# IRremote Arduino Library
Available as Arduino library "IRremote"
### [Version 2.8.0](https://github.com/z3t0/Arduino-IRremote/releases) - work in progress
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This library enables you to send and receive using infra-red signals on an Arduino.
Tutorials and more information will be made available on [the official homepage](http://z3t0.github.io/Arduino-IRremote/).
# Installation
Click on the LibraryManager badge above to see the instructions.
- IR does not work right when I use Neopixels (aka WS2811/WS2812/WS2812B)
Whether you use the Adafruit Neopixel lib, or FastLED, interrupts get disabled on many lower end CPUs like the basic arduinos for longer than 50 us. In turn, this stops the IR interrupt handler from running when it needs to. There are some solutions to this on some processors, [see this page from Marc MERLIN](http://marc.merlins.org/perso/arduino/post_2017-04-03_Arduino-328P-Uno-Teensy3_1-ESP8266-ESP32-IR-and-Neopixels.html)
- The default IR timer on AVR's is timer 2. Since the Arduino Tone library as well as analogWrite() for pin 3 and pin 11 requires timer 2, this functionality cannot be used simultaneously.
- You can use **multiple IR receiver** by just connecting the output pins of several IR receivers together. The IR receivers use an NPN transistor as output device with just a 30k resistor to VCC. This is almost "open collector" and allows connecting of several output pins to one Arduino input pin.
# Supported IR Protocols
Aiwa, BoseWave, Denon, Dish, JVC, Lego, LG, MagiQuest, NEC, Panasonic, RC5, RC6, Samsung, Sanyo, Sharp, Sony, Whynter, (Pronto).<br/>
Protocols can be switched off and on by changing the lines in *IRremote.h*:
# [Wiki](https://github.com/z3t0/Arduino-IRremote/wiki)
This is a quite old but maybe useful wiki for this library.
# Compile options / macros for this library
To customize the library to different requirements, there are some compile options / makros available.<br/>
Modify it by commenting them out or in, or change the values if applicable. Or define the macro with the -D compiler option for gobal compile (the latter is not possible with the Arduino IDE, so consider to use [Sloeber](https://eclipse.baeyens.it).
| Name | File | Default value | Description |
| `DEBUG` | IRremote.h | disabled | Enables lots of lovely debug output. |
| `USE_NEC_STANDARD` | IRremote.h | disabled | Use LSB first, address/code schema for encoding. |
| `USE_NO_SEND_PWM` | IRremote.h | disabled | Use no carrier PWM, just simulate an active low receiver signal. |
| `USE_SOFT_SEND_PWM` | IRremote.h | disabled | Use carrier PWM generation in software, instead of hardware PWM. |
| `PULSE_CORRECTION_MICROS` | IRremote.h | 3 | If USE_SOFT_SEND_PWM, this amount is subtracted from the on-time of the pulses. |
| `USE_SPIN_WAIT` | IRremote.h | disabled | If USE_SOFT_SEND_PWM, use spin wait instead of delayMicros(). |
| `RAW_BUFFER_LENGTH` | IRremoteint.h | 101 | Buffer size of raw input buffer. Must be odd! |
| `IR_SEND_DUTY_CYCLE` | IRremoteBoardDefs.h | 30 | Duty cycle of IR send signal. |
| `MICROS_PER_TICK` | IRremoteBoardDefs.h | 50 | Resolution of the raw input buffer data. |
### Modifying library properties with Arduino IDE
First use *Sketch/Show Sketch Folder (Ctrl+K)*.<br/>
If you did not yet stored the example as your own sketch, then you are instantly in the right library folder.<br/>
Otherwise you have to navigate to the parallel `libraries` folder and select the library you want to access.<br/>
In both cases the library files itself are located in the `src` directory.<br/>
### Modifying library properties with Sloeber IDE
If you are using Sloeber as your IDE, you can easily define global symbols with *Properties/Arduino/CompileOptions*.<br/>
![Sloeber settings](https://github.com/ArminJo/ServoEasing/blob/master/pictures/SloeberDefineSymbols.png)
# Handling unknown Protocols
## Disclaimer
This library was never designed to handle long codes like the ones used by air conditioners. See [Recording long Infrared Remote control signals with Arduino](https://www.analysir.com/blog/2014/03/19/air-conditioners-problems-recording-long-infrared-remote-control-signals-arduino).<br/>
The main reason is, that it was designed to fit inside MCUs with relatively low levels of resources and was intended to work as a library together with other applications which also require some resources of the MCU to operate.
## Hints
If you do not know which protocol your IR transmitter uses, you have several choices.
- Use the [IRreceiveDumpV2 example](examples/IRreceiveDumpV2) to dump out the IR timing. You can then reproduce/send this timing with the [IRsendRawDemo example](examples/IRsendRawDemo). For **long codes** like from air conditioners, you can **change the length of the input buffer** in [IRremoteInt.h](src/private/IRremoteInt.h#L30).
- If you have a bigger Arduino board at hand (> 100 kByte program space) you can try the [IRremoteDecode example](https://github.com/bengtmartensson/Arduino-DecodeIR/blob/master/examples/IRremoteDecode/IRremoteDecode.ino) of the Arduino library [DecodeIR](https://github.com/bengtmartensson/Arduino-DecodeIR).
- Use [IrScrutinizer](http://www.harctoolbox.org/IrScrutinizer.html). It can automatically generate a send sketch for your protocol by exporting as "Arduino Raw". It supports IRremote, the old [IRLib](https://github.com/cyborg5/IRLib) and [Infrared4Arduino](https://github.com/bengtmartensson/Infrared4Arduino).
- Use the [IRMP AllProtocol example](https://github.com/ukw100/IRMP#allprotocol-example) and you will see some serial output if the protocol is one of the 40 supported protocols.
- To increase strength of sent output signal you can increase the current through the send diode, or use 2 diodes in series, since one IR diode requires only 1.5 volt. Changing `IR_SEND_DUTY_CYCLE` to 50 increases the signal current by 40%.
## Other IR libraries
[Here](https://github.com/ukw100/IRMP#quick-comparison-of-4-arduino-ir-receiving-libraries) you find a **short comparison matrix** of 4 popular Arduino IR libraries.<br/>
[Here](https://github.com/crankyoldgit/IRremoteESP8266) you find an **ESP8266/ESP32** version of IRremote with an **[impressive list of supported protocols](https://github.com/crankyoldgit/IRremoteESP8266/blob/master/SupportedProtocols.md)**.
# Supported Boards
- Arduino Uno / Mega / Leonardo / Duemilanove / Diecimila / LilyPad / Mini / Fio / Nano etc.
- Teensy 1.0 / 1.0++ / 2.0 / 2++ / 3.0 / 3.1 / Teensy-LC; Credits: @PaulStoffregen (Teensy Team)
- Sanguino
- ATmega8, 48, 88, 168, 328
- ATmega8535, 16, 32, 164, 324, 644, 1284,
- ATmega64, 128
- ATmega4809 (Nano every)
- ATtiny84, 85
- SAMD21 (receive only)
- ESP32
- ESP8266 is supported in a fork based on an old codebase that isn't as recent, but it works reasonably well given that perfectly timed sub millisecond interrupts are different on that chip. See https://github.com/markszabo/IRremoteESP8266
- Sparkfun Pro Micro
We are open to suggestions for adding support to new boards, however we highly recommend you contact your supplier first and ask them to provide support from their side.
## Hardware specifications
The timer
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Arduino-IRremote-2.8.0.zip (63个子文件)
LibraryBuild.yml 6KB
issue_template.md 1KB
ir_JVC.cpp 3KB
nRF5.cpp 2KB
ir_NEC.cpp 7KB
ir_Template.cpp 6KB
ir_BoseWave.cpp 8KB
IRremote.h 19KB
ir_Samsung.cpp 3KB
IRremote.cpp 8KB
ir_LG.cpp 2KB
ir_Sony.cpp 4KB
ir_Panasonic.cpp 3KB
ir_Whynter.cpp 3KB
irReceive.cpp 18KB
irSend.cpp 7KB
ir_Sharp.cpp 6KB
ir_Sanyo.cpp 3KB
ir_Dish.cpp 2KB
sam.cpp 3KB
ir_Lego_PF.cpp 4KB
ir_Lego_PF_BitStreamEncoder.h 4KB
ir_MagiQuest.cpp 4KB
ir_Sharp_alt.cpp 5KB
esp32.cpp 1KB
ir_RC5_RC6.cpp 9KB
ir_Denon.cpp 3KB
IRremoteInt.h 5KB
IRremoteBoardDefs.h 33KB
irPronto.cpp 6KB
changelog.md 5KB
library.json 504B
JVCPanasonicSendDemo.ino 1KB
IRtest.ino 5KB
IRreceiveDump.ino 2KB
IR2Keyboard.ino 8KB
LegoPowerFunctionsTests.ino 8KB
IRreceiveDemo.ino 1KB
IRremoteInfo.ino 10KB
IRrelay.ino 3KB
IRsendProntoDemo.ino 2KB
IRrecord.ino 6KB
LGACSendDemo.ino 5KB
LGACSendDemo.md 4KB
BoseWaveSendDemo.ino 4KB
IRsendRawDemo.ino 3KB
IRtest2.ino 9KB
LegoPowerFunctionsSendDemo.ino 420B
IRsendNecStandardDemo.ino 2KB
IRreceiveDumpV2.ino 2KB
MicroGirs.ino 12KB
ATtinySerialOut.cpp 27KB
ATtinySerialOut.h 7KB
IRsendDemo.ino 2KB
Contributors.md 1KB
keywords.txt 1KB
library.properties 596B
Doxyfile 107KB
readmdFrench.md 6KB
.gitignore 26B
Contributing.md 2KB
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