# Scrabble
The famous word game - [Scrabble](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scrabble)!
Backend -> [repository](https://github.com/hrishikeshshekhar/scrabble-backend)
### Motivation
I was hooked to scrabble for a while during the quarantine and wanted to make a bot to find the optimal word that can be placed at every stage.
This, combined with the lack of a free online place (that is pleasing to the eye) to play scrabble online with your friends led me to start working on this project.
### Tech Stack
Frontend - React, Redux
Backend - NodeJS
### Objectives
## V1 - Basic Scrabble board
- [X] Interactive scrabble board
- [X] Board maker (placing TL, DL, TW, DW on positions to make scrabble board)
- [X] Drag and drop from holder to board, repositioning of letter on board
- [X] Add game rules
- [ ] Add backend to facilitate 2 player game
- [X] Add in-game chat
## V2 - Rooms
- [ ] Extend backend for 2-6 players in the same game
- [ ] Create rooms and extend chat to whole room
## V2.5 - Add responsiveness
- [ ] Responsive UI
- [ ] Add joyride
## V3 - Game bot
- [ ] Make brute force bot
- [ ] Make efficient bot using tries
- [ ] Compare
- [ ] Add as feature for people playing
### Setup
npm install
### Starting server
npm start
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