# AR Foundation Samples
Example projects that use [*AR Foundation 4.2*](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.arfoundation@4.2/manual/index.html) and demonstrate its functionality with sample assets and components.
This set of samples relies on five Unity packages:
* ARSubsystems ([documentation](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.arsubsystems@4.2/manual/index.html))
* ARCore XR Plug-in ([documentation](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.arcore@4.2/manual/index.html))
* ARKit XR Plug-in ([documentation](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.arkit@4.2/manual/index.html))
* ARKit Face Tracking ([documentation](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.arkit-face-tracking@4.2/manual/index.html))
* ARFoundation ([documentation](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.arfoundation@4.2/manual/index.html))
## What version should I use?
| Unity Version | ARFoundation Version |
| ------------- | -------------------- |
| 2018.4 | [1.5 (preview)](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/tree/1.5-preview) |
| 2019.4 | [2.1 (verified)](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/tree/2.1) |
| 2020.1 | [3.1 (verified)](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/tree/3.1) |
| 2020.3 | [4.1 (verified)](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/tree/4.1) |
| 2021.1 | [4.1 (verified)](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/tree/4.1) |
| 2021.2 | 4.2 (prerelease) |
## ARSubsystems
ARFoundation is built on "[subsystems](https://docs.unity3d.com/2020.3/Documentation/ScriptReference/Subsystem.html)" and depends on a separate package called [ARSubsystems](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.arsubsystems@4.2/manual/index.html). ARSubsystems defines an interface, and the platform-specific implementations are in the [ARCore](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.arcore@4.2/manual/index.html) and [ARKit](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.arkit@4.2/manual/index.html) packages. ARFoundation turns the AR data provided by ARSubsystems into Unity `GameObject`s and `MonoBehavour`s.
The `main` branch is compatible with Unity 2020.3 and later. For earlier versions, see the table above.
## Why is ARKit Face Tracking a separate package?
For privacy reasons, use of ARKit's face tracking feature requires additional validation in order to publish your app on the App Store. If your application binary contains certain face tracking related symbols, your app may fail validation. For this reason, we provide this feature as a separate package which must be explicitly included.
## Instructions for installing AR Foundation
1. Download the latest version of Unity 2020.3 or later.
2. Open Unity, and load the project at the root of the *arfoundation-samples* repository.
3. Open your choice of sample scene.
4. See the [AR Foundation Documentation](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.arfoundation@4.2/manual/index.html) for usage instructions and more information.
# Samples
## SimpleAR
This is a good starting sample that enables point cloud visualization and plane detection. There are buttons on screen that let you pause, resume, reset, and reload the ARSession.
When a plane is detected, you can tap on the detected plane to place a cube on it. This uses the `ARRaycastManager` to perform a raycast against the plane.
| Action | Meaning |
| ------ | ------- |
| Pause | Pauses the ARSession, meaning device tracking and trackable detection (e.g., plane detection) is temporarily paused. While paused, the ARSession does not consume CPU resources. |
| Resume | Resumes a paused ARSession. The device will attempt to relocalize and previously detected objects may shift around as tracking is reestablished. |
| Reset | Clears all detected trackables and effectively begins a new ARSession. |
| Reload | Completely destroys the ARSession GameObject and re-instantiates it. This simulates the behavior you might experience during scene switching. |
## Check Support
Demonstrates checking for AR support and logs the results to the screen. The relevant script is [`SupportChecker.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/SupportChecker.cs).
## LightEstimation
### BasicLightEstimation
Demonstrates basic light estimation information from the camera frame. You should see values for "Ambient Intensity" and "Ambient Color" on screen. The relevant script is [`BasicLightEstimation.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/BasicLightEstimation.cs) script.
### HDRLightEstimation
This sample attempts to read HDR lighting information. You should see values for "Ambient Intensity", "Ambient Color", "Main Light Direction", "Main Light Intensity Lumens", "Main Light Color", and "Spherical Harmonics". Most devices only support a subset of these 6, so some will be listed as "Unavailable." The relevant script is [`HDRLightEstimation.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/HDRLightEstimation.cs) script.
On iOS, this is only available when face tracking is enabled and requires a device that supports face tracking (such as an iPhone X, XS or 11). When available, a virtual arrow appears in front of the camera which indicates the estimated main light direction. The virtual light direction is also updated, so that virtual content appears to be lit from the direction of the real light source.
When using `HDRLightEstimation`, the sample will automatically pick the supported camera facing direction for you, for example `World` on Android and `User` on iOS, so it does not matter which you facing direction select in the `ARCameraManager.cs` component.
## Anchors
This sample shows how to create anchors as the result of a raycast hit. The "Clear Anchors" button removes all created anchors. See the [`AnchorCreator.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/AnchorCreator.cs) script.
This script can create two kinds of anchors:
1. If a feature point is hit, it creates a normal anchor at the hit pose using the [AddAnchor](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.arfoundation@4.0/api/UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation.ARAnchorManager.html#UnityEngine_XR_ARFoundation_ARAnchorManager_AddAnchor_UnityEngine_Pose_) method.
1. If a plane is hit, it creates an anchor "attached" to the plane using the [AttachAnchor](https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.xr.arfoundation@4.0/api/UnityEngine.XR.ARFoundation.ARAnchorManager.html#UnityEngine_XR_ARFoundation_ARAnchorManager_AttachAnchor_UnityEngine_XR_ARFoundation_ARPlane_UnityEngine_Pose_) method.
## Scale
This sample shows how to adjust the apparent scale of content in an AR scene. It does this by moving, rotating, and scaling the `ARSessionOrigin` instead of the content. Complex scenes often can't be moved after creation (e.g., terrain), and scale can negatively affect other systems such as physics, particle effects, and AI navigation. The `ARSessionOrigin`'s scale feature is useful if you want to make your content "appear" at a position on a detected plane and to scale, for example, a building sized object to a table-top miniature.
To use this sample, first move the device around until a plane is detected, then tap on the plane. Content will appear at the touch point. After the content is placed, you can adjust its rotation and scale using the on-screen sliders. Note that the content itself is never moved, rotated, or scaled.
The relevant script is [`MakeAppearOnPlane.cs`](https://github.com/Unity-Technologies/arfoundation-samples/blob/master/Assets/Scripts/MakeAppearOnPlane.cs).
## CpuImages
This samples shows how to acquire and manipulate textures obta
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AR Foundation示例 使用并通过示例资产和组件演示其功能的示例项目。 这组样本依赖于五个Unity软件包: ARSubsystems( ) ARCore XR插件( ) ARKit XR插件() ARKit人脸跟踪( ) ARFoundation( ) 我应该使用什么版本? Unity版本 ARFoundation版本 2018.4 2019.4 2020.1 2020.3 2021.1 2021.2 4.2(预发行版) AR子系统 ARFoundation建立在“ ”上,并依赖于名为的独立软件包。 ARSubsystems定义了一个接口,特定于平台的实现在和软件包中。 ARFoundation变成由ARSubsystems到Unity提供的AR数据GameObject S和MonoBehavour秒。 main分支与Unity 2020.3及更高版本
arfoundation-samples:基于AR Foundation的Unity项目的示例内容 (775个子文件)
Cylinder.arobject 1.11MB
Cube.arobject 958KB
Unity.XR.Samples.Multipeer.asmdef 319B
ProjectSettings.asset 21KB
QualitySettings.asset 7KB
InputManager.asset 6KB
EditorBuildSettings.asset 5KB
XRGeneralSettings.asset 3KB
GraphicsSettings.asset 2KB
ReferenceImageLibrary.asset 2KB
Physics2DSettings.asset 1KB
NavMeshAreas.asset 1KB
DynamicsManager.asset 1KB
EditorSettings.asset 1KB
PackageManagerSettings.asset 1003B
ReferenceObjectLibrary.asset 859B
UnityConnectSettings.asset 853B
PresetManager.asset 824B
AR Kit Settings.asset 443B
AR Core Settings.asset 437B
AR Core Loader Settings.asset 412B
AR Kit Loader Settings.asset 411B
TagManager.asset 404B
AR Core Loader.asset 403B
AR Kit Loader.asset 402B
AudioManager.asset 377B
VFXManager.asset 273B
TimeManager.asset 206B
VersionControlSettings.asset 188B
NetworkManager.asset 159B
XRSettings.asset 158B
ClusterInputManager.asset 120B
XRPackageSettings.asset 73B
DisplayDepthImage.cs 18KB
CheckAvailableFeatures.cs 15KB
ARKitBlendShapeVisualizer.cs 13KB
MeshClassificationFracking.cs 13KB
CpuImageSample.cs 12KB
ARSceneSelectUI.cs 11KB
ARWorldMapController.cs 10KB
PrefabImagePairManager.cs 8KB
BoneController.cs 8KB
FeaturesReporting.cs 8KB
ThermalStateHandling.cs 8KB
DynamicLibrary.cs 7KB
HDRLightEstimation.cs 7KB
EnableGeoAnchors.cs 7KB
ARCoreSessionRecorder.cs 6KB
CustomConfigurationChooser.cs 6KB
ARKitCoachingOverlay.cs 6KB
DisplayFaceInfo.cs 6KB
HDRLightEstimationUI.cs 6KB
DisplayARSessionInformation.cs 6KB
ScreenSpaceJointVisualizer.cs 5KB
ThermalStateForIOS.cs 5KB
CollaborativeSession.cs 5KB
ARAllPointCloudPointsParticleVisualizer.cs 5KB
DynamicPrefab.cs 4KB
CollaborationBuildPostprocessor.cs 4KB
SupportChecker.cs 4KB
ARFeatheredPlaneMeshVisualizer.cs 4KB
CameraConfigController.cs 4KB
TrackedImageInfoManager.cs 4KB
AnchorCreator.cs 4KB
MCSession.cs 4KB
ARCoreFaceRegionManager.cs 3KB
BasicLightEstimation.cs 3KB
FixationPoint2DVisualizer.cs 3KB
SwitchPointCloudVisualizationMode.cs 3KB
HumanBodyTracker.cs 3KB
NSString.cs 3KB
PlaneClassificationLabeler.cs 3KB
EyePoseVisualizer.cs 3KB
RotationController.cs 3KB
NSData.cs 3KB
FacingDirectionManager.cs 3KB
ScaleController.cs 3KB
FixationPoint3DVisualizer.cs 2KB
MakeAppearOnPlane.cs 2KB
PlaceOnPlane.cs 2KB
AnchorInfoManager.cs 2KB
BasicLightEstimationUI.cs 2KB
PlaneDetectionController.cs 2KB
TestBodyAnchorScale.cs 2KB
Logger.cs 2KB
PlaceMultipleObjectsOnPlane.cs 2KB
ToggleMeshClassification.cs 2KB
InputSystem_PlaceOnPlane.cs 2KB
CollaborationNetworkingIndicator.cs 2KB
CheckRuntimeDepth.cs 2KB
NSError.cs 2KB
DisableVerticalPlanes.cs 2KB
FaceMaterialSwitcher.cs 1KB
CameraSwapper.cs 1KB
ProjectileLauncher.cs 1KB
Tooltip.cs 1KB
DisplayTrackingState.cs 1KB
ToggleCameraFacingDirection.cs 1KB
CameraGrain.cs 1KB
CanvasTextManager.cs 1KB
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