% a single channel feed-forward active noise control system based on
% On-line secondary path modellingthe FxLMS alogrithms
% You can find many information about this simulation in "Use of random
% noise for online transducer estimate in an adaptive attenuation system "
% written by L,J Eriksson and M.A Allie in 1989.
% Developed by BoZhong <bozhong316@163.com>
% Data: 2012.11.1
% Harbin, China
% ----------------------Let's start the code ------------------------------
clear all;
close all;
DataLong= 50000;
% We do not know P(z) and S(z) in reality. So we have to make dummy paths
Tap_Pw = 10; % the number of Primary path filter tap
Tap_Sw = 5; % the number of Secondary path filter tap
Pw=[0.05 -0.001 0.001 0.8 0.6 -0.2 -0.5 -0.1 0.4 -0.05]; % Primary path filter weight vector
Sw=[0.05 -0.01 0.95 0.01 -0.9]; % Secondary path filter weight vector;
%----------------online secondary path modelling par-----------------------
Tap_ancc = 64; %(Tap_ancc >= Tap_spc in this program) the number of anc controler filter tap
size_step_ancc = 0.002; % anc controler size step
X_noise=randn(1,DataLong); % control noise
Tap_spc = 64; % the number of secondary path modeling controler filter tap
size_step_spc = 0.0002; % secondary path modeling controler size step
V_iden = sqrt(0.01)*randn(1,DataLong); % Secondary path need online modelling. So, we can generate a white noise signal to online model sp,Generate values from a normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 0.01;
%----------------------------reality physics use--------------------------
ANCCx=zeros(1,Tap_ancc); % the state of ANCC(z)
ANCCw=zeros(1,Tap_ancc); % the weight of ANCC(z)
ActualSPx=zeros(Tap_Sw); % the dummy state for the secondary path
ActualSP_Fx=zeros(1,Tap_Sw); % the state of the filtered x(k)
% --------------------------Fxlms alogrithm use---------------------------
Shx=zeros(1,Tap_spc); % the state of Sh(z)
Shw=zeros(1,Tap_spc); % the weight of Sh(z) s is weight of secondary path
Sh_FilterVector=zeros(1,Tap_ancc); % the state of the filtered x(k)
% ------------------secondary path identification use----------------------
SPCv=zeros(1,Tap_spc); % the state of SPC(z)
SPCw=zeros(1,Tap_spc); % the weight of SPC(z)
e_cont=zeros(1,DataLong); % data buffer for the anc controler control error
e_sp = zeros(1,DataLong); % data buffer for secondary path modelling error
Yp = filter(Pw, 1, X_noise); % and measure the arriving noise at the sensor position
while epoch < DataLong
%-----------------------calculate anc controler signal---------------
ANCCx = [X_noise(epoch) ANCCx(1:(Tap_ancc-1))]; % update the anc controller state
ANCCy = sum(ANCCx.*ANCCw); % calculate the ANC controller output
%bb = [V_iden(epoch) bb(1:(Tap_Sw-1))];
%bv = sum(bb.*Sw);
MixValue = ANCCy - V_iden(epoch); % secondary loudspeaker output
ActualSPx = [MixValue ActualSPx(1:(Tap_Sw-1))];
e_cont(epoch) = Yp(epoch)-sum(ActualSPx.*Sw);%+ bv; % mix signal propagate to secondary path
%---------------calculate anc controller filter vector----------------
Shx=[X_noise(epoch) Shx(1:(Tap_spc-1))]; % update the state of Sh(z)
Sh_FilterVector=[sum(Shx.*Shw) Sh_FilterVector(1:(Tap_ancc-1))]; % calculate the filtered x(k)
%----------------calculate secondary path model error signal---------
SPCv = [V_iden(epoch) SPCv(1:(Tap_spc-1))]; % update the secondary path identifiy control state
SPCy = sum(SPCv.*SPCw); % sencondary path filter output
e_sp(epoch)=e_cont(epoch)-SPCy; % calculate secondary path modeling error
%--------------------------weight updata------------------------------
ANCCw = ANCCw + size_step_ancc*e_cont(epoch)*Sh_FilterVector; % adjust the anc controller weight
SPCw = SPCw + size_step_spc*e_sp(epoch)*SPCv; % adjust the secondary path filter weight
Shw = SPCw;
% Lets check the result
hold on
stem(Shw, 'r*')
xlabel('Numbering of filter tap');
legend('Coefficients of S(z)', 'Coefficients of Sh(z)');
plot([1:DataLong], e_cont);
xlabel('Discrete time k');
legend('Noise residue');
plot([1:DataLong], Yp);
hold on ;
plot([1:DataLong], Yp-e_cont, 'r');
xlabel('Discrete time k');
legend('Noise signal', 'Control signal');