TNTFileSecurity component for Delphi 4 (version 1.0)
Copyright (c) 1999 by David A. Bussey
Version Info
- Initial release.
There are still a few things that can be improved. If you have any suggestions for improvements please let me know your ideas. If they are possible, I will try and include them in later versions.
(you can reach me at
TNTFileSecurity is FREEWARE. It is supplied as is, without warranty of any kind. Use it at your own risk. Any components derived from TNTFileSecurity must also be FREEWARE. You may use TNTFileSecurity in both private and commercial applications without any fees or royalties. No person/persons may redistribute TNTFileSecurity as their own or for any profit whatsoever. If you redistribute TNTFileSecurity you must supply the files in their original un-altered states.
TNTFileSecurity is designed to run in the Windows NT operating system. The necessary funtions will not work under Windows 95/98 however, software using TNTFileSecurity can be designed in these operating environments and should work correctly when installed on a Windows NT machine.
TNTFileSecurity was designed with Delphi 4(sp2) running under WindowsNT 4.0(sp4).
These are the most common error codes that can occur, and their most likely causes (They are returned by the OnGetSecurity and OnSetSecurity events):
ERROR_ACL_NOT_SUPPORTED : "The file system does not support Access Control Lists."
The drive or partition in question does not support Access
Control Lists and specific access rights cannot be read or
set by inherent Windows NT methods.
ERROR_CALL_NOT_IMPLEMENTED : "This function is only valid in Win32 mode."
This error occurs when you are not running in the Windows NT
operating environment.
ERROR_NO_SECURITY_INFO : "The object has no security information."
The requested file or directory has an empty Access Control List.
No access rights are specified for any user, group or system account.
ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND : "The system cannot find the file specified."
The file or directory specified in TNTFileSecurity.FileName cannot be
ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED : "Access is denied."
Just like it says...
If, by some odd chance, you get this error code...
ERROR_INVALID_NAME : "The filename, directory name, or volume label
syntax is incorrect."
This error will occur when attempting to read file security
when TNTFileSecurity.FileName is an empty string. You should
not get this error, but just in case...
The following are notes on the public properties and methods:
{I did not go into great detail because I don't like writting docs. The demo application supplied shows the basics of using TNTFileSecurity and has some comments too...}
{You can tell I don't like writting docs bcause this file is in the exact same format as my "docs" for TRASControl ;-) Ya gotta love Copy-n-Paste/Find-n-Replace!}
TFileAccess = (faRead, They should be self explanitory.
TAccessSet = set of TFileAccess;
{ Public declarations }
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
Creates the component. {Pretty straight-forward huh?}
destructor Destroy; override;
Destroys the component. {Again, pretty straight-forward.}
function GetMessageString(ErrorCode, Location: DWORD): string;
This function is used to retrieve a human readable message
describing an error returned in the OnGetSecurity or
OnSetSecurity events.
function AddEntry(ServerName, Name: string): Integer;
This function adds an account to the list of security
information about the file/directory. The actual
information is not changed until you call SetSecurity
and a call to RefreshSecurity will clear the pending
addition. AddEntry returns the index of the account.
procedure RemoveEntry(Index: integer);
This procedure removes an account from the list of security
information about the file/directory. The actual
information is not changed until you call SetSecurity
and a call to RefreshSecurity will undo the removal.
procedure RefreshSecurity;
This procedure re-reads the security information from
the file/directory. It fires the OnGetSecurity event.
procedure SetSecurity;
This procedure modifies the security information of
the file/directory. It fires the OnSetSecurity event.
procedure ClearAll(Index: integer);
This procedure clears the entry's access denied and access
allowed rights effectively removing the entry. (Entries with
blank properties will not be added to the file/directory.)
The actual information is not changed until you call SetSecurity
and a call to RefreshSecurity will reload the actual access rights.
procedure GrantAll(Index: integer);
This procedure clears the entry's access denied rights and
sets the access allowed rights to Full Access. The actual
information is not changed until you call SetSecurity and a
call to RefreshSecurity will reload the actual access rights.
procedure DenyAll(Index: integer);
This procedure clears the entry's access allowed rights and
sets the access denied rights to Full Access. The actual
information is not changed until you call SetSecurity and a
call to RefreshSecurity will reload the actual access rights.
property DeniedDirectoryRights[Index: integer] : TAccessSet
property DeniedFileRights[Index: integer] : TAccessSet
A TAccessSet, allowing you to set specific denied rights.
sets and set unions must be enclosed in brackets...
[faRead] + [faWrite] = [faRead, faWrite] {Read/Write Access}
faRead + faWrite = faExecute {Execute Rights}
{Ord = 1 Ord = 2 Ord = 3}
[faRead] + faWrite = Exception: Incompatible types
property FileName : string
Setting this property will load the security information
about the file/directory automatically, firing the
OnGetSecurity event.
property HostName: string [READ_ONLY]
The name of the file/directory's host machine.
property VolumeName: string [READ_ONLY]
The volume name where the file/directory resides.
property FileSystemName: string [READ_ONLY]
The file system of the drive where the file/directory resides.
property LocalMachine: string [READ_ONLY]
The name of the computer running the application.
property VolumeSerialNumber: DWORD [READ_ONLY]
The volume serial number where the file/directory resides.
property Entries : TStrings [READ_ONLY]
A simple list of the security information entries. Can be
used to quickly fill a ListBox with account names.
i.e. ListBox1.Items.Assign(FileSecurity1.Entries);
property EntryCount : Integer [READ_ONLY]
The number of security entries the file/directory has.
property EntryName [Index: integer] : string [READ_ONLY]
The account name of the specified entry.
property ServerName[Index: integer] : string [READ_ONLY]
The location the specified account originated.
property EntryType [Index: integer] : SecurityEntry [READ_ONLY]
The type of the specified account.
Possible values: