# GoToWindow
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> No more need for alt-tabbing through dozens of windows, or looking for your windows in the task bar. Simply press `Win` + `Tab` + `Tab`, type a few characters from the window title or process name you want to switch to and press enter.
> For the keyboard maniacs.
**Warning! This is an alpha, and is stil being continuously improved.** Contributions are welcome!
[Official website](http://christianrondeau.github.io/GoToWindow/)
[Download latest release](https://github.com/christianrondeau/GoToWindow/releases)
![GoToWindow screenshot](http://christianrondeau.github.io/GoToWindow/images/GoToWindow_Screenshot_1.png)
## Usage
Launch `GoToWindow.exe`. You can also place it in in the Windows Startup menu to launch it automatically with Windows.
* Press `Win` + `Tab` + `Tab` to open the windows list. All windows are shown, with the most recently accessed first.
* Press the `Up` and `Down` arrows to navigate in the list, and press `Enter` to switch to the application.
* Start typing keywords to filter the list. Note that only windows that contain all words in either the window title _or_ the process name will be shown.
* If no opened window is found for your query, press `Enter` to search directly in the Windows Search charm.
* Press `Ctrl` + `Number (1 - 9)` to directly open the application at the selected index from the list.
* Press `Escape` to close the window.
## Tips and gotchas
* To use GoToWindow within an application that runs with elevated privileges (Run as Administrator), GoToWindow must also run with elevated privileges, otherwise the native `Alt` + `Tab` will show up.
* By default, GoToWindow expands web browser's tabs. This slows down display a little bit. You can disable it in the Settings, under the Plugins tab.
* Windows 10 is supported, but there's a few glitches (icons and process name not showing up, some closed apps still showing up...)
## Bugs
If for some reason GoToWindow crashes, create an [issue](https://github.com/christianrondeau/GoToWindow/issues) (check if one already exists before).
Please include:
* Log (`GoToWindow.log` in the installation directory).<br />_Only include the last ~50 lines._
* Version of Windows
* Version of GoToWindow
## Plugins
GoToWindow is extensible. Even the core functionality is a plug-in, that can be replaced if you wish. You can also write your own!
### Built-in Plugins
* `GoToWindow.Plugins.Core`: Loads the core windows list, as shown by the native `Alt` + `Tab` screen. Also allows launching the Windows Search if no window fit.
* `GoToWindow.Plugins.ExpandBrowsersTabs`: Expands browser windows and shows all tabs as separate windows. Includes Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Notepad++
* `GoToWindow.Plugins.ExplorerExtensions`: Show the full path of explorer windows instead of just the folder name. If a valid path is written, you can also open Windows Explorer with it.
### Installing Additional Plug-ins
Simply drop the plug-in files under `GoToWindow\Plugins` directory, and restart GoToWindow.
### Writing your own Plug-ins
See the [Plugins](PLUGINS.md) document for more information on extending GoToWindow.
## Contributors
* [Christian Rondeau](https://github.com/christianrondeau) - Main Developer
* [David Cote](https://github.com/cotedav) - User Interface Design
* [Other contributors](https://github.com/christianrondeau/GoToWindow/graphs/contributors)
## Thanks
<a href="https://www.jetbrains.com/buy/opensource/"><img src="http://resources.jetbrains.com/storage/products/resharper/img/meta/resharper_logo_300x300.png" width="150" height="150" alt="JetBrains Resharper" /></a>
Thanks JetBrains for providing a ReSharper license! This makes my life much easier (and I don't remember how to code without it)
## License
Copyright (c) 2015 Christian Rondeau. Licensed under the [MIT license](LICENSE.md).
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
转到窗口 不再需要通过alt键切换数十个窗口或在任务栏中查找窗口。 只需按Win + Tab + Tab ,从窗口标题或您要切换到的进程名称中输入几个字符,然后按Enter。 对于键盘狂。 警告! 这是一个Alpha版本,而且还在不断改进中。 欢迎捐款! 用法 启动GoToWindow.exe 。 您也可以将其放在Windows“启动”菜单中,以通过Windows自动启动它。 按Win + Tab + Tab打开窗口列表。 显示所有窗口,首先显示最近访问的窗口。 按Up和Down箭头在列表中导航,然后按Enter切换到应用程序。 开始输入关键字以过滤列表。 请注意,仅显示包含窗口标题或过程名称中所有单词的窗口。 如果找不到用于查询的已打开窗口,请按Enter以直接在Windows搜索超级按钮中进行搜索。 按Ctrl + Number (1 - 9)直接从列表中的选定索引处打
GoToWindow:键盘疯狂的alt-tab替代品 (180个子文件)
App.config 2KB
log4net.debug.config 993B
log4net.Release.config 770B
packages.config 584B
App.config 182B
NuGet.Config 164B
packages.config 132B
packages.config 132B
packages.config 132B
packages.config 132B
packages.config 132B
WindowsListFactory.cs 8KB
SquirrelUpdater.cs 8KB
GoToWindowContext.cs 6KB
SettingsViewModel.cs 6KB
MainWindow.xaml.cs 5KB
App.xaml.cs 5KB
Resources.Designer.cs 5KB
InternetExplorerTab.cs 4KB
KeyboardHook.cs 4KB
GoToWindowPluginsContainer.cs 4KB
MainViewModel.cs 4KB
WindowToForeground.cs 3KB
ExpandBrowsersTabsPlugin.cs 3KB
Settings.Designer.cs 3KB
Resources.Designer.cs 3KB
KeyboardShortcut.cs 3KB
WmiProcessWatcher.cs 2KB
Resources.Designer.cs 2KB
ProcessExtensions.cs 2KB
SquirrelCommandLineArgumentsHandler.cs 2KB
ExplorerExtensionsPlugin.cs 2KB
GoToWindowTrayIcon.cs 2KB
DesignTimeMainViewModel.cs 2KB
DesignTimeSearchResult.cs 2KB
VirtualKeyDescription.cs 2KB
ChromeTabsFinder.cs 2KB
MainWindow.xaml.cs 2KB
FirefoxTabsFinder.cs 2KB
KeyboardShortcutTests.cs 1KB
SettingsWindow.xaml.cs 1KB
WindowSearchCommandResult.cs 1KB
OpenExplorerCommandResult.cs 1KB
WindowIcon.cs 1KB
WindowEntryFactory.cs 1KB
VirtualKeyDescriptionTests.cs 1KB
NotepadPlusPlusTabsFinder.cs 1KB
CoreSearchResult.cs 1KB
GivenAWindow.cs 1KB
KeyboardSend.cs 1KB
IconLoader.cs 1KB
UpdateViewModel.cs 1KB
InterceptShortcutTests.cs 1KB
DebugSearchResult.cs 1KB
WindowEntryTests.cs 994B
Settings.Designer.cs 990B
Settings.Designer.cs 985B
ExplorerWindowSearchResult.cs 972B
ShortcutBasedTab.cs 966B
IndexWithinRangeConverter.cs 954B
CorePlugin.cs 923B
InternetExplorerTabsFinder.cs 922B
TabSearchResult.cs 887B
ErrorResult.cs 796B
WindowListFactoryTests.cs 795B
IndexConverter.cs 784B
WindowEntry.cs 772B
GoToWindowEntryShortcutCommand.cs 759B
EnumToVisibilityConverter.cs 754B
DesignTimeSettingsViewModel.cs 744B
WindowControlMenuDisabler.cs 743B
WindowsSearch.cs 731B
WindowEntryFactoryTests.cs 728B
MouseSend.cs 723B
IncrementIntConverter.cs 703B
NotepadPlusPlusTab.cs 695B
DebugPlugin.cs 669B
PerformanceLogger.cs 662B
ShortcutKeyToStringConverter.cs 661B
WindowsRuntimeHelper.cs 638B
ValueConverterGroup.cs 623B
InverseVisibilityConverter.cs 611B
SearchHelper.cs 599B
BooleanToVisibilityConverter.cs 531B
InverseBooleanConverter.cs 526B
DesignTimeCommandResult.cs 525B
ShowSettingsCommand.cs 515B
SearchResultBase.cs 512B
OpenMainWindowCommand.cs 511B
AssemblyInfo.cs 481B
UIAutomationTabsFinderBase.cs 458B
FirstRunWindow.xaml.cs 451B
IWindowEntry.cs 425B
AssemblyInfo.Shared.cs 424B
ExitCommand.cs 398B
ProcessExtensionsTests.cs 392B
SettingsBindingExtension.cs 384B
AssemblyInfo.cs 359B
AssemblyInfo.cs 355B
AssemblyInfo.cs 347B
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