% RIDGEORIENT - Estimates the local orientation of ridges in a fingerprint
% Usage: [orientim, reliability, coherence] = ridgeorientation(im, gradientsigma,...
% blocksigma, ...
% orientsmoothsigma)
% Arguments: im - A normalised input image.
% gradientsigma - Sigma of the derivative of Gaussian
% used to compute image gradients.
% blocksigma - Sigma of the Gaussian weighting used to
% sum the gradient moments.
% orientsmoothsigma - Sigma of the Gaussian used to smooth
% the final orientation vector field.
% Optional: if ommitted it defaults to 0
% Returns: orientim - The orientation image in radians.
% Orientation values are +ve clockwise
% and give the direction *along* the
% ridges.
% reliability - Measure of the reliability of the
% orientation measure. This is a value
% between 0 and 1. I think a value above
% about 0.5 can be considered 'reliable'.
% reliability = 1 - Imin./(Imax+.001);
% coherence - A measure of the degree to which the local
% area is oriented.
% coherence = ((Imax-Imin)./(Imax+Imin)).^2;
% With a fingerprint image at a 'standard' resolution of 500dpi suggested
% parameter values might be:
% [orientim, reliability] = ridgeorient(im, 1, 3, 3);
% May 2003 Original version by Raymond Thai,
% January 2005 Reworked by Peter Kovesi
% October 2011 Added coherence computation and orientsmoothsigma made optional
% School of Computer Science & Software Engineering
% The University of Western Australia
% pk at csse uwa edu au
% http://www.csse.uwa.edu.au/~pk
function [orientim, reliability, coherence] = ...
ridgeorient(im, gradientsigma, blocksigma, orientsmoothsigma)
if ~exist('orientsmoothsigma', 'var'), orientsmoothsigma = 0; end
[rows,cols] = size(im);
% Calculate image gradients.
sze = fix(6*gradientsigma); if ~mod(sze,2); sze = sze+1; end
f = fspecial('gaussian', sze, gradientsigma); % Generate Gaussian filter.
[fx,fy] = gradient(f); % Gradient of Gausian.
Gx = filter2(fx, im); % Gradient of the image in x
Gy = filter2(fy, im); % ... and y
% Estimate the local ridge orientation at each point by finding the
% principal axis of variation in the image gradients.
Gxx = Gx.^2; % Covariance data for the image gradients
Gxy = Gx.*Gy;
Gyy = Gy.^2;
% Now smooth the covariance data to perform a weighted summation of the
% data.
sze = fix(6*blocksigma); if ~mod(sze,2); sze = sze+1; end
f = fspecial('gaussian', sze, blocksigma);
Gxx = filter2(f, Gxx);
Gxy = 2*filter2(f, Gxy);
Gyy = filter2(f, Gyy);
% Analytic solution of principal direction
denom = sqrt(Gxy.^2 + (Gxx - Gyy).^2) + eps;
sin2theta = Gxy./denom; % Sine and cosine of doubled angles
cos2theta = (Gxx-Gyy)./denom;
if orientsmoothsigma
sze = fix(6*orientsmoothsigma); if ~mod(sze,2); sze = sze+1; end
f = fspecial('gaussian', sze, orientsmoothsigma);
cos2theta = filter2(f, cos2theta); % Smoothed sine and cosine of
sin2theta = filter2(f, sin2theta); % doubled angles
orientim = pi/2 + atan2(sin2theta,cos2theta)/2;
% Calculate 'reliability' of orientation data. Here we calculate the
% area moment of inertia about the orientation axis found (this will
% be the minimum inertia) and an axis perpendicular (which will be
% the maximum inertia). The reliability measure is given by
% 1.0-min_inertia/max_inertia. The reasoning being that if the ratio
% of the minimum to maximum inertia is close to one we have little
% orientation information.
Imin = (Gyy+Gxx)/2 - (Gxx-Gyy).*cos2theta/2 - Gxy.*sin2theta/2;
Imax = Gyy+Gxx - Imin;
reliability = 1 - Imin./(Imax+.001);
coherence = ((Imax-Imin)./(Imax+Imin)).^2;
% Finally mask reliability to exclude regions where the denominator
% in the orientation calculation above was small. Here I have set
% the value to 0.001, adjust this if you feel the need
reliability = reliability.*(denom>.001);