# [satvis.space](https://satvis.space) ![Node CI](https://github.com/Flowm/satvis/workflows/Node%20CI/badge.svg)
Satellite orbit visualization and pass prediction.
## Features
- Calculate position and orbit of satellites from TLE
- Set groundstation through geolocation or pick on map
- Calculate passes for a set groundstation
- Local browser notifications for passes
- Serverless architecture
- Works offline as Progressive Web App (PWA)
## Built With
- [CesiumJS](https://cesiumjs.org)
- [Satellite.js](https://github.com/shashwatak/satellite-js)
- [Vue.js](https://vuejs.org)
- [Workbox](https://developers.google.com/web/tools/workbox)
## Development
### Setup
Initialize submodules and install npm build dependencies:
git submodule update --init
npm install
### Run
- `npm run start` for the dev server
- `npm run build` to build the application (output in `dist` folder)
- `npm run serve` to build the application and serve with static webserver
- `npm run update-tle` to retrieve the latest satellite TLEs from NORAD
## iOS App
To provide pass notifications on iOS where local browser notifications are [not
a simple app wraps the webview and handles the scheduling of
<p align="center"><a href="https://apps.apple.com/app/satvis/id1441084766"><img src="src/assets/app-store-badge.svg" width="250" /></a></p>
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see `LICENSE` file for details.
## Acknowledgements
Inspired by a visualization developed for the [MOVE-II CubeSat project](https://www.move2space.de) by Jonathan, Marco and Flo.
没有合适的资源?快使用搜索试试~ 我知道了~
卫星轨道可视化和通过预测。 产品特点 计算来自TLE的卫星的位置和轨道 通过地理位置设置地面站或在地图上选择 计算地面站的通行证 本地浏览器通行证通知 无服务器架构 可以作为渐进式Web应用程序(PWA)脱机工作 建于 发展历程 建立 初始化子模块并安装npm build依赖项: git submodule update --init npm install 跑 开发服务器的npm run start npm run build以构建应用程序(在dist文件夹中输出) npm run serve用于构建应用程序并与静态Web服务器一起使用 npm run update-tle从NORAD
satvis:使用Cesium.js进行卫星轨道可视化和通过预测 (113个子文件)
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CesiumController.js 17KB
SatelliteProperties.js 9KB
SatelliteEntityWrapper.js 7KB
SatelliteManager.js 7KB
webpack.config.js 5KB
Orbit.js 4KB
CesiumEntityWrapper.js 4KB
DescriptionHelper.js 3KB
PushManager.js 2KB
ot.js 2KB
DeviceDetect.js 2KB
GroundStationEntity.js 2KB
app.js 1KB
Orbit.test.js 1KB
CesiumTimelineHelper.js 1KB
sw.js 931B
move.js 887B
webpack.prod.js 862B
test.js 839B
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basic.js 386B
Router.js 308B
index.js 237B
VueCesiumController.js 203B
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.eslintrc.json 1KB
Contents.json 332B
Contents.json 62B
cypress.json 40B
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Info.plist 2KB
Info.plist 701B
IDEWorkspaceChecks.plist 238B
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android-chrome-512x512.png 31KB
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icon_20@1x.png 1KB
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.postcssrc 218B
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Snapfile 826B
Main.storyboard 3KB
LaunchScreen.storyboard 3KB
8.svg 86KB
6.svg 75KB
3.svg 12KB
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dish.svg 9KB
7.svg 8KB
13.svg 7KB
2.svg 5KB
4.svg 5KB
10.svg 4KB
14.svg 4KB
15.svg 4KB
5.svg 4KB
16.svg 3KB
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11.svg 2KB
12.svg 2KB
9.svg 2KB
1.svg 2KB
SnapshotHelper.swift 11KB
NotificationManager.swift 5KB
AppDelegate.swift 2KB
ViewController.swift 2KB
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