3. In the selected or copied example folder, run PropCode1, which will ini-
tiate a GUI-driven le selection utility.
Selection of the appropriate
Setup*.mat le will initiate execution of PropCode1 using inputs from the
selected Setup*.mat le. Screen output will indicate the code progress.
The main code outputs include a *.mat le and binary data les. Each
output le contains the setup time stamp, which facilitates management of
the input and output associated with multiple runs in the same directory
4. Run the display codes initiated in scripts with book Figure numbers to
generate the book gures.
The co des have b e en designed for exploration, not general purpose execution.
Parameter changes require editing the setup utilities, which are provided as
templates. No checks are made for sample or data space-size adequacy.
2 Example Descriptions
Execution of the specic examples and the graphic outputs that will be gener-
ated are described below. First transfer the MATLAB active directory to
nPropCode1 Examples
and execute SetPath4PropCode1 to place the PropCode1 codes and utilities on
the MATLAB path. Note that when keyboard input is requested a carriage
return will select the appropriate input for the example.
2.1 Beam Propagation
To generate the beam propagation example transfer the active MATLAB direc-
tory to
Next run the script SetupPropCodeFigBeamProp. Next Run PropCode1. To
display the output run MakeFig21. The output, Figure 2.1, is a color-coded in-
tensity map of the output normalized to unity intensity (0 dB) on the beam axis
(book Figure 2.1). Figure 2.1 shows the same display with no normalization.
Because forward energy is conserved, the on-axis intensity must decrease to
maintain constant total intensity. Note the much larger dynamic range needed
to display the eld in real intensity units.
Executing the script MakeFig22 will produce gure 2.1 (book Figure 2.2),
which is an overlay of the incident eld at 153.2 km (red) on the exact far-eld
eld c omputed with the DFT of the incident eld (blue). As discussed in Chap-
ter 2.2, the disparities are computation-grid edge eects. The central portion
of the beam, which is usually the region of primary interest, is unaected.
The GUI lists all the *.mat les in its current directory, which may not be the desired
example di recto ry. It is up to the user to select the appropiate Setup*.mat le generated in
step 1.