# Portable Minecraft Launcher
An easy to use portable Minecraft launcher in only one Python script !
This single-script launcher is still compatible with the official (Mojang) Minecraft Launcher stored in `.minecraft` and use it.
***[Mojang authentication now available!](#mojang-authentication)***
*This launcher is tester for Python 3.8 & 3.6, further testing using other versions are welcome.*
***[Download the script!](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mindstorm38/portablemc/master/portablemc.py)***
Once you have the script, you can launch it using python (e.g `python portablemc.py`).
## Table of contents
- [Arguments](#arguments)
- [Mojang authentication](#mojang-authentication)
- [Minecraft version](#minecraft-version)
- [Offline mode](#username-and-uuid-manual-offline-mode)
- [Main & working directories](#main--working-directory)
- [Demo mode](#demo-mode)
- [Resolution](#window-resolution)
- [No start mode](#no-start-mode)
- [Customize JVM](#customize-jvm-java-virtual-machine)
- [Usage examples](#examples)
# Arguments
The launcher support various arguments that make it really useful and faster than the official launcher
to test the game in offline mode *(custom username and UUID)*, or demo mode for example.
*You can read the complete help message using `-h` argument.*
## Mojang authentication
Do you want to authenticate using your Mojang account ?
It's now possible using `-l` *(`--login`)* followed by your email or username (for legacy account).
You will be asked for the password once the launcher is start. *If you don't want cache the session,
you can use `-t` (`--temp-login`) flag.*
> Session are stored in a separated file from official launcher *(`.minecraft/portablemc_tokens`)*,
note that no trace of your password remain in this file, so don't worry about using this !
> These arguments override arguments for offline username and UUID.
Your session is cached and you want to invalidate it ? Use `--logout` followed by your email or username.
This do not start the game.
## Minecraft version
By default the launcher starts the latest release version, to change this, you can use the `-v` *(`--version`)* followed by the
version name, or `snapshot` to target the latest snapshot, `release` does the same for latest release.
Using the `-s` *(`--search`)* flag you can tell this launcher to only search for all versions prefixed by the specified version of `-v` argument,
this stop the application just after searching. Exit codes: `15` if no version was found, else `0`.
> Note that latest version of Java may not work for old versions of Minecraft.
## Username and UUID (manual offline mode)
By default, a random player [UUID](https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universally_unique_identifier) is used, and the username is
extracted from the first part of the UUID's represention *(for a `110e8400-e29b-11d4-a716-446655440000` uuid, the username will be `110e8400`)*.
You can use `-u` *(`--username`)* followed by the username and `-i` *(`--uuid`)* with your user UUID.
> Note that even if you have set another UUID, the username will be the same as default (with extracted part from default UUID).
## Main & working directory
You can now configure directories used for game to work. These directories are:
- `--main-dir`: this directory store libraries, assets, versions, binaries (at runtime) and launcher cache *(default values [here](https://minecraft-fr.gamepedia.com/.minecraft))*
- `--work-dir`: this directory store game files like save, resource packs or logs *(if not specified, it is the same as main directory)*.
> **Shortcuts versions of previous arguments (`-md`, `-wd`) will be removed in future versions because it's not standard to have short argument with two letters.**
> When using a main directory with portablemc for the first time, luncher will ask you to continue or not.
## Demo mode
Demo mode is a mostly unknown feature that allows to start the game with a restricted play duration, it is disabled by default.
Use `--demo` to enable.
## Window resolution
You can set the default window resolution *(does not affect the game if already in fullscreen mode)* by using `--resol` followed by
`<width>x<height>`, `width` and `height` are positive integers.
## No start mode
By using `--nostart` flag, you force the launcher to download all requirements to the game, but does not start it.
## Customize JVM (Java Virtual Machine)
By default the launcher use the `javaw` executable to launch Minecraft, if you want to
change this executable, use the `--jvm` argument followed by the executable.
You can also set JVM arguments string using the `--jvm-args`. By defaults the JVM arguments are the same as the officiel launcher:
-Xmx2G -XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+UseG1GC -XX:G1NewSizePercent=20 -XX:G1ReservePercent=20 -XX:MaxGCPauseMillis=50 -XX:G1HeapRegionSize=32M
> The `--java` argument is used if `--jvm` is not defined, but it will be removed in future versions.
# Examples
python portablemc.py Start latest Minecraft version using offline mode and random username and UUID
python portablemc.py -l <email|username> Start latest Minecraft version using mojang authentication for specific email or username (legacy)
python portablemc.py -tl <email|username> Same as previous command, but do not cache the session (you need to re-enter password on each launch)
python portablemc.py --nostart Download all components of the latest Minecraft version but do not start the game
python portablemc.py --logout <email|username> Logout from a session
python portablemc.py -u OfflineTest -v 1.15 Start 1.15 Minecraft version in offline mode with a username 'OfflineTest' and random UUID
python portablemc.py -sv 1.7 Search for all versions starting with "1.7"
python portablemc.py --main-dir /tmp/mc Start latest Minecraft version in /tmp/mc instead of .minecraft
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