function [R,brdf,scat,shad,w] = goa3D(f,x,y,thd,phd,n1,k1,n2,k2,nfrp,dstrb,br)
% [R,brdf,scat,shad,w] = goa3D(f,x,y,thd,phd,n1,k1,n2,k2,nfrp,dstrb,br)
% calculates the directional-hemispherical reflectance for light
% incident from a medium with complex refractive index n1 + i*k1 on a 2-d
% rough surface f(x,y) with index n2 + i*k2 with the angles of incidence
% thd (polar) and phd (azimuth) (both in degrees) using the
% geometric optics approximation (GOA) with nfrp^2 first reflection points.
% Beam radius is set through br parameter while beam energy distribution is
% controlled via parameter dstrb ('gauss' or 'uni').
% Input: f - surface height
% x - surface point
% y - surface point
% thd - (global) angle of incidence in degrees
% n1 - refractive index of medium 1
% k1 - extinction coefficient of medium 1
% n2 - refractive index of medium 2
% k2 - extinction coefficient of medium 2
% nfrp - number of first reflection points (rays) along square
% side
% dstrb - beam energy distribution (type 'uni' for uniform and 'gauss'
% for gaussian)
% br - beam radius
% Output: R - directional-hemispherical reflectance
% brdf - bidirectional reflection distribution function
% resolved into first, second and higher order scattering
% scat - mean number of scattering events per incident ray
% shad - amount of shadowing (percentage)
% w - percentage of rays removed due to warning signals given
% during the simulation (indication of too few surface
% points)
% Last updated: 2010-09-30 (David Bergstr�m)
format long
nsp = length(x); % number of surface points along edge
% check input
if nfrp > nsp
error('Too many rays! Unable to fit %g rays on surface with %g surface points.',nfrp,nsp);
if br > (x(end) - x(1))
br = x(end) - x(1); % fit beam on surface
% initializations
theta = thd*pi/180; % Polar (zenith) AOI in radians
phi = phd*pi/180; % Azimuth AOI in radians
endpx = length(x); endpy = length(y); % endpoints
brdf = zeros(3,91,360); % multiple scattering resolved brdf (1st order)
totalenergy = 0; % total incident energy on surface
reflectedenergy = 0;
shp = zeros(nsp,nsp); % number of shadowed points
scp = zeros(nsp,nsp); % number of scattering points per incoming ray (for every 1st refl. point)
w = zeros(nsp,nsp); % number of warnings due to invalid AOI
DY = (y(end)-y(1))/length(y); % sample distance
slask = conv2(f(:,:),[1 0 -1],'same')/2/DY;
ddy = zeros(nsp);
ddy(2:end-1,2:end-1) = slask(2:end-1,2:end-1);
DX = (x(end)-x(1))/length(x); % sample distance
slask = conv2(f(:,:),[1 0 -1]','same')/2/DX;
ddx = zeros(nsp);
ddx(2:end-1,2:end-1) = slask(2:end-1,2:end-1);
normals_y = -ddy; normals_x = -ddx; normals_z = ones(nsp,nsp);
norm_of_normal = sqrt(normals_x.^2+normals_y.^2+normals_z.^2); % norm of surface normal
normals_x = normals_x ./ norm_of_normal; %
normals_y = normals_y ./ norm_of_normal; % normalizations
normals_z = normals_z ./ norm_of_normal; %
XX = x; YY = y; ZZ = f; normals_xx = normals_x; normals_yy = normals_y; normals_zz = normals_z;
%%%%% Ray tracing algorithm starts here %%%%%
for nyi = 1:nfrp; % loop over y
ny = round(nsp/nfrp*nyi); % translate index to first reflection point
for nxi = 1:nfrp; % loop over x
nx = round(nsp/nfrp*nxi); % translate index to first reflection point
% reset surface
x = XX; y = YY; f = ZZ; normals_x = normals_xx; normals_y = normals_yy; normals_z = normals_zz;
reflection_point = [x(nx) y(ny) f(nx,ny)];
incomingray = -[sin(theta)*cos(phi) sin(theta)*sin(phi) cos(theta)];
if shadow(x,y,f,nx,ny,theta,phi) == 0 % Test for shadowing
scp(nx,ny) = 1; % scattering event found
w(nx,ny) = 0;
incomingenergy = incidentenergy(incomingray,normals_x,normals_y,normals_z,x,y,ddx,ddy,nx,ny,dstrb,br); % calculation of energy of incident ray
incomingenergy_orig = incomingenergy;
% transform incident ray and energy to scattered ray and energy
[outgoingray,outgoingenergy] = rayscat(incomingray,incomingenergy,normals_x,normals_y,normals_z,nx,ny,n1,k1,n2,k2);
scattered = 0;
if outgoingenergy > incomingenergy
w(nx,ny) = 1;
outgoingenergy = incomingenergy;
outgoingray = incomingray;
scp(nx,ny) = 0;
scattered = 1;
else totalenergy = totalenergy + incomingenergy; % add to total incident energy
if scattered == 0 % not a weird behaving ray
% check if new reflection point is available
[nextreflpoint,oobpoint] = findnewpoint(x,y,f,nx,ny,outgoingray);
if nextreflpoint(1) == 0 && nextreflpoint(2) == 0 % no new relection point found
[scdir_theta, scdir_phi] = scatdir(outgoingray);
if scdir_theta <= pi/2 % definetely scattered
scattered = 1;
else % out-of-bounds
while scattered == 0
if oobpoint(1) == 0 && oobpoint(2) == 0 % ray not out-of-bounds
reflection_point = [x(nextreflpoint(1)) y(nextreflpoint(2)) f(nextreflpoint(1),nextreflpoint(2))];
scp(nx,ny) = scp(nx,ny) + 1; % new scattering event found
incomingenergy = outgoingenergy; incomingray = outgoingray;
% transform incident ray and energy to scattered ray and
% energy
[outgoingray,outgoingenergy] = rayscat(incomingray,incomingenergy,normals_x,normals_y,normals_z,nextreflpoint(1),nextreflpoint(2),n1,k1,n2,k2);
% error for grazing incident rays (decrease error by increasing number of
% surface points)
if outgoingenergy > incomingenergy
w(nx,ny) = 1;
outgoingenergy = incomingenergy;
outgoingray = incomingray;
scp(nx,ny) = 0;
totalenergy = totalenergy - incomingenergy_orig;
scattered = 1;
% check if new reflection point is available
[np,oobpoint] = findnewpoint(x,y,f,nextreflpoint(1),nextreflpoint(2),outgoingray);
%bo(rp) = bo(rp) + 1;
switch oobpoint(1)
case endpx
switch oobpoint(2)
case 1 % +x -y
% mirrored surface for beams out-of-bounds to lower right and upper left
[np,oobpoint,ro] = findmirrorpoint(x,y,rot90(f.',2),oobpoint(1),oobpoint(2),outgoingray,8,reflection_point);
% new surface
f = rot90(f.',2); normals_x = -rot90(normals_x.',2); normals_y = -rot90(normals_y.',2); normals_z = rot90(normals_z.',2);
case endpy % +x +y
% mirro