# ThingsBoard IoT Gateway
The Thingsboard **IoT Gateway** is an open-source solution that allows you to integrate devices connected to legacy and third-party systems with Thingsboard.
Thingsboard is an open-source IoT platform for data collection, processing, visualization, and device management. See [**What is Thingsboard?**](https://thingsboard.io/docs/getting-started-guides/what-is-thingsboard/) if you are new platform user.
[**What is ThingsBoard IoT Gateway?**](https://thingsboard.io/docs/iot-gateway/what-is-iot-gateway/)
[**Getting started with ThingsBoard IoT Gateway**](https://thingsboard.io/docs/iot-gateway/getting-started/)
[![**What is ThingsBoard IoT Gateway?**](https://thingsboard.io/images/gateway/python-gateway-animd-ab-ff.svg)](https://thingsboard.io/docs/iot-gateway/what-is-iot-gateway/)
### Gateway features
Thingsboard IoT Gateway provides following features:
- [**OPC-UA** connector](https://thingsboard.io/docs/iot-gateway/config/opc-ua/) to collect data from devices that are connected to OPC-UA servers.
- [**MQTT** connector](https://thingsboard.io/docs/iot-gateway/config/mqtt/) to collect data that is published to external MQTT brokers.
- [**Modbus** connector](https://thingsboard.io/docs/iot-gateway/config/modbus/) to collect data from Modbus servers and slaves.
- [**BLE** connector](https://thingsboard.io/docs/iot-gateway/config/ble/) to collect data from BLE devices.
- [**Request** connector](https://thingsboard.io/docs/iot-gateway/config/request/) to collect data from HTTP API.
- [**CAN** connector](https://thingsboard.io/docs/iot-gateway/config/can/) to collect data using CAN protocol.
- [**BACnet** connector](https://thingsboard.io/docs/iot-gateway/config/bacnet/) to collect data from devices using BACnet protocol.
- [**ODBC** connector](https://thingsboard.io/docs/iot-gateway/config/odbc/) to collect data from ODBC databases.
- [**Custom** connector](https://thingsboard.io/docs/iot-gateway/custom/) to collect data from custom protocols.
- **Persistence** of collected data to guarantee data delivery in case of network and hardware failures.
- **Automatic reconnect** to Thingsboard cluster.
- Simple yet powerful **mapping** of incoming data and messages **to unified format**.
- [Remote logging feature](https://thingsboard.io/docs/iot-gateway/guides/how-to-enable-remote-logging/) to monitor the gateway status through the ThingsBoard WEB interface.
- [RPC gateway methods](https://thingsboard.io/docs/iot-gateway/guides/how-to-use-gateway-rpc-methods/) to control and get information from the gateway through ThingsBoard WEB interface.
### Architecture
The IoT Gateway is built on top of **Python**, however is different from similar projects that leverage OSGi technology.
The idea is distantly similar to microservices architecture.
The gateway supports custom connectors to connect to new devices or servers and custom converters for processing data from devices.
Especially, when we are talking about language APIs and existing libraries to work with serial ports, GPIOs, I2C, and new modules and sensors that are released every day.
The Gateway provides simple integration APIs, and encapsulates common Thingsboard related tasks: device provisioning, local data persistence and delivery, message converters and other.
For processing data from devices you also can write custom converter, it will receive information from device and send it to converter to convert to unified format before sending it to the ThingsBoard cluster.
## Support
- [Community chat](https://gitter.im/thingsboard/chat)
- [Q&A forum](https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/thingsboard)
- [Stackoverflow](http://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/thingsboard)
**Don't forget to star the repository to show your ❤️ and support.**
## Licenses
This project is released under [Apache 2.0 License](./LICENSE).
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
ThingsBoard物联网网关 Thingsboard IoT Gateway是一个开源解决方案,可让您使用Thingsboard集成连接到旧系统和第三方系统的设备。 Thingsboard是用于数据收集,处理,可视化和设备管理的开源物联网平台。 请参阅 如果您是新平台用户。 网关功能 Thingsboard IoT Gateway提供以下功能: 用于从连接到OPC-UA服务器的设备收集数据。 用于收集发布到外部MQTT代理的数据。 ,用于从Modbus服务器和从站收集数据。 ,用于从BLE设备收集数据。 以从HTTP API收集数据。 使用CAN协议收集数据。 用于使用BACnet协议从设备收集数据。 ,用于从ODBC数据库收集数据。 ,用于从自定义协议收集数据。 在网络和硬件故障的情况下,所收集数据的持久性可确保数据传输。 自动重新连接到Thingsboard集群。 简单但功能强大的将传入数据和消息映射为统一格式。 可通过ThingsBoard WEB界面监视网关状态。 用于通过ThingsBoard WEB界面控制和从网关获取信息。 建筑 物联网网
Thingsboard网关:开源IoT网关-使用Modbus,CAN总线,BACnet,BLE,OPC-UA,MQTT,ODBC和REST协议,将连接到旧式和第三方系统的设备与ThingsBoard IoT Platform集成在一起 (180个子文件)
logs.conf 2KB
logs.conf 2KB
sqlite3.db 20KB
Dockerfile 1KB
.gitignore 532B
modbus.json 4KB
modbus.json 4KB
request.json 4KB
request.json 4KB
rest.json 3KB
rest.json 3KB
mqtt.json 3KB
mqtt.json 3KB
snmp.json 3KB
snmp.json 3KB
can.json 2KB
can.json 2KB
ble.json 2KB
ble.json 2KB
bacnet.json 1KB
bacnet.json 1KB
rpc.json 1KB
connection_test.json 1KB
opcua.json 1KB
opcua.json 1KB
odbc.json 1KB
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custom_serial.json 684B
odbc_iterator.json 671B
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modbus_serial.json 615B
odbc_attributes.json 599B
polling_once.json 389B
polling_always.json 342B
connector.log 0B
tb_connection.log 0B
converter.log 0B
service.log 0B
extension.log 0B
storage.log 0B
help_wanted.md 769B
bug_report.md 576B
postinst 2KB
preinst 330B
tb_gateway_service.py 36KB
opcua_connector.py 31KB
mqtt_connector.py 31KB
can_connector.py 30KB
ble_connector.py 28KB
test_odbc_connector.py 25KB
modbus_connector.py 23KB
odbc_connector.py 20KB
test_can_connector.py 19KB
tests.py 18KB
rest_connector.py 17KB
tb_device_mqtt.py 15KB
tb_gateway_remote_configurator.py 15KB
bacnet_connector.py 14KB
request_connector.py 13KB
snmp_connector.py 12KB
custom_serial_connector.py 10KB
custom_serial_connector.py 10KB
tb_gateway_bacnet_application.py 10KB
tb_gateway_mqtt.py 9KB
event_storage_reader.py 9KB
tb_utility.py 8KB
bytes_modbus_uplink_converter.py 8KB
test_bytes_can_uplink_converter.py 7KB
test_bytes_can_downlink_converter.py 6KB
tb_client.py 6KB
event_storage_writer.py 5KB
bytes_modbus_downlink_converter.py 5KB
json_mqtt_uplink_converter.py 5KB
tb_remote_shell.py 5KB
tb_updater.py 4KB
json_rest_uplink_converter.py 4KB
file_event_storage.py 4KB
custom_request_uplink_converter.py 4KB
custom_request_uplink_converter.py 4KB
bytes_can_uplink_converter.py 3KB
bytes_ble_uplink_converter.py 3KB
tb_logger.py 3KB
json_request_uplink_converter.py 3KB
setup.py 3KB
test_opcua_connector.py 3KB
bytes_can_downlink_converter.py 3KB
json_request_downlink_converter.py 3KB
test_odbc_uplink_converter.py 3KB
json_rest_downlink_converter.py 3KB
bacnet_uplink_converter.py 3KB
custom_mqtt_uplink_converter.py 3KB
custom_mqtt_uplink_converter.py 3KB
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