// B树的结点
class BTNode
static int nodes = 1; // 计输出的节点数
int m; // B树的阶
int keynum; // 结点中关键字个数
BTNode parent; // 指向双亲结点的指针
int[] key; // 关键字,0号单元不用
BTNode[] ptr; // 指向子树的指针
public BTNode(int j)
m = j;
keynum = 0;
parent = null;
key = new int[m+1];
ptr = new BTNode[m+1];
public BTNode(int m, int keynum, BTNode parent, int[] key, BTNode[] ptr)
this.m = m;
this.keynum = keynum;
this.parent = parent;
this.key = key;
this.ptr = ptr;
// 将p分裂为两个节点,返回新节点和需提升的关键字
public SplitResult split()
int k = 0;
//System.out.println("This is the split");
BTNode child1 = new BTNode(this.m);
BTNode child2 = new BTNode(this.m);
BTNode parent1;
if (this.parent == null)
parent1 = new BTNode(this.m);
parent1 = this.parent;
child1.keynum = this.keynum/2;
child2.keynum = this.keynum/2;
if (this.parent == null)
{//System.out.println("This.parent is null");
parent1.keynum = 1;
parent1.keynum = this.parent.keynum + 1;
child1.parent = parent1;
child2.parent = parent1;
if ( this.parent == null || this.parent.parent == null)
parent1.parent = null;
parent1.parent = this.parent.parent;
for (int i=1; i <= this.keynum ;i++ )
System.out.println("This is the value3: "+this.key[i]+" :"+i);
System.out.println("This is the keynum: "+this.keynum);
for (int i = 1; i <= this.keynum/2 ; i++ )
child1.key[i] = this.key[i];
System.out.println("This is the child1 value: "+child1.key[i]);
for (int i = 1; i <= this.keynum/2 ; i++ )
child2.key[i] = this.key[i + (this.keynum+1)/2];
System.out.println("This is the child2 value: "+child2.key[i]+": "+i+" "+(this.keynum+1)/2);
if (this.parent == null)
System.out.println("This.keynum: "+this.keynum);
parent1.key[1] = this.key[(this.keynum+1)/2];//this.key.length/2
for (int i = 1; i <= this.parent.keynum; i++ )
int b = this.key[this.key.length/2];
int a = this.parent.key[i];
int c = this.parent.key[i+1];
if (a <= b && b < c)
k = i;
parent1.key[i] = b;
else if (a <= b && c <= b)
parent1.key[i] = this.parent.key[i];
else if (a >= b && c > b)
parent1.key[i + 1] = this.parent.key[i];
if (this.parent == null)
parent1.ptr[0] = child1;
parent1.ptr[1] = child2;
parent1.ptr[k] = child1;
parent1.ptr[k + 1] = child2;
for (int i = 0; i <= this.parent.ptr.length; i++ )
if (i < k)
parent1.ptr[i] = this.parent.ptr[i];
else if (i > k+1)
parent1.ptr[i] = this.parent.ptr[i - 1];
if (this.ptr != null)
//System.out.println("This is the ptr.length: " + this.ptr.length);
for (int i = 0; i < this.ptr.length/2 ; i++ )
child1.ptr[i] = this.ptr[i];
for (int i = 0; i < this.ptr.length/2 ; i++ )
child2.ptr[i] = this.ptr[i + this.ptr.length/2];
child1.ptr = null;
child2.ptr = null;
//if (parent1.key.length > m)
//return parent1.split();
System.out.println("This is the parent1: "+parent1.key[1]+": "+parent1.keynum);
return new SplitResult(parent1, this.key[this.key.length/2]);
// 遍历该节点及其子节点
public void visit()
System.out.print("Node" + BTNode.nodes + ": ");
for(int i = 1; i <= keynum; i++)
System.out.print(key[i] + " ");
for(int i = 0; i <= keynum; i++)
if(ptr[i] != null)
// 查找结果的包装类
class SearchResult
BTNode pos; // 指向找到的结点
int i; // 在结点中的关键字序号
boolean status; // 查找成功与否
public SearchResult(BTNode pos, int i, boolean status)
this.pos = pos;
this.i = i;
this.status= status;
// 分裂结果的包装类
class SplitResult
BTNode newNode; // 指向新节点
int promote; // 需提升的关键字
public SplitResult(BTNode newNode, int promote)
this.newNode = newNode;
this.promote = promote;
System.out.println("This is the SplitResult: "+newNode.key[1]);
// B树的实现
class BTree
BTNode root; // B树的根节点
public BTree(BTNode t)
root = t;
// 在node.key[1...keynum]中查找val,
// node.key[i] <= val < node.key[i+1]
private int searchVal(BTNode node, int val)
boolean found = false;
int k = 1;
//System.out.println("This is the keynum: " + node.keynum);
if (node != null && !found)
for (int i = 0; i <= node.keynum; i++)
if (node.key[i] == val)
k = i;
found = true;
//System.out.println("this is the node length: " + node.key.length);
if (found == false && node.key[i] <= val)
k = i;
//System.out.println("This is the position0: " + k);
return k;// your implementation
// 从根节点开始查找关键字val,结果被包装成
// 一个SearchResult对象
public SearchResult search(int val)
BTNode p = root;
BTNode q = null;
int k = 0;
boolean found = false;
while (p != null && !found)
{ //System.out.println("Wang!");
k = this.searchVal(p, val);
q = p;
if ( p.key[k] == val)
found = true;
p = p.ptr[k];
//System.out.println("This is the position: " + k);
return new SearchResult(q, k, found);
// 将val和child分别插入到node.key[pos+1]和node.ptr[pos+1]
private void insertVal(BTNode node, int pos, int val, BTNode child)
int p;
System.out.println("This is the keynum: "+node.keynum);
System.out.println("This is the pos: "+pos);
System.out.println("This is the value: "+val);
for (int i = node.keynum; i > pos; i--)
node.key[i + 1] = node.key[i];
node.key[pos + 1] = val;
for (int i = node.keynum; i > pos; i--)
node.ptr[i+1] = node.ptr[i];
node.ptr[pos + 1] = child;
node.keynum = node.keynum + 1;
// 在B树的结点q的key[i]与key[i+1]之间插入
// 关键字val。若引起结点过大,则沿双亲链进行
// 必要的结点分裂调整,使原B树仍符合定义。
public void insert(int val, BTNode q, int i)
BTNode child = null;
//System.out.println("This is the q: "+q.keynum);
if ( (q.keynum + 1) < q.m)
{ System.out.println("wang");
this.insertVal(q, i, val, child);
else if ((q.keynum + 1) == q.m)
this.insertVal(q, i, val, child);
SplitResult f = q.split();
q = f.newNode;
System.out.println("This is the Jona: "+q.key[i]);
// 在B树中插入关键字val
public void insert(int val)
SearchResult sr = search(val);
insert(val, sr.pos, sr.i);
// 深度遍历
public void visit()
if(root != null)
/** 深度遍历
=====B-Tree Implementation=====
Node1: 18 33
Node1: 18
Node2: 12
Node3: 23 33
Node1: 18 30
Node2: 12
Node3: 23
Node4: 33 48
Node1: 18
Node2: 12
Node3: 10
Node4: 15
Node5: 30
Node6: 20 23
Node7: 33 48
Node1: 18 30
Node2: 12
Node3: 10
Node4: 15
Node5: 21
Node6: 20
Node7: 23 24
Node8: 33
Node9: 31
Node10: 48
Node1: 18 30
Node2: 12
Node3: 10