# Data Dashboard - Seasonal Solar Production
## Motivation
The PV observer webapp plots estimated solar production for a Photovolotaic (PV) System.
The application relies on the user input of location. The backend makes use of the PVGIS webservice to obtain Solar PV estimated yield.
Finally, the plotly.js library is used to display results to the user.
other tools used in this project:
- heroku
- plotly.js
- flask
- bootstrap.js
# To-do list
- [x] set basic project structure
- [x] build simple user input form,
- [x] get form data, see : https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/processing-incoming-request-data-in-flask
- [ ] write an API call function that pulls data fromt the PVGIS service
- [ ] clean and prepare the data set
- [ ] put the data into a csv file or json
- [ ] write a Python script to read in the data set and set up the Plotly visualizations
- [ ] set up a virtual environment and install the necessary libraries to run your app
- [ ] run web app locally to make sure that everything works
- [ ] deploy the app to Heroku or some other back-end service
- 粉丝: 51
- 资源: 4683
- 毕业设计-基于树莓派的寝室小监控系统全部资料+详细文档+高分项目+源码.zip
- 毕业设计-基于树莓派的人脸识别系统(调用百度云api)全部资料+详细文档+高分项目+源码.zip
- 毕业设计-基于微服务架构实现的智能招聘系统全部资料+详细文档+高分项目+源码.zip
- 毕业设计-基于微服务的商城秒杀系统全部资料+详细文档+高分项目+源码.zip
- 毕业设计-基于微信小程序的共享雨伞租借系统全部资料+详细文档+高分项目+源码.zip
- Delphi 12 控件之DevExpressUniversalTrialCompleteSetup-20241212-Downloadly.ir.rar
- 自动驾驶,AutoWareAuto框架全框架梳理思维导图及代码注释 授人以鱼不如授人以渔,涵盖:融合感知模块,定位模块,决策规划模块,控制模块,预测模块等较为详细的注释(并非每行都有注释)及框架梳理
- cb.zip
- 银行数字化转型程度-根据年报词频计算(2012-2021年).zip
- 基于labview的OneNET云平台数据写入与读取 可通过labview往云台设备写入 读取数据 也可通过手机app查看labview写入的数据,实现实时监控
- 动手学深度学习,沐神版配套代码,所有代码均可在jupyter中运行,内附有极为详尽的代码注释
- abp使用微服务代码示例
- 地热模拟软件OGS手册的中文翻译中英对照版
- python读取西门子s7-300 plc数据,通过调用微信发送给微信联系人
- IMG_20241223_084327.jpg
- IMG_20241223_084327.jpg