Simple Solitare Card Game in Java
Written by Tim Budd, Oregon State University, 1996
import java.awt.*;
import java.applet.*;
class Card {
// constructor
Card (int sv, int rv) {
s = sv;
r = rv;
faceup = false;
// access attributes of card
public int rank () { return r; }
public int suit() { return s; }
public boolean faceUp() { return faceup; }
public void flip() { faceup = ! faceup; }
public int color() {
if (suit() == heart || suit() == diamond)
return red;
return black;
public void draw (Graphics g, int x, int y) {
String names[] = {"A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6",
"7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K"};
// clear rectangle, draw border
g.clearRect(x, y, width, height);
g.drawRect(x, y, width, height);
// draw body of card
if (faceUp()) {
if (color() == red)
g.drawString(names[rank()], x+3, y+15);
if (suit() == heart) {
g.drawLine(x+25, y+30, x+35, y+20);
g.drawLine(x+35, y+20, x+45, y+30);
g.drawLine(x+45, y+30, x+25, y+60);
g.drawLine(x+25, y+60, x+5, y+30);
g.drawLine(x+5, y+30, x+15, y+20);
g.drawLine(x+15, y+20, x+25, y+30);
else if (suit() == spade) {
g.drawLine(x+25, y+20, x+40, y+50);
g.drawLine(x+40, y+50, x+10, y+50);
g.drawLine(x+10, y+50, x+25, y+20);
g.drawLine(x+23, y+45, x+20, y+60);
g.drawLine(x+20, y+60, x+30, y+60);
g.drawLine(x+30, y+60, x+27, y+45);
else if (suit() == diamond) {
g.drawLine(x+25, y+20, x+40, y+40);
g.drawLine(x+40, y+40, x+25, y+60);
g.drawLine(x+25, y+60, x+10, y+40);
g.drawLine(x+10, y+40, x+25, y+20);
else if (suit() == club) {
g.drawOval(x+20, y+25, 10, 10);
g.drawOval(x+25, y+35, 10, 10);
g.drawOval(x+15, y+35, 10, 10);
g.drawLine(x+23, y+45, x+20, y+55);
g.drawLine(x+20, y+55, x+30, y+55);
g.drawLine(x+30, y+55, x+27, y+45);
else { // face down
g.drawLine(x+15, y+5, x+15, y+65);
g.drawLine(x+35, y+5, x+35, y+65);
g.drawLine(x+5, y+20, x+45, y+20);
g.drawLine(x+5, y+35, x+45, y+35);
g.drawLine(x+5, y+50, x+45, y+50);
// data fields for colors and suits
final static int width = 50;
final static int height = 70;
final static int red = 0;
final static int black = 1;
final static int heart = 0;
final static int spade = 1;
final static int diamond = 2;
final static int club = 3;
//private static String names[] = {"A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6",
// "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K"};
// data fields
private boolean faceup;
private int r;
private int s;
public Card link;
class CardPile {
CardPile (int xl, int yl) {
x = xl;
y = yl;
firstCard = null;
// access to cards are not overridden
public Card top() { return firstCard; }
public boolean empty() { return firstCard == null; }
public Card pop() {
Card result = null;
if (firstCard != null) {
result = firstCard;
firstCard = firstCard.link;
return result;
// the following are sometimes overridden
public boolean includes (int tx, int ty) {
return x <= tx && tx <= x + Card.width &&
y <= ty && ty <= y + Card.height;
public void select (int tx, int ty) {
// do nothing
public void addCard (Card aCard) {
aCard.link = firstCard;
firstCard = aCard;
public void display (Graphics g) {
if (firstCard == null)
g.drawRect(x, y, Card.width, Card.height);
firstCard.draw(g, x, y);
public boolean canTake (Card aCard) {
return false;
// coordinates of the card pile
protected int x;
protected int y;
private Card firstCard;
class DeckPile extends CardPile {
DeckPile (int x, int y) {
// first initialize parent
super(x, y);
// then create the new deck
// first put them into a local pile
CardPile pileOne = new CardPile(0, 0);
CardPile pileTwo = new CardPile(0, 0);
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <= 12; j++) {
pileOne.addCard(new Card(i, j));
// then pull them out randomly
for (; count > 0; count--) {
int limit = ((int)(Math.random() * 1000)) % count;
// move down to a random location
for (int i = 0; i < limit; i++)
// then add the card found there
// then put the decks back together
while (! pileTwo.empty())
public void select(int tx, int ty) {
if (empty())
class DiscardPile extends CardPile {
DiscardPile (int x, int y) { super (x, y); }
public void addCard (Card aCard) {
if (! aCard.faceUp())
public void select (int tx, int ty) {
if (empty())
Card topCard = pop();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (Solitare.suitPile[i].canTake(topCard)) {
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
if (Solitare.tableau[i].canTake(topCard)) {
// nobody can use it, put it back on our list
class SuitPile extends CardPile {
SuitPile (int x, int y) { super(x, y); }
public boolean canTake (Card aCard) {
if (empty())
return aCard.rank() == 0;
Card topCard = top();
return (aCard.suit() == topCard.suit()) &&
(aCard.rank() == 1 + topCard.rank());
class TablePile extends CardPile {
TablePile (int x, int y, int c) {
// initialize the parent class
super(x, y);
// then initialize our pile of cards
for (int i = 0; i < c; i++) {
// flip topmost card face up
public boolean canTake (Card aCard) {
if (empty())
return aCard.rank() == 12;
Card topCard = top();
return (aCard.color() != topCard.color()) &&
(aCard.rank() == topCard.rank() - 1);
public boolean includes (int tx, int ty) {
// don't test bottom of card
return x <= tx && tx <= x + Card.width &&
y <= ty;
public void select (int tx, int ty) {
if (empty())
// if face down, then flip
Card topCard = top();
if (! topCard.faceUp()) {
// else see if any suit pile can take card
topCard = pop();
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
if (Solitare.suitPile[i].canTake(topCard)) {
// else see if any other table pile can take card
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
if (Solitare.tableau[i].canTake(topCard)) {
// else put it back on our pile
private int stackDisplay(Graphics g, Card aCard) {
int localy;
if (aCard == null)
return y;
localy = stackDisplay(g, aCard.link);
aCard.draw(g, x, localy);
return localy + 35;
public void display (Graphics g) {
stackDisplay(g, top());
public class Solitare extends Applet {
static DeckPile deckPile;
static DiscardPile discardPile;
static TablePile tableau[];
static SuitPile suitPile[];
static CardPile allPiles[];
public void init() {
// first allocate the arrays
allPiles = new CardPile[13];
suitPile = new SuitPile[4];
tableau = new TablePile[7];
// then fill them in
allPiles[0] = deckPile = new DeckPile(335, 5);
allPiles[1] = discardPile = new DiscardPile(268, 5);
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
allPiles[2+i] = suitPile[i] =
new SuitPile(15 + 60