function [SER,poles,rmserr,fit,opts]=vectfit3(f,s,poles,weight,opts);
%function [SER,poles,rmserr,fit,opts]=vectfit3(f,s,poles,weight,opts)
%function [SER,poles,rmserr,fit]=vectfit3(f,s,poles,weight,opts)
%function [SER,poles,rmserr,fit]=vectfit3(f,s,poles,weight)
% ===========================================================
% = Fast Relaxed Vector Fitting =
% = Version 1.0 =
% = Last revised: 08.08.2008 =
% = Written by: Bjorn Gustavsen =
% = SINTEF Energy Research, N-7465 Trondheim, NORWAY =
% = =
% = =
% ===========================================================
% PURPOSE : Approximate f(s) with a state-space model
% f(s)=C*(s*I-A)^(-1)*B +D +s*E
% where f(s) is a singe element or a vector of elements.
% When f(s) is a vector, all elements become fitted with a common
% pole set.
% f(s) : function (vector) to be fitted.
% dimension : (Nc,Ns)
% Nc : number of elements in vector
% Ns : number of frequency samples
% s : vector of frequency points [rad/sec]
% dimension : (1,Ns)
% poles : vector of initial poles [rad/sec]
% dimension : (1,N)
% weight: the rows in the system matrix are weighted using this array. Can be used
% for achieving higher accuracy at desired frequency samples.
% If no weighting is desired, use unitary weights: weight=ones(1,Ns).
% Two dimensions are allowed:
% dimension : (1,Ns) --> Common weighting for all vector elements.
% dimension : (Nc,Ns)--> Individual weighting for vector elements.
% opts.relax==1 --> Use relaxed nontriviality constraint
% opts.relax==0 --> Use nontriviality constraint of "standard" vector fitting
% opts.stable=0 --> unstable poles are kept unchanged
% opts.stable=1 --> unstable poles are made stable by 'flipping' them
% into the left half-plane
% opts.asymp=1 --> Fitting with D=0, E=0
% opts.asymp=2 --> Fitting with D~=0, E=0
% opts.asymp=3 --> Fitting with D~=0, E~=0
% opts.spy1=1 --> Plotting, after pole identification (A)
% figure(3): magnitude functions
% cyan trace : (sigma*f)fit
% red trace : (sigma)fit
% green trace : f*(sigma)fit - (sigma*f)fit
% opts.spy2=1 --> Plotting, after residue identification (C,D,E)
% figure(1): magnitude functions
% figure(2): phase angles
% opts.logx=1 --> Plotting using logarithmic absissa axis
% opts.logy=1 --> Plotting using logarithmic ordinate axis
% opts.errplot=1 --> Include deviation in magnitude plot
% opts.phaseplot=1 -->Show plot also for phase angle
% opts.skip_pole=1 --> The pole identification part is skipped, i.e (C,D,E)
% are identified using the initial poles (A) as final poles.
% opts.skip_res =1 --> The residue identification part is skipped, i.e. only the
% poles (A) are identified while C,D,E are returned as zero.
% opts.cmplx_ss =1 -->The returned state-space model has real and complex conjugate
% parameters. Output variable A is diagonal (and sparse).
% =0 -->The returned state-space model has real parameters only.
% Output variable A is square with 2x2 blocks (and sparse).
% fit(s) = C*(s*I-(A)^(-1)*B +D +s.*E
% SER.A(N,N) : A-matrix (sparse). If cmplx_ss==1: Diagonal and complex.
% Otherwise, square and real with 2x2 blocks.
% SER.B(N,1) : B-matrix. If cmplx_ss=1: Column of 1's.
% If cmplx_ss=0: contains 0's, 1's and 2's)
% SER.C(Nc,N) : C-matrix. If cmplx_ss=1: complex
% If cmplx_ss=0: real-only
% SERD.D(Nc,1) : constant term (real). Is non-zero if asymp=2 or 3.
% SERE.E(Nc,1) : proportional term (real). Is non-zero if asymp=3.
% poles(1,N) : new poles
% rmserr(1) : root-mean-square error of approximation for f(s).
% (0 is returned if skip_res==1)
% fit(Nc,Ns): Rational approximation at samples. (0 is returned if
% skip_res==1).
% The identification is done using the pole relocating method known as Vector Fitting [1],
% with relaxed non-triviality constraint for faster convergence and smaller fitting errors [2],
% and utilization of matrix structure for fast solution of the pole identifion step [3].
% NOTE: The use of this program is limited to NON-COMMERCIAL usage only.
% If the program code (or a modified version) is used in a scientific work,
% then reference should be made to the following:
% [1] B. Gustavsen and A. Semlyen, "Rational approximation of frequency
% domain responses by Vector Fitting", IEEE Trans. Power Delivery,
% vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 1052-1061, July 1999.
% [2] B. Gustavsen, "Improving the pole relocating properties of vector
% fitting", IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 1587-1592,
% July 2006.
% [3] D. Deschrijver, M. Mrozowski, T. Dhaene, and D. De Zutter,
% "Macromodeling of Multiport Systems Using a Fast Implementation of
% the Vector Fitting Method", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components
% Letters, vol. 18, no. 6, pp. 383-385, June 2008.
% This example script is part of the vector fitting package (
% Last revised: 08.08.2008.
% Created by: Bjorn Gustavsen.
def.relax=1; %Use vector fitting with relaxed non-triviality constraint
def.stable=1; %Enforce stable poles
def.asymp=2; %Include only D in fitting (not E)
def.skip_pole=0; %Do NOT skip pole identification
def.skip_res=0; %Do NOT skip identification of residues (C,D,E)
def.cmplx_ss=1; %Create complex state space model
def.spy1=0; %No plotting for first stage of vector fitting
def.spy2=1; %Create magnitude plot for fitting of f(s)
def.logx=1; %Use logarithmic abscissa axis
def.logy=1; %Use logarithmic ordinate axis
def.errplot=1; %Include deviation in magnitude plot
def.phaseplot=0; %exclude plot of phase angle (in addition to magnitiude)
def.legend=1; %Do include legends in plots
if nargin<5
%Merge default values into opts
for m=1:length(A)
if ~isfield(opts,A(m))
dum=char(A(m)); dum2=getfield(def,dum); opts=setfield(opts,dum,dum2);
%Tolerances used by relaxed version of vector fitting
TOLlow=1e-18; TOLhigh=1e18;
if s(1)==0 && a==1
if poles(1)==0 && poles(2)~=0
elseif poles(2)==0 && poles(1)~=0
elseif poles(1)==0 && poles(2)==0
poles(1)=-1+i*10; poles(2)=-1-i*10;
if (opts.relax~=0) && (opts.relax)~=1
disp([' ERROR in vectfit3.m: ==> Illegal value for opts.relax: ' num2str(opts.asymp)]),return
if (opts.asymp~=1) && (opts.asymp)~=2 && (opts.asymp)~=3
disp([' ERROR in vectfit3.m: ==> Illegal value for opts.asymp: ' num2str(opts.asymp)]),return
if (opts.stable~=0) && (opts.stable~=1)
disp([' ERROR in vectfit3.m: ==> Ill