function main()
close all;
% Implementation of Poission Image Editing Paper
% Code written by: Raffay Hamid (
% This is a simple implementation of the above mentioned paper
% Use it at your own risk :-)
% The code is simple to interpret as long as you understand the
% basics of the PDE discussed in the paper and some finite difference
% related stuff ( some details may be slightly modified in this
% implementation, so please be careful in using any of these functions
% in some oter code)
% The code needs some functions written in Pryamid Toolbox available
% at:
src_img = imread('moon.jpg');
dst_img = imread('mountains.jpg');
figure; imshow(uint8(src_img));
figure; imshow(uint8(dst_img));
img_width = 95;
img_height = 90;
src_st_x = 165; src_st_y = 55;
dst_st_x = 700; dst_st_y = 350;
extracted_src_img = zeros(img_width,img_height,3);
extracted_dst_img = zeros(img_width,img_height,3);
extracted_src_img = src_img(src_st_y:src_st_y+img_height,src_st_x:src_st_x+img_width,:);
extracted_dst_img = dst_img(dst_st_y:dst_st_y+img_height,dst_st_x:dst_st_x+img_width,:);
[rws,cls] = size(extracted_src_img(:,:,1));
dst_img_temp = dst_img;
dst_img_temp(dst_st_y:dst_st_y+img_height,dst_st_x:dst_st_x+img_width,:) = extracted_src_img;
figure; imshow(uint8(dst_img_temp));
padding_factor = 10;
padded_src_img = pad_image(extracted_src_img,padding_factor);
padded_dst_img = pad_image(extracted_dst_img,padding_factor);
figure; imshow(uint8(padded_dst_img));
figure; imshow(uint8(padded_src_img));
temp_result = zeros(rws,cls,3);
temp_result(:,:,1) = find_result_channel(padded_src_img(:,:,1),padded_dst_img(:,:,1),padding_factor);
temp_result(:,:,2) = find_result_channel(padded_src_img(:,:,2),padded_dst_img(:,:,2),padding_factor);
temp_result(:,:,3) = find_result_channel(padded_src_img(:,:,3),padded_dst_img(:,:,3),padding_factor);
figure; imshow(uint8(temp_result));
dst_img(dst_st_y:dst_st_y+img_height,dst_st_x:dst_st_x+img_width,:) = temp_result;
figure; imshow(uint8(dst_img));