#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Exclude rarely-used stuff from Windows headers
//#include <stdio.h>
//#include <tchar.h>
#include <cstdio> // Used for "printf"
#include <string> // Used for C++ strings
#include <iostream> // Used for C++ cout print statements
//#include <cmath> // Used to calculate square-root for statistics
// Include OpenCV libraries
#include <cv.h>
#include <cvaux.h>
#include <cxcore.h>
#include <highgui.h>
#include "ImageUtils.h" // easy image cropping, resizing, rotating, etc
using namespace std;
const int HUE_RANGE = 180; // OpenCV just uses Hues between 0 to 179!
//const int HUE_RANGE = 256; // OpenCV just uses Hues between 0 to 179!
const int WIDTH = 361; // Window size
const int HEIGHT = 306; // "
const int HUE_HEIGHT = 25; // thickness of Hue chart
const int WHEEL_TOP = HUE_HEIGHT + 20; // y position for top of color wheel (= Hue height + gap)
const int WHEEL_BOTTOM = WHEEL_TOP + 255; // y position for bottom of color wheel
const int TILE_LEFT = 280; // Position of small tile showing highlighted color
const int TILE_TOP = 140; // "
const int TILE_W = 60; // "
const int TILE_H = 60; // "
char *windowMain = "HSV Color Wheel. Click a color, or press ESC to quit"; // title of the window
int hue = 90; // This variable is adjusted by the user's trackbar at runtime.
int saturation = 240; // "
int brightness = 200; // "
int mouseX = -1; // Position in the window that a user clicked the mouse button.
int mouseY = -1; // "
void displayColorWheelHSV(void)
IplImage *imageHSV = cvCreateImage(cvSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT), 8, 3);
int h = imageHSV->height; // Pixel height
int w = imageHSV->width; // Pixel width
int rowSize = imageHSV->widthStep; // Size of row in bytes, including extra padding
char *imOfs = imageHSV->imageData; // Pointer to the start of the image HSV pixels.
// Clear the image to grey (Saturation=0)
cvSet(imageHSV, cvScalar(0,0,210, 0));
// Draw the hue chart on the top, at double width.
for (int y=0; y<HUE_HEIGHT; y++) {
for (int x=0; x<HUE_RANGE; x++) {
uchar h = x; // Hue (0 - 179)
uchar s = 255; // max Saturation => most colorful
uchar v = 255; // max Value => brightest color
// Highlight the current value
if ((h == hue-2 || h == hue+2) && (y < HUE_HEIGHT/2)) {
s = 0; // make it white instead of the color
// Set the HSV pixel components
*(uchar*)(imOfs + y*rowSize + (x*2+0)*3 + 0) = h;
*(uchar*)(imOfs + y*rowSize + (x*2+0)*3 + 1) = s;
*(uchar*)(imOfs + y*rowSize + (x*2+0)*3 + 2) = v;
*(uchar*)(imOfs + y*rowSize + (x*2+1)*3 + 0) = h;
*(uchar*)(imOfs + y*rowSize + (x*2+1)*3 + 1) = s;
*(uchar*)(imOfs + y*rowSize + (x*2+1)*3 + 2) = v;
// Draw the color wheel: Saturation on the x-axis and Value (brightness) on the y-axis.
for ( y=0; y<255; y++) {
for (int x=0; x<255; x++) {
uchar h = hue; // Hue (0 - 179)
uchar s = x; // Saturation (0 - 255)
uchar v = (255-y); // Value (Brightness) (0 - 255)
// Highlight the current value
if ((s == saturation-2 || s == saturation-3 || s == saturation+2 || s == saturation+3) && (v == brightness-2 || v == brightness-3 || v == brightness+2 || v == brightness+3)) {
s = 0; // make it white instead of the color
v = 0; // bright white
// Set the HSV pixel components
*(uchar*)(imOfs + (y+WHEEL_TOP)*rowSize + x*3 + 0) = h;
*(uchar*)(imOfs + (y+WHEEL_TOP)*rowSize + x*3 + 1) = s;
*(uchar*)(imOfs + (y+WHEEL_TOP)*rowSize + x*3 + 2) = v;
// Draw a small tile of the highlighted color.
for ( y=0; y<TILE_H; y++) {
for (int x=0; x<TILE_W; x++) {
// Set the HSV pixel components
*(uchar*)(imOfs + (y+TILE_TOP)*rowSize + (x+TILE_LEFT)*3 + 0) = hue;
*(uchar*)(imOfs + (y+TILE_TOP)*rowSize + (x+TILE_LEFT)*3 + 1) = saturation;
*(uchar*)(imOfs + (y+TILE_TOP)*rowSize + (x+TILE_LEFT)*3 + 2) = brightness;
// Convert the HSV image to RGB (BGR) for displaying
IplImage *imageRGB = cvCreateImage(cvSize(imageHSV->width, imageHSV->height), 8, 3);
cvCvtColor(imageHSV, imageRGB, CV_HSV2BGR); // (note that OpenCV stores RGB images in B,G,R order.
// Get the highlighted color's RGB (BGR) values
h = imageRGB->height; // Pixel height
w = imageRGB->width; // Pixel width
rowSize = imageRGB->widthStep; // Size of row in bytes, including extra padding
imOfs = imageRGB->imageData; // Pointer to the start of the image HSV pixels.
uchar R = *(uchar*)(imOfs + (255-brightness + WHEEL_TOP)*rowSize + (saturation)*3 + 2); // Red
uchar G = *(uchar*)(imOfs + (255-brightness + WHEEL_TOP)*rowSize + (saturation)*3 + 1); // Green
uchar B = *(uchar*)(imOfs + (255-brightness + WHEEL_TOP)*rowSize + (saturation)*3 + 0); // Blue
cout << "H:" << hue << ", S:" << saturation << ", V:" << brightness << " -> R:" << (int)R << ", G:" << (int)G << ", B:" << (int)B << endl;
// Display the RGB image
cvShowImage(windowMain, imageRGB);
cvReleaseImage( &imageRGB );
cvReleaseImage( &imageHSV );
// This function is automatically called whenever the user changes the trackbar value.
void hue_trackbarWasChanged(int)
// This function is automatically called whenever the user clicks the mouse in the window.
void mouseEvent( int ievent, int x, int y, int flags, void* param )
// Check if they clicked or dragged a mouse button or not.
if (flags & CV_EVENT_FLAG_LBUTTON) {
mouseX = x;
mouseY = y;
//cout << mouseX << "," << mouseY << endl;
// If they clicked on the Hue chart, select the new hue.
if (mouseY < HUE_HEIGHT) {
if (mouseX/2 < HUE_RANGE) { // Make sure its a valid Hue
hue = mouseX/2;
cvSetTrackbarPos("Hue", windowMain, hue); // update the GUI Trackbar
// Note that "cvSetTrackbarPos()" will implicitly call "displayColorWheelHSV()" for a changed hue.
// If they clicked on the Color wheel, select the new value.
else if (mouseY >= WHEEL_TOP && mouseY <= WHEEL_BOTTOM) {
if (mouseX < 256) { // Make sure its a valid Saturation & Value
saturation = mouseX;
brightness = 255 - (mouseY - WHEEL_TOP);
cvSetTrackbarPos("Saturation", windowMain, saturation); // update the GUI Trackbar
cvSetTrackbarPos("Brightness", windowMain, brightness); // update the GUI Trackbar
// Note that "cvSetTrackbarPos()" will implicitly call "displayColorWheelHSV()" for saturation or brightness.
// C++ entry point
int main(int argc, char **argv)
cout << "HSV Color Wheel, by Shervin Emami (shervin.emami@gmail.com), 6th Nov 2009.\n";
cout << "Click on the top Hue map, or the bottom Color graph to change values.\n";
cout << "Hi the Escape key in the image window to quit.\n";
cout << endl << "Red, Green, Blue values of clicked colors:" << endl;
// Create a GUI window
cvNamedWindow(windowMain, 1);
// Allow the user to change the Hue value upto 179, since OpenCV uses Hues upto 180.
cvCreateTrackbar( "Hue", windowMain, &hue, HUE_RANGE-1, &hue_trackbarWasChanged );
cvCreateTrackbar( "Saturation", windowMain, &saturation, 255, &hue_trackbarWasChanged );
cvCreateTrackbar( "Brightness", windowMain, &brightness, 255, &hue_trackbarWasChanged );
// Allow the user to click on Hue chart to change the hue, or click on the color wheel to see a value.
cvSetMouseCallback( windowMain, &mouseEvent, 0 );
// cvShowImage(windowMain, imageIn);
return 0;