function exportfig(varargin)
%EXPORTFIG Export a figure to Encapsulated Postscript.
% EXPORTFIG(H, FILENAME) writes the figure H to FILENAME. H is
% a figure handle and FILENAME is a string that specifies the
% name of the output file.
% EXPORTFIG(...,PARAM1,VAL1,PARAM2,VAL2,...) specifies
% parameters that control various characteristics of the output
% file.
% Format Paramter:
% 'Format' one of the strings 'eps','eps2','jpeg','png','preview'
% specifies the output format. Defaults to 'eps'.
% The output format 'preview' does not generate an output
% file but instead creates a new figure window with a
% preview of the exported figure. In this case the
% FILENAME parameter is ignored.
% 'Preview' one of the strings 'none', 'tiff'
% specifies a preview for EPS files. Defaults to 'none'.
% Size Parameters:
% 'Width' a positive scalar
% specifies the width in the figure's PaperUnits
% 'Height' a positive scalar
% specifies the height in the figure's PaperUnits
% Specifying only one dimension sets the other dimension
% so that the exported aspect ratio is the same as the
% figure's current aspect ratio.
% If neither dimension is specified the size defaults to
% the width and height from the figure's PaperPosition.
% Rendering Parameters:
% 'Color' one of the strings 'bw', 'gray', 'cmyk'
% 'bw' specifies that lines and text are exported in
% black and all other objects in grayscale
% 'gray' specifies that all objects are exported in grayscale
% 'cmyk' specifies that all objects are exported in color
% using the CMYK color space
% 'Renderer' one of the strings 'painters', 'zbuffer', 'opengl'
% specifies the renderer to use
% 'Resolution' a positive scalar
% specifies the resolution in dots-per-inch.
% The default color setting is 'bw'.
% Font Parameters:
% 'FontMode' one of the strings 'scaled', 'fixed'
% 'FontSize' a positive scalar
% in 'scaled' mode multiplies with the font size of each
% text object to obtain the exported font size
% in 'fixed' mode specifies the font size of all text
% objects in points
% 'FontEncoding' one of the strings 'latin1', 'adobe'
% specifies the character encoding of the font
% If FontMode is 'scaled' but FontSize is not specified then a
% scaling factor is computed from the ratio of the size of the
% exported figure to the size of the actual figure. The minimum
% font size allowed after scaling is 5 points.
% If FontMode is 'fixed' but FontSize is not specified then the
% exported font sizes of all text objects is 7 points.
% The default 'FontMode' setting is 'scaled'.
% Line Width Parameters:
% 'LineMode' one of the strings 'scaled', 'fixed'
% 'LineWidth' a positive scalar
% the semantics of LineMode and LineWidth are exactly the
% same as FontMode and FontSize, except that they apply
% to line widths instead of font sizes. The minumum line
% width allowed after scaling is 0.5 points.
% If LineMode is 'fixed' but LineWidth is not specified
% then the exported line width of all line objects is 1
% point.
% Examples:
% exportfig(gcf,'fig1.eps','height',3);
% Exports the current figure to the file named 'fig1.eps' with
% a height of 3 inches (assuming the figure's PaperUnits is
% inches) and an aspect ratio the same as the figure's aspect
% ratio on screen.
% exportfig(gcf, 'fig2.eps', 'FontMode', 'fixed',...
% 'FontSize', 10, 'color', 'cmyk' );
% Exports the current figure to 'fig2.eps' in color with all
% text in 10 point fonts. The size of the exported figure is
% the figure's PaperPostion width and height.
if (nargin < 2)
error('Too few input arguments');
% exportfig(H, filename, ...)
H = varargin{1};
if ~ishandle(H) | ~strcmp(get(H,'type'), 'figure')
error('First argument must be a handle to a figure.');
filename = varargin{2};
if ~ischar(filename)
error('Second argument must be a string.');
paramPairs = varargin(3:end);
% Do some validity checking on param-value pairs
if (rem(length(paramPairs),2) ~= 0)
error(['Invalid input syntax. Optional parameters and values' ...
' must be in pairs.']);
format = 'eps';
preview = 'none';
width = -1;
height = -1;
color = 'bw';
fontsize = -1;
linewidth = -1;
fontencoding = 'latin1';
renderer = [];
resolution = [];
% Process param-value pairs
args = {};
for k = 1:2:length(paramPairs)
param = lower(paramPairs{k});
if (~ischar(param))
error('Optional parameter names must be strings');
value = paramPairs{k+1};
switch (param)
case 'format'
format = value;
if (~strcmp(format,{'eps','eps2','jpeg','png','preview'}))
error(['Format must be ''eps'', ''eps2'', ''jpeg'', ''png'' or' ...
' ''preview''.']);
case 'preview'
preview = value;
if (~strcmp(preview,{'none','tiff'}))
error('Preview must be ''none'' or ''tiff''.');
case 'width'
width = LocalToNum(value);
error('Width must be a numeric scalar > 0');
case 'height'
height = LocalToNum(value);
error('Height must be a numeric scalar > 0');
case 'color'
color = lower(value);
if (~strcmp(color,{'bw','gray','cmyk'}))
error('Color must be ''bw'', ''gray'' or ''cmyk''.');
case 'fontmode'
fontmode = lower(value);
if (~strcmp(fontmode,{'scaled','fixed'}))
error('FontMode must be ''scaled'' or ''fixed''.');
case 'fontsize'
fontsize = LocalToNum(value);
error('FontSize must be a numeric scalar > 0');
case 'fontencoding'
fontencoding = lower(value);
if (~strcmp(fontencoding,{'latin1','adobe'}))
error('FontEncoding must be ''latin1'' or ''adobe''.');
case 'linemode'
linemode = lower(value);
if (~strcmp(linemode,{'scaled','fixed'}))
error('LineMode must be ''scaled'' or ''fixed''.');
case 'linewidth'
linewidth = LocalToNum(value);
error('LineWidth must be a numeric scalar > 0');
case 'renderer'
renderer = lower(value);
if (~strcmp(renderer,{'painters','zbuffer','opengl'}))
error('Renderer must be ''painters'', ''zbuffer'' or ''opengl''.');
case 'resolution'
resolution = LocalToNum(value);
if ~(isnumeric(value) & (prod(size(value)) == 1) & (value >= 0));
error('Resolution must be a numeric scalar >= 0');
error(['Unrecognized option ' param '.']);
allLines = findall(H, 'type', 'line');
allText = findall(H, 'type', 'text');
allAxes = findall(H, 'type', 'axes');
allImages = findall(H, 'type', 'image');
allLights = findall(H, 'type', 'light');
allPatch = findall(H, 'type', 'patch');
allSurf = findall(H, 'type', 'surface');
allRect = findall(H, 'type', 'rectangle');
allFont = [allText; allAxes];
allColor = [allLines; allText; allAxes; allLights];
allMarker = [allLines; allPatch; allSurf];
allEdge = [allPatch; allSurf];
allCData = [allImages; allPatch; allSurf];
old.objs = {};
old.prop = {};
old.values = {};
% Process format and preview parameter
showPreview = strcmp(format,'preview');
if showPreview
format = 'png';
filename = [tempName '.png'];
if strn