1. dct
fd = dct2(x);
%2. scatter
E1 = ceil(N1/3); E2 = ceil(N2/3); %E1 = 0; E2 = 0;
fd = mescatter(fd,E1);
fd = mescatter(fd',E2)';
A1 = size(fd,1); A2 = size(fd,2);
G1 = 4/3*N1; G2 = 4/3*N2;
c = cell(ns,1);
ttl = 0;
for s=ns:-1:2
%get ring
R1 = 2^(s-ns)*G1;
R2 = 2^(s-ns)*G2;
idx1 = [ceil(-R1):floor(R1)];
[wl,wr] = cvwindow((idx1+R1/1)/(R1/2)); tmpa = wl;
[wl,wr] = cvwindow((idx1-R1/2)/(R1/2)); tmpb = wr;
coef1 = tmpa.*tmpb;
idx2 = [ceil(-R2):floor(R2)];
[wl,wr] = cvwindow((idx2+R2/1)/(R2/2)); tmpa = wl;
[wl,wr] = cvwindow((idx2-R2/2)/(R2/2)); tmpb = wr;
coef2 = tmpa.*tmpb;
lowpass = coef1'*coef2;
idx1 = [ceil(-R1):floor(R1)];
[wl,wr] = cvwindow((idx1+R1/2)/(R1/4)); tmpa = wl;
[wl,wr] = cvwindow((idx1-R1/4)/(R1/4)); tmpb = wr;
coef1 = tmpa.*tmpb;
idx2 = [ceil(-R2):floor(R2)];
[wl,wr] = cvwindow((idx2+R2/2)/(R2/4)); tmpa = wl;
[wl,wr] = cvwindow((idx2-R2/4)/(R2/4)); tmpb = wr;
coef2 = tmpa.*tmpb;
tmppass = coef1'*coef2;
hghpass = sqrt(1-tmppass.^2);
pass = lowpass.*hghpass;
[M1,M2] = size(pass);
fh = zeros(M1,M2);
fh(mod(idx1,M1)+1,mod(idx2,M2)+1) = pass .* fd(mod(idx1,A1)+1,mod(idx2,A2)+1);
%ggg = ggg + norm(fh(:))^2;
nbangles = nag*2^(ceil((s-2)/2));
%c{s} = fcv2_sepangle(R1,R2,fh,nbangles);
[M1,M2] = size(fh);
nd = nbangles/4;
cs = cell(nd,1);
W1 = 2*R1/nd; W2 = 2*R2/nd;
%take only first quadrant
cnt = 1;
for g=nd/2:nd-1
xs = R1/4-(W1/2)/4; xe = R1;
ys = -R2 + (2*g-1)*W2/2; ye = -R2 + (2*g+3)*W2/2;
xn = ceil(xe-xs); yn = ceil(ye-ys);
thts = atan2(-1.0, 1.0-1.0/nd);
thtm = atan2(-1.0+1.0/nd, 1.0);
thte = atan2(-1.0+3.0/nd, 1.0);
thts = atan2(-1.0+(2.0*g-1.0)/nd, 1.0);
thtm = atan2(-1.0+(2.0*g+1.0)/nd, 1.0);
thte = atan2(1.0, 1.0-1.0/nd);
thts = atan2(-1.0+(2.0*g-1.0)/nd, 1.0);
thtm = atan2(-1.0+(2.0*g+1.0)/nd, 1.0);
thte = atan2(-1.0+(2.0*g+3.0)/nd, 1.0);
%fprintf(1,'%d %d %d\n',thts,thtm,thte);
R21 = R2/R1;
wpdata = zeros(xn,yn);
for xcur=ceil(xs):xe
yfm = ceil( max([-R2, R21*xcur*tan(thts)]) );
yto = floor( min([R2, R21*xcur*tan(thte)]) );
ycur = yfm:yto;
thtcur = atan2(ycur/R2,xcur/R1);
[al,ar] = cvwindow((thtcur-thts)/(thtm-thts));
[bl,br] = cvwindow((thtcur-thtm)/(thte-thtm));
pou = al.*br;
wpdata(mod(xcur,xn)+1,mod(ycur,yn)+1) = fh(mod(xcur,M1)+1,mod(ycur,M2)+1) .* pou;
cs{cnt} = ifft2(wpdata) * sqrt(numel(wpdata)); ttl = ttl + norm(cs{cnt}(:))^2;
cnt = cnt+1;
for f=nd-1:-1:nd/2
ys = R2/4-(W2/2)/4; ye = R2;
xs = -R1 + (2*f-1)*W1/2; xe = -R1 + (2*f+3)*W1/2;
xn = ceil(xe-xs); yn = ceil(ye-ys);
phis = atan2(-1.0, 1.0-1.0/nd);
phim = atan2(-1.0+1.0/nd, 1.0);
phie = atan2(-1.0+3.0/nd, 1.0);
phis = atan2(-1.0+(2.0*f-1.0)/nd, 1.0);
phim = atan2(-1.0+(2.0*f+1.0)/nd, 1.0);
phie = atan2(1.0, 1.0-1.0/nd);
phis = atan2(-1.0+(2.0*f-1.0)/nd, 1.0);
phim = atan2(-1.0+(2.0*f+1.0)/nd, 1.0);
phie = atan2(-1.0+(2.0*f+3.0)/nd, 1.0);
%fprintf(1,'%d %d %d\n',phis,phim,phie);
R12 = R1/R2;
wpdata = zeros(xn,yn);
for ycur=ceil(ys):ye
xfm = ceil( max([-R1, R12*ycur*tan(phis)]) );
xto = floor( min([R1, R12*ycur*tan(phie)]) );
xcur = xfm:xto;
phicur = atan2(xcur/R1, ycur/R2);
[al,ar] = cvwindow((phicur-phis)/(phim-phis));
[bl,br] = cvwindow((phicur-phim)/(phie-phim));
pou = al.*br;
wpdata(mod(xcur,xn)+1,mod(ycur,yn)+1) = fh(mod(xcur,M1)+1,mod(ycur,M2)+1) .* pou';
cs{cnt} = ifft2(wpdata) * sqrt(numel(wpdata)); ttl = ttl + norm(cs{cnt}(:))^2;
cnt = cnt+1;
c{s} = cs;
%fprintf(1,'%d %d\n', ttl, ggg/4);
%do the first level
s = 1;
R1 = 2^(s-ns)*G1;
R2 = 2^(s-ns)*G2;
idx1 = [ceil(-R1):floor(R1)];
[wl,wr] = cvwindow((idx1+R1/1)/(R1/2)); tmpa = wl;
[wl,wr] = cvwindow((idx1-R1/2)/(R1/2)); tmpb = wr;
coef1 = tmpa.*tmpb;
idx2 = [ceil(-R2):floor(R2)];
[wl,wr] = cvwindow((idx2+R2/1)/(R2/2)); tmpa = wl;
[wl,wr] = cvwindow((idx2-R2/2)/(R2/2)); tmpb = wr;
coef2 = tmpa.*tmpb;
pass = coef1'*coef2;
[M1,M2] = size(pass);
fh = zeros(M1,M2);
fh(mod(idx1,M1)+1,mod(idx2,M2)+1) = pass .* fd(mod(idx1,A1)+1,mod(idx2,A2)+1); %ggg = ggg + norm(fh(:))^2;
cs = cell(1,1);
K1 = M1+1; K2 = M2+1;
tmp = zeros(K1,K2);
tmp(mod(idx1,K1)+1,mod(idx2,K2)+1) = fh(mod(idx1,M1)+1,mod(idx2,M2)+1);
tmp = mecombine(tmp,0);
tmp = mecombine(tmp',0)';
tmp = tmp/4;
cs{1} = ifft2(tmp) * sqrt(numel(tmp)); ttl = ttl + norm(cs{1}(:))^2;
c{s} = cs;
%fprintf(1,'%d\n', ttl);