The community has already taken significant steps in this
direction, with convolutional neural nets (CNNs) becoming
the common workhorse behind a wide variety of image pre-
diction problems. CNNs learn to minimize a loss function –
an objective that scores the quality of results – and although
the learning process is automatic, a lot of manual effort still
goes into designing effective losses. In other words, we still
have to tell the CNN what we wish it to minimize. But,
just like Midas, we must be careful what we wish for! If
we take a naive approach, and ask the CNN to minimize
Euclidean distance between predicted and ground truth pix-
els, it will tend to produce blurry results [29, 46]. This is
because Euclidean distance is minimized by averaging all
plausible outputs, which causes blurring. Coming up with
loss functions that force the CNN to do what we really want
– e.g., output sharp, realistic images – is an open problem
and generally requires expert knowledge.
It would be highly desirable if we could instead specify
only a high-level goal, like “make the output indistinguish-
able from reality”, and then automatically learn a loss func-
tion appropriate for satisfying this goal. Fortunately, this is
exactly what is done by the recently proposed Generative
Adversarial Networks (GANs) [14, 5, 30, 36, 47]. GANs
learn a loss that tries to classify if the output image is real
or fake, while simultaneously training a generative model
to minimize this loss. Blurry images will not be tolerated
since they look obviously fake. Because GANs learn a loss
that adapts to the data, they can be applied to a multitude of
tasks that traditionally would require very different kinds of
loss functions.
In this paper, we explore GANs in the conditional set-
ting. Just as GANs learn a generative model of data, condi-
tional GANs (cGANs) learn a conditional generative model
[14]. This makes cGANs suitable for image-to-image trans-
lation tasks, where we condition on an input image and gen-
erate a corresponding output image.
GANs have been vigorously studied in the last two
years and many of the techniques we explore in this pa-
per have been previously proposed. Nonetheless, ear-
lier papers have focused on specific applications, and
it has remained unclear how effective image-conditional
GANs can be as a general-purpose solution for image-to-
image translation. Our primary contribution is to demon-
strate that on a wide variety of problems, conditional
GANs produce reasonable results. Our second contri-
bution is to present a simple framework sufficient to
achieve good results, and to analyze the effects of sev-
eral important architectural choices. Code is available at
1. Related work
Structured losses for image modeling Image-to-image
translation problems are often formulated as per-pixel clas-
sification or regression [26, 42, 17, 23, 46]. These for-
mulations treat the output space as “unstructured” in the
sense that each output pixel is considered conditionally in-
dependent from all others given the input image. Condi-
tional GANs instead learn a structured loss. Structured
losses penalize the joint configuration of the output. A large
body of literature has considered losses of this kind, with
popular methods including conditional random fields [2],
the SSIM metric [40], feature matching [6], nonparametric
losses [24], the convolutional pseudo-prior [41], and losses
based on matching covariance statistics [19]. Our condi-
tional GAN is different in that the loss is learned, and can, in
theory, penalize any possible structure that differs between
output and target.
Conditional GANs We are not the first to apply GANs
in the conditional setting. Previous works have conditioned
GANs on discrete labels [28], text [32], and, indeed, im-
ages. The image-conditional models have tackled inpaint-
ing [29], image prediction from a normal map [39], image
manipulation guided by user constraints [49], future frame
prediction [27], future state prediction [48], product photo
generation [43], and style transfer [25]. Each of these meth-
ods was tailored for a specific application. Our framework
differs in that nothing is application-specific. This makes
our setup considerably simpler than most others.
Our method also differs from these prior works in sev-
eral architectural choices for the generator and discrimina-
tor. Unlike past work, for our generator we use a “U-Net”-
based architecture [34], and for our discriminator we use a
convolutional “PatchGAN” classifier, which only penalizes
structure at the scale of image patches. A similar Patch-
GAN architecture was previously proposed in [25], for the
purpose of capturing local style statistics. Here we show
that this approach is effective on a wider range of problems,
and we investigate the effect of changing the patch size.
2. Method
GANs are generative models that learn a mapping from
random noise vector z to output image y: G : z → y
[14]. In contrast, conditional GANs learn a mapping from
observed image x and random noise vector z, to y: G :
{x, z} → y. The generator G is trained to produce outputs
that cannot be distinguished from “real” images by an ad-
versarially trained discrimintor, D, which is trained to do as
well as possible at detecting the generator’s “fakes”. This
training procedure is diagrammed in Figure 2.
2.1. Objective
The objective of a conditional GAN can be expressed as
(G, D) =E
(x,y )
[log D(x, y)]+
[log(1 −D(x, G(x, z))],