function U = nspca2 (A, k, alpha, beta, breakPercent, U0)
% U = nspca2 (A, k, alpha[, beta[, breakPercent[, U0]]])
% Perform Nonnegative Sparse PCA.
% A - Correlation matrix of data-points that are centered on zero. (d by d matrix)
% k - The desired dimension. (scalar)
% alpha - Weight of orthonormality term. The higher alpha is, the more orthonormal and disjoint the result is. (non-negative scalar)
% beta [Optional, default = 0] - Weight of the Lasso term. The higher beta is, the sparser the result is.
% breakPercent [Optional, default = 0.001] - Break when the improvement to the objective is less than breakPercent percents. (scalar between 0 and 1)
% U0 [Optional, default is random] - An initial guess. (d by k matrix)
% U [Output] - The new k axes as columns. (d by k matrix)
% See also: nspca.m
% Author: Ron Zass,,
% Prepare input:
d = size(A,1);
if (max(max(abs(A - A'))) > 1e-4)
error 'A must be symmetric';
if (alpha <= 0)
error 'alpha has to be positive (and non-zero)';
if (nargin < 4)
beta = 0;
if (nargin < 5)
breakPercent = 0.001;
% Initial guess for U:
if (nargin < 6)
U = rand(d,k);
U = U0;
% Preprocessing:
UU = U .* U;
alphaQuarter = alpha / 4;
Error = -Inf;
% Iterate till convergence:
for l = 1 : 500
maxDelta = -1;
minU = 0;
% Update U elements in a row major raster-scan sequence:
for i = 1 : d
for j = 1 : k
% Find roots:
U(i,j) = 0;
UU(i,j) = 0;
a2 = alpha * (sum(UU(i,:)) + sum(UU(:,j)) - 1) - A(i,i);
a1 = beta + alpha * U(i,:)*U'*U(:,j) - sum(U(:,j) .* A(:,i));
r = roots ([alpha, 0, a2, a1]);
% Choose the non-negative root / zero that minimize the (minus of the) objective:
minU = 0;
minObj = 0;
r2 = r .* r;
r4 = r2 .* r2;
for n = 1 : length(r)
if (isreal(r(n)) && r(n) > 0)
obj = alpha*r4(n) + 2*a2*r2(n) + 4*a1*r(n);
if (obj < minObj)
minObj = obj;
minU = r(n);
% Update U:
U(i,j) = minU;
UU(i,j) = minU * minU;
%test code
%e0 = objective(A,U,alphaQuarter,beta);
%Ut = U;
%Ut(i,j) = U(i,j) + 1e-4;
%e1 = objective(A,Ut,alphaQuarter,beta);
%if (e1 > e0)
% for p = 0 : 1 : 10
% Ut(i,j) = Ut(i,j) + (1e-2 * p);
% e1 = objective(A,Ut,alphaQuarter,beta);
% disp (sprintf ('p=%d, e=%d', p, e1));
% end
% l, i, j
% r
% error ('not a maximum!');
%if (minU > 1e-4)
% Ut(i,j) = U(i,j) - 1e-4;
% e1 = objective(A,Ut,alphaQuarter,beta);
% if (e1 > e0)
% l, i, j
% r
% error ('not a maximum (minus)!');
% end
%end of test code
% Break condition:
LastError = Error;
Error = objective(A,U,alphaQuarter,beta);
if ((Error - LastError) / abs(Error) <= breakPercent)
function o = objective (A, U, alphaQuarter, beta)
% The objective to be maximized
% t1 = trace (U'*A*U);
t1 = 0;
for i = 1 : size(U,2)
t1 = t1 + ( U(:,i)' * A * U(:,i) );
t2 = eye(size(U,2)) - U'*U;
o = (t1/2) - alphaQuarter * sum(sum(t2 .* t2)) - beta * sum(sum(U));