The RAYLEE package:
A set of 11 Matlab scripts and 5 functions to forward model and invert
a collection of Rayleigh-wave phase and/or group velocities of any order modes
Below are descriptions for the scripts, the functions, and the examples.
make_synthetic_ex1: writes "velocity_values.txt", "velocity_values_errs.txt",
"frequency_values.txt", "mode_values.txt", and "vtype_values.txt"
calls "raylee_lysmer.m"
make_synthetic_ex2: writes "velocity_values.txt", "velocity_values_errs.txt",
"frequency_values.txt", "mode_values.txt", and "vtype_values.txt"
calls "raylee_lysmer.m"
make_synthetic_modx: writes "modx_phase_vels.ascii" and "modx_freqs.ascii"
calls "raylee_lysmer.m"
make_initial_model_ex1: writes "vp_init.txt", "vs_init.txt", "rho_init.txt",
"vpf.txt", "rhof.txt",
"grid_values_solid.txt", "grid_values_fluid.txt",
and "input_params.txt"
no calls
make_initial_model_ex2: writes "vp_init.txt", "vs_init.txt", "rho_init.txt",
"vpf.txt", "rhof.txt",
"grid_values_solid.txt", "grid_values_fluid.txt",
and "input_params.txt"
no calls
make_initial_model_dix: writes "velocity_values.txt", "velocity_values_errs.txt",
"frequency_values.txt", "mode_values.txt", "vtype_values.txt",
"vp_init.txt", "vs_init.txt", "rho_init.txt",
"vpf.txt", "rhof.txt",
"grid_values_solid.txt", "grid_values_fluid.txt",
and "input_params.txt"
no calls
raylee_invert: reads "velocity_values.txt", "velocity_values_errs.txt",
"frequency_values.txt", "mode_values.txt", "vtype_values.txt",
"vp_init.txt", "vs_init.txt", "rho_init.txt",
"vpf.txt", "rhof.txt",
"grid_values_solid.txt", "grid_values_fluid.txt",
and "input_params.txt"
no write
calls "raylee_sensitivity.m", "raylee_lysmer.m",
"linvers.m", and "check_nans.m"
plot_results_ex1: no read/write/calls
to be run immediately after raylee_invert
plot_results_ex2: no read/write/calls
to be run immediately after raylee_invert
plot_results_modx: no read/write/calls
to be run immediately after raylee_invert
numerical_tests: no read/write
calls "raylee_lysmer.m" and "raylee_sensitivity.m"
raylee_lysmer: INPUT
Nn number of nodes in solid part of model
Nnf number of nodes in fluid part of model
hv vector of grid spacings for solid (meters)
hvf vector of grid spacings for fluid (meters)
f frequency (Hz)
modn which mode (1=fundamental, 2=first overtone, etc)
vsv S-wave velocity model in solid, a vector (m/s)
vpv P-wave velocity model in solid, a vector (m/s)
rhov density model in solid, a vector (kg/m^3)
vpv P-wave velocity model in fluid, a vector (m/s)
rhov density model in fluid, a vector (kg/m^3)
kk wavenumber for the Rayleigh wave at this
vpk phase velocity for the Rayleigh wave at
this frequency
vgk group velocity for the Rayleigh wave at
this frequency
ev vertical and horizontal displacement
eigenfunctions (mode shapes), note these
are scrambled
raylee_sensitivity: INPUT
Nn number of nodes in solid part of model
Nnf number of nodes in fluid part of model
hv vector of grid spacings for solid (meters)
hvf vector of grid spacings for fluid (meters)
f frequency (Hz)
modn vector of mode numbers (1=fundamental, 2=first overtone, etc)
vsv S-wave velocity model in solid, a vector (m/s)
vpv P-wave velocity model in solid, a vector (m/s)
rhov density model in solid, a vector (kg/m^3)
vpv P-wave velocity model in fluid, a vector (m/s)
rhov density model in fluid, a vector (kg/m^3)
vflg vector of phase or group flag (0=phase, 1=group)
pratioflag flag indicating if P-wave velocity (=0) or
Poisson's ratio (=1) is fixed
U modeled velocities (group or phase
depending on vflg) over the entire
frequency range
snsmf_vstotf group or phase velocity sensitivity
kernel for Vs (again, depending on vflg)
snsmf_htotf group or phase velocity sensitivity
kernel (again, depending on vflg)
for an interface in the layering
changing its depth
linvers: INPUT
U_data velocity data to be inverted
U modeled velocity data
snsmf_vstot the jacobian or kernel matrix
mcmisr the inverse square root of the model
covariance matrix
dcmisr the inverse square root of the data
covariance matrix
Nn number of elements
vsv the current S-wave wave velocity model
vsg the initial guess for S-wave velocity
dvs the velocity update
stoneley_vel INPUT
a Vp in solid
b Vs in solid
c Vp in fluid
f Density in fluid
s Density in solid
vst Stoneley wave velocity
check_nans INPUT
U modeled velocity data
U_data velocity data to be inverted
fks vector of frequencies
modn vector of mode numbers
vflg vector flags indicating group or phase
snsmf_vstotf Vs