// file name: macros.h
// - macros available within a sensor node are defined here
* @name Node ID
* @ingroup group_macros
/**- macro that returns a node's ID (value ranges from 0 to NNODES-1)
* @hideinitializer
#define ID (int)parentModule()->index()
* @name Graphics Related Macros
* @ingroup group_macros
/**- macro that returns the color of a node (int value)
*- the value actually used is COLOR%MAXCOLOR
* @hideinitializer
#define COLOR (int)(parentModule()->par("COLOR"))
/**- macro that returns the number of the graphical symbol used to display a node (int value)
*- the value actually used is KIND%MAXKIND
* @hideinitializer
#define KIND (int)(parentModule()->par("KIND"))
// problems with using blackboard for the general parameters:
//#define COLOR *(int*)((blackboard*)this->parentModule()->submodule("sm_blackboard"))->lookupParam("gv_color")
//#define KIND *(int*)((blackboard*)this->parentModule()->submodule("sm_blackboard"))->lookupParam("gv_kind")
/**- macro that updates the color of a node
*- the value actually used is COLOR%MAXCOLOR
* @hideinitializer
#define UPDATECOLOR(color) {\
parentModule()->par("COLOR") = color; \
char tempstring[30]; \
sprintf(tempstring,"p=%d,%d,exact;i=snode_%d_%d",PX+MX,PY+MY,COLOR % MAXCOLOR,KIND % MAXKIND); \
parentModule()->setDisplayString(tempstring); }
/**- macro that updates the kind of a node
*- the value actually used is KIND%MAXKIND
* @hideinitializer
#define UPDATEKIND(kind) {\
parentModule()->par("KIND") = kind; \
char tempstring[30]; \
sprintf(tempstring,"p=%d,%d,exact;i=snode_%d_%d",PX+MX,PY+MY,COLOR % MAXCOLOR,kind % MAXKIND); \
parentModule()->setDisplayString(tempstring); }
/**- macro that updates both the color and the kind of a node
*- values actually used are: COLOR%MAXCOLOR, KIND%MAXKIND
* @hideinitializer
#define UPDATEGRAPHICS(color,kind) {\
parentModule()->par("COLOR") = color; \
parentModule()->par("KIND") = kind; \
char tempstring[30]; \
sprintf(tempstring,"p=%d,%d,exact;i=snode_%d_%d",PX+MX,PY+MY,COLOR % MAXCOLOR,KIND % MAXKIND); \
parentModule()->setDisplayString(tempstring); }
/**- macro that refreshes the image and position of a node
*- slow execution speed
* @hideinitializer
char tempstring[30]; \
sprintf(tempstring,"p=%d,%d,exact;i=snode_%d_%d",PX+MX,PY+MY,COLOR % MAXCOLOR,KIND % MAXKIND); \
parentModule()->setDisplayString(tempstring); }
* @name Current Node Position
* @ingroup group_macros
/**- current X position
* @hideinitializer
#define PX (int)parentModule()->par("PX")
/**- current Y position
* @hideinitializer
#define PY (int)parentModule()->par("PY")
* @name Signal Strength
* @ingroup group_macros
/**- macro that returns the current signal strength of a node
* @hideinitializer
#define SSTRENGTH (int)(parentModule()->par("sstrength"))
/**- macro that updates the signal strength of a node
*- it produces re-computations of the current node's neighbors
*- expect slow execution when using it often
* @hideinitializer
#define UPDATESSTRENGTH(sstrength) {\
* @name Energy Related Macros
* @ingroup group_macros
/**- macro that returns the current energy of a node
*- it uses the blackboard, so do not use it in the initialize() function!
* @hideinitializer
#define NRJ *(double *)lookup("gv_energy")
/**- macro that returns the consumed energy of a node until the present time
*- it uses the blackboard, so do not use it in the initialize() function!
* @hideinitializer
#define NRJ_CONSUMED *(double *)lookup("gv_energyconsumed")
/**- macro that substracts an amount of consumed energy
*- it uses the blackboard, so do not use it in the initialize() function!
* @hideinitializer
#define NRJ_CONSUME(nrj) {\
double energy = 0.0,energyconsumed = 0.0; \
if (lookup("gv_energy")!=NULL) \
energy = NRJ; \
if (lookup("gv_energyconsumed")!=NULL) \
energyconsumed = NRJ_CONSUMED; \
publish("gv_energy",energy-nrj); \
publish("gv_energyconsumed",energyconsumed+nrj); }
/**- macro that adds an amount of consumed energy
*- it uses the blackboard, so do not use it in the initialize() function!
* @hideinitializer
#define NRJ_ADD(nrj) {publish("gv_energy",NRJ+nrj);}
/**- macro that gives a simple estimation of the remaining life time
*- feel free to implement it as a more complex function inside the energy module
*- it uses the blackboard, so do not use it in the initialize() function!
* @hideinitializer
#define NRJ_LIFETIME (simtime_t)(simTime() * NRJ / NRJ_CONSUMED)