# simple_rl
A simple framework for experimenting with Reinforcement Learning in Python.
There are loads of other great libraries out there for RL. The aim of this one is twofold:
1. Simplicity.
2. Reproducibility of results.
A brief tutorial for a slightly earlier version is available [here](http://cs.brown.edu/~dabel/blog/posts/simple_rl.html). As of version 0.77, the library should work with both Python 2 and Python 3. Please let me know if you find that is not the case!
simple_rl requires [numpy](http://www.numpy.org/) and [matplotlib](http://matplotlib.org/). Some MDPs have visuals, too, which requires [pygame](http://www.pygame.org/news). Also includes support for hooking into any of the [Open AI Gym environments](https://gym.openai.com/envs). The library comes along with basic test script, contained in the _tests_ directory. I suggest running it and making sure all tests pass when you install the library.
[Documentation available here](https://david-abel.github.io/simple_rl/docs/index.html)
## Installation
The easiest way to install is with [pip](https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip). Just run:
pip install simple_rl
Alternatively, you can download simple_rl [here](https://github.com/david-abel/simple_rl/tarball/v0.811).
## Citation
If you use simple_rl in your research, please cite the [workshop paper](https://david-abel.github.io/papers/simple_rl.pdf) as follows:
title={simple_rl: Reproducible Reinforcement Learning in Python},
author={David Abel},
booktitle={ICLR Workshop on Reproducibility in Machine Learning},
## New Feature: Easy Reproduction of Results
I just added a new feature I'm quite excited about: *easy reproduction of results*. Every experiment run now outputs a file "full_experiment.txt" in the _results/exp_name/_ directory. The new function _reproduce_from_exp_file(file_name)_, when pointed at an experiment directory, will reassemble and rerun an entire experiment based on this file. The goal here is to encourage simple tracking of experiments and enable quick result-reproduction. It only works with MDPs though -- it does not yet work with OOMDPs, POMDPs, or MarkovGames (I'd be delighted if someone wants to make it work, though!).
See the second example below for a quick sense of how to use this feature.
## Example
Some examples showcasing basic functionality are included in the [examples](https://github.com/david-abel/simple_rl/tree/master/examples) directory.
To run a simple experiment, import the _run_agents_on_mdp(agent_list, mdp)_ method from _simple_rl.run_experiments_ and call it with some agents for a given MDP. For example:
# Imports
from simple_rl.run_experiments import run_agents_on_mdp
from simple_rl.tasks import GridWorldMDP
from simple_rl.agents import QLearningAgent
# Run Experiment
mdp = GridWorldMDP()
agent = QLearningAgent(mdp.get_actions())
run_agents_on_mdp([agent], mdp)
Running the above code will run _Q_-learning on a simple GridWorld. When it finishes it stores the results in _cur_dir/results/*_ and makes and opens the following plot:
<img src="https://david-abel.github.io/blog/posts/images/simple_grid.jpg" width="480" align="center">
For a slightly more complicated example, take a look at the code of _simple_example.py_. Here we run two agents on the grid world from the Russell-Norvig AI textbook:
from simple_rl.agents import QLearningAgent, RandomAgent, RMaxAgent
from simple_rl.tasks import GridWorldMDP
from simple_rl.run_experiments import run_agents_on_mdp
# Setup MDP.
mdp = GridWorldMDP(width=4, height=3, init_loc=(1, 1), goal_locs=[(4, 3)], lava_locs=[(4, 2)], gamma=0.95, walls=[(2, 2)], slip_prob=0.05)
# Setup Agents.
ql_agent = QLearningAgent(actions=mdp.get_actions())
rmax_agent = RMaxAgent(actions=mdp.get_actions())
rand_agent = RandomAgent(actions=mdp.get_actions())
# Run experiment and make plot.
run_agents_on_mdp([ql_agent, rmax_agent, rand_agent], mdp, instances=5, episodes=50, steps=10)
The above code will generate the following plot:
<img src="https://david-abel.github.io/blog/posts/images/rn_grid.jpg" width="480" align="center">
To showcase the new reproducibility feature, suppose we now wanted to reproduce the above experiment. We just do the following:
from simple_rl.run_experiments import reproduce_from_exp_file
Which will rerun the entire experiment, based on a file created and populated behind the scenes. Then, we should get the following plot:
<img src="https://david-abel.github.io/blog/posts/images/rn_grid_reproduce.jpg" width="480" align="center">
Easy! This is a new feature, so there may be bugs -- just let me know as things come up. It's only supposed to work for MDPs, not POMDPs/OOMDPs/MarkovGameMDPs (so far). Take a look at [_reproduce_example.py_](https://github.com/david-abel/simple_rl/blob/master/examples/reproduce_example.py) for a bit more detail.
## Overview
* (_agents_): Code for some basic agents (a random actor, _Q_-learning, [[R-Max]](http://www.jmlr.org/papers/volume3/brafman02a/brafman02a.pdf), _Q_-learning with a Linear Approximator, and so on).
* (_experiments_): Code for an Experiment class to track parameters and reproduce results.
* (_mdp_): Code for a basic MDP and MDPState class, and an MDPDistribution class (for lifelong learning). Also contains OO-MDP implementation [[Diuk et al. 2008]](http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
* (_planning_): Implementations for planning algorithms, includes ValueIteration and MCTS [[Couloum 2006]](https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/file/index/docid/116992/filename/CG2006.pdf), the latter being still in development.
* (_tasks_): Implementations for a few standard MDPs (grid world, N-chain, Taxi [[Dietterich 2000]](http://www.scs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/jair/pub/volume13/dietterich00a.pdf), and the [OpenAI Gym](https://gym.openai.com/envs)).
* (_utils_): Code for charting and other utilities.
## Contributing
If you'd like to contribute: that's great! Take a look at some of the needed improvements below: I'd love for folks to work on those items. Please see the [contribution guidelines](https://github.com/david-abel/simple_rl/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md). Email me with any questions.
## Making a New MDP
Make an MDP subclass, which needs:
* A static variable, _ACTIONS_, which is a list of strings denoting each action.
* Implement a reward and transition function and pass them to MDP constructor (along with _ACTIONS_).
* I also suggest overwriting the "\_\_str\_\_" method of the class, and adding a "\_\_init\_\_.py" file to the directory.
* Create a State subclass for your MDP (if necessary). I suggest overwriting the "\_\_hash\_\_", "\_\_eq\_\_", and "\_\_str\_\_" for the class to play along well with the agents.
## Making a New Agent
Make an Agent subclass, which requires:
* A method, _act(self, state, reward)_, that returns an action.
* A method, _reset()_, that puts the agent back to its _tabula rasa_ state.
## In Development
I'm hoping to add the following features:
* __Planning__: Finish MCTS [[Coloum 2006]](https://hal.inria.fr/file/index/docid/116992/filename/CG2006.pdf), implement RTDP [[Barto et al. 1995]](https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/2838/e01572bf53805c502ec31e3e00a8e1e0afcf.pdf)
* __Deep RL__: Write a DQN [[Mnih et al. 2015]](http://www.davidqiu.com:8888/research/nature14236.pdf) in PyTorch, possibly others (some kind of policy gradient).
* __Efficiency__: Convert most defaultdict/dict uses to numpy.
* __Reproducibility__: The new reproduce feature is limited in scope -- I'd love for someone to extend it to work with OO-MDPs, Planning, MarkovGames, POMDPs, and beyond.
* __Docs__: Tutorial and documentation.
* __Visuals__: Unify MDP visualization.
* __Misc__: Additional testing.
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simple_rl 用于在Python中进行强化学习实验的简单框架。 RL还有很多其他很棒的库。 这一目标的目的是双重的: 简单。 结果的可重复性。 提供了一个稍早版本的简短教程。 从0.77版开始,该库应可与Python 2和Python 3一起使用。如果发现情况并非如此,请告诉我! simple_rl需要和 。 一些MDP也具有视觉效果,这需要 。 还包括对挂钩到任何。 该库随附基本的测试脚本,包含在tests目录中。 我建议运行它并确保在安装库时所有测试均通过。 安装 最简单的安装方法是使用 。 赶紧跑: pip install simple_rl 或者,您可以下载simple_rl。 引文 如果您在研究中使用simple_rl,请引用以下: @article{abel2019simple_rl, title={simple_rl: Reproducible Re
simple_rl:使用Python进行强化学习实验的简单框架 (250个子文件)
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ValueIterationClass.html 35KB
QLearningAgentClass.html 34KB
RMaxAgentClass.html 31KB
make_mdp.html 31KB
MDPDistributionClass.html 30KB
BeliefSparseSamplingClass.html 28KB
mdp.html 28KB
BoundedRTDPClass.html 27KB
DoubleQAgentClass.html 26KB
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MCTSClass.html 20KB
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MDPClass.html 15KB
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StateClass.html 11KB
AgentClass.html 11KB
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PlannerClass.html 7KB
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GridWorldMDPClass.py 12KB
GatherMDPClass.py 12KB
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ValueIterationClass.py 10KB
TrenchOOMDPClass.py 10KB
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QLearningAgentClass.py 9KB
DelayedQAgentClass.py 8KB
TaxiOOMDPClass.py 8KB
DQNAgentClass.py 8KB
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RMaxAgentClass.py 7KB
GatherStateClass.py 6KB
grid_visualizer.py 6KB
BoundedRTDPClass.py 6KB
BeliefSparseSamplingClass.py 6KB
DoubleQAgentClass.py 6KB
GradientBoostingAgentClass.py 6KB
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