# dizqueTV 1.4.3
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Create live TV channel streams from media on your Plex servers.
**dizqueTV** ( *dis·keˈtiːˈvi* ) is a fork of the project previously-known as [pseudotv-plex](https://gitlab.com/DEFENDORe/pseudotv-plex) or [pseudotv](https://github.com/DEFENDORe/pseudotv). New repository because of lack of activity from the main repository and the name change is because projects with the old name already existed and were created long before this approach and it was causing confusion. You can migrate from pseudoTV 0.0.51 to dizqueTV by renaming the .pseudotv folder to .dizquetv and running the new executable (or doing a similar trick with the volumes used by the docker containers).
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vexorian/dizquetv/main/resources/dizquetv.png" width="200">
Configure your channels, programs, commercials and settings using the dizqueTV web UI.
Access your channels by adding the spoofed dizqueTV HDHomerun tuner to Plex, Jellyfin or emby or utilize the M3U Url with any 3rd party IPTV player app.
EPG (Guide Information) data is stored to `.dizquetv/xmltv.xml`
## Features
- A wide variety of options for the clients where you can play the TV channels, since it both spoofs a HDHR tuner and a IPTV channel list.
- Ease of setup for xteve and Plex playback by mocking a HDHR server.
- Configure your channels once, and play them just the same in any of the other devices.
- Customize your channels and what they play. Make them display their logo while they play. Play filler content ("commercials", music videos, prerolls, channel branding videos) at specific times to pad time.
- Docker image and prepackage binaries for Windows, Linux and Mac.
- Supports nvidia for hardware encoding, including in docker.
- Select media (desired programs and commercials) across multiple Plex servers
- Includes a WEB TV Guide where you can even play channels in your desktop by using your local media player.
- Subtitle support.
- Auto deinterlace any Plex media not marked `"scanType": "progressive"`
- Can be configured to completely force Direct play, if you are ready for the caveats.
## Limitations
- If you want to play the TV channels in Plex using the spoofed HDHR, Plex pass is required.
- dizqueTV does not currently watch your Plex server for media updates/changes. You must manually remove and re-add your programs for any changes to take effect. Same goes for Plex server changes (changing IP, port, etc).. You'll have to update the server settings manually in that case.
- Most players (including Plex) will break after switching episodes if video / audio format is too different. dizqueTV can be configured to use ffmpeg transcoding to prevent this, but that costs resources.
- If you configure Plex DVR, it will always be recording and transcoding the channel's contents.
## Releases
- https://github.com/vexorian/dizquetv/releases
## Wiki
- For setup instructions, check [the wiki](https://github.com/vexorian/dizquetv/wiki)
## App Preview
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vexorian/dizquetv/main/docs/channels.png" width="500">
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vexorian/dizquetv/main/docs/channel-config.png" width="500">
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vexorian/dizquetv/main/docs/plex-guide.png" width="500">
<img src="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/vexorian/dizquetv/main/docs/plex-stream.png" width="500">
## Development
Building/Packaging Binaries: (uses `browserify`, `babel` and `pkg`)
npm run build
npm run compile
npm run package
Live Development: (using `nodemon` and `watchify`)
npm run dev-client
npm run dev-server
## Contribute
* Pull requests welcome but please read the [Code of Conduct](CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md) and the [Pull Request Template](pull_request_template.md) first.
* Tip Jar: https://buymeacoffee.com/vexorian
## License
* Original pseudotv-Plex code was released under [MIT license (c) 2020 Dan Ferguson](https://github.com/DEFENDORe/pseudotv/blob/665e71e24ee5e93d9c9c90545addb53fdc235ff6/LICENSE)
* dizqueTV's improvements are released under zlib license (c) 2020 Victor Hugo Soliz Kuncar
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dizquetv:从您自己的媒体创建直播电视频道。 使用模拟的 HDHomerun 调谐器或生成的 M3U URl 访问流
需积分: 47 1 下载量 39 浏览量
收藏 1.83MB ZIP 举报
dizqueTV 1.4.3 从您的 Plex 服务器上的媒体创建直播电视频道流。 dizqueTV ( dis·keˈtiːˈvi ) 是以前称为或项目的一个。 由于缺乏来自主存储库的活动和名称更改,新存储库是因为具有旧名称的项目已经存在并且在此方法之前很久就已创建,这引起了混乱。 您可以通过将 .pseudotv 文件夹重命名为 .dizquetv 并运行新的可执行文件(或对 docker 容器使用的卷执行类似的技巧),从 pseudoTV 0.0.51 迁移到 dizqueTV。 使用 dizqueTV Web UI 配置您的频道、节目、广告和设置。 通过将欺骗性的 dizqueTV HDHomerun 调谐器添加到 Plex、Jellyfin 或 emby 或将 M3U Url 与任何 3rd 方 IPTV 播放器应用程序一起使用来访问您的频道。 EPG(指南信息)数据存
dizquetv:从您自己的媒体创建直播电视频道。 使用模拟的 HDHomerun 调谐器或生成的 M3U URl 访问流 (126个子文件)
style.css 7KB
default-custom.css 259B
Dockerfile 493B
Dockerfile-builder 199B
Dockerfile-nvidia 489B
.dockerignore 96B
.gitignore 92B
channel-config.html 63KB
ffmpeg-settings.html 11KB
plex-library.html 10KB
random-slots-schedule-editor.html 10KB
plex-settings.html 9KB
time-slots-schedule-editor.html 9KB
show-config.html 7KB
program-config.html 7KB
plex-server-edit.html 6KB
filler-config.html 6KB
guide.html 4KB
player.html 4KB
time-slots-time-editor.html 3KB
remove-shows.html 2KB
index.html 2KB
xmltv-settings.html 2KB
channels.html 2KB
frequency-tweak.html 2KB
delete-filler.html 2KB
channel-redirect.html 2KB
library.html 1KB
filler.html 1KB
custom-shows.html 1KB
settings.html 1KB
flex-config.html 1KB
hdhr-settings.html 1KB
version.html 768B
toast-notifications.html 715B
channel-config.js 70KB
dragdrop.js 33KB
api.js 31KB
database-migration.js 31KB
ffmpeg.js 29KB
plexTranscoder.js 19KB
video.js 18KB
plex.js 17KB
tv-guide-service.js 17KB
dizquetv.js 13KB
time-slots-service.js 13KB
time-slots-schedule-editor.js 13KB
random-slots-service.js 13KB
random-slots-schedule-editor.js 12KB
index.js 12KB
guide.js 11KB
helperFuncs.js 11KB
plex-settings.js 11KB
plex-library.js 10KB
common-program-tools.js 9KB
plex-server-db.js 8KB
lazyload.js 7KB
filler-config.js 7KB
plex.js 7KB
filler-db.js 6KB
show-config.js 6KB
xmltv.js 5KB
angularjs-scroll-glue.js 5KB
plex-player.js 5KB
cache-image-service.js 5KB
channel-cache.js 5KB
program-player.js 4KB
toast-notifications.js 4KB
ffmpeg-settings.js 4KB
time-slots-time-editor.js 4KB
channels.js 4KB
app.js 4KB
custom-show-db.js 3KB
filler.js 3KB
offline-player.js 3KB
hdhr.js 3KB
channel-redirect.js 3KB
plex-server-edit.js 3KB
channel-db.js 3KB
m3u-service.js 3KB
custom-shows.js 3KB
file-cache-service.js 3KB
player.js 2KB
get-show-data.js 2KB
get-show-data.js 2KB
ffmpegText.js 2KB
program-config.js 2KB
flex-config.js 1KB
event-service.js 1KB
hdhr-settings.js 1KB
throttler.js 1KB
ffmpeg-info.js 954B
remove-shows.js 922B
delete-filler.js 892B
xmltv-settings.js 778B
resolution-options.js 776B
frequency-tweak.js 674B
version.js 251B
constants.js 248B
throttle.js 163B
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