# PcscDotNet
.NET standard library for accessing *PC/SC* (*Personal Computer/Smart Card*) functions.
> This library provides the generic way for accessing *PC/SC* functions, you can write your specific provider with [`IPcscProvider`][] interface implementation.
## Projects
- [src/PcscDotNet](src/PcscDotNet)
> *PcscDotNet* library.
- [tests/PcscDotNet.ConsoleTests](tests/PcscDotNet.ConsoleTests)
> Console tests.
## Introduction
The implementations of *PC/SC* enumerations and structures and the declarations of *PC/SC* methods, both are referenced from *Windows Kit*, *MSDN* and *pcsc-lite*.
The main interfaces/classes:
- [`IPcscProvider`][] Interface
- [`Pcsc`][] Class
- [`Pcsc<TIPcscProvider>`][] Class
- [`WinSCard`][] Class
[`IPcscProvider`]: #ipcscprovider-interface
[`Pcsc`]: #pcsc-class
[`Pcsc<TIPcscProvider>`]: #pcsctipcscprovider-class
[`WinSCard`]: #winscard-class
### [IPcscProvider Interface](src/PcscDotNet/IPcscProvider.cs "Go to Source")
This interface declares the members that need to be implemented for accessing *PC/SC* functions.
These are the methods declared with the same name of *PC/SC* functions currently:
- `SCardBeginTransaction`
- `SCardCancel`
- `SCardConnect`
- `SCardControl`
- `SCardDisconnect`
- `SCardEndTransaction`
- `SCardEstablishContext`
- `SCardFreeMemory`
- `SCardGetStatusChange`
- `SCardIsValidContext`
- `SCardListReaderGroups`
- `SCardListReaders`
- `SCardReconnect`
- `SCardReleaseContext`
- `SCardTransmit`
Other methods:
- `AllocateIORequest`
> Allocates managed byte array which mapped to unmanaged `SCARD_IO_REQUEST` structure.
- `AllocateReaderStates`
> Allocates managed byte array which mapped to unmanaged array of `SCARD_READERSTATE` structure.
- `AllocateString`
> Allocates string in managed or unmanaged memory.
- `FreeString`
> Releases the unmanaged memory which allocated by `AllocateString`.
- `ReadIORequest`
> Reads values from `SCARD_IO_REQUEST` which allocated by `AllocateIORequest` method.
- `ReadReaderState`
> Reads values from the specific index of the `SCARD_READERSTATE` array which allocated by `AllocateReaderStates` method.
- `SCardCtlCode`
> Gets reader action I/O control codes.
- `WriteIORequest`
> Writes values to `SCARD_IO_REQUEST` which allocated by `AllocateIORequest` method.
- `WriteReaderState`
> Writes values to the specific index of the `SCARD_READERSTATE` array which allocated by `AllocateReaderStates` method.
If you want to implement your provider using `WinSCard` or `pcsc-lite`, see the table below, it shows the different definitions between platforms:
| Unmanaged Defined | * | `WinSCard` (*Windows*) | `pcsc-lite` (*OS X*) | `pcsc-lite` (*Linux*) |
| -------------------------- | -------- | -------------------------------------- | -------------------- | --------------------- |
| `SCARD_CTL_CODE(code)` | Define | <code>0x00310000 \| (code << 2)</code> | `0x42000000 + code` | `0x42000000 + code` |
| *ANSI* Characters | Encoding | System Locale | *UTF-8* | *UTF-8* |
| *Unicode* Characters | Encoding | *Unicode* | - | - |
| `SCARD_READERSTATE` | Pack | - | `1` | - |
| `DWORD` | Size | `4` | `4` | `sizeof(void*)` |
| `LONG` | Size | `4` | `4` | `sizeof(void*)` |
| `SCARD_READERSTATE.rgbAtr` | Size | `36` | `33` | `33` |
| `SCARD_PROTOCOL_RAW` | Value | `0x00010000` | `0x04` | `0x04` |
### [Pcsc Class](src/PcscDotNet/Pcsc.cs "Go to Source")
This class is the start point for accessing *PC/SC* functions. You need to specify [`IPcscProvider`][] instance to create [`Pcsc`][] instance.
### [Pcsc\<TIPcscProvider\> Class](src/PcscDotNet/Pcsc_1.cs "Go to Source")
This class provides the static members with corresponding members in [`Pcsc`][] class, using singleton instance of `TIPcscProvider` which implements [`IPcscProvider`][] interface.
> Most of time, `TIPcscProvider` can be used with singleton safely unless its members may be changed, e.g., the provider loads functions from different library dynamically.
#### [WinSCard Class](src/PcscDotNet/WinSCard.cs "Go to Source")
This class implements [`IPcscProvider`][] using `WinSCard.dll` of *Windows* environment (*Unicode*).
Archie Yang