# Pulsar Flink Connector
The Pulsar Flink connector implements elastic data processing using [Apache Pulsar](https://pulsar.apache.org) and [Apache Flink](https://flink.apache.org).
For details about the Chinese document, see [here](doc/README_CN.md).
# Prerequisites
- Java 8 or higher version
- Flink 1.9.0 or higher version
- Pulsar 2.4.0 or higher version
# Basic information
This section describes basic information about the Pulsar Flink connector.
## Client
Currently, the following Flink versions are supported.
- Flink 1.9 - 1.10: they are maintained in the [`flink-1.9` branch](https://github.com/streamnative/pulsar-flink/tree/flink-1.9).
- Flink 1.11: it is maintained in the [`flink-1.11` branch](https://github.com/streamnative/pulsar-flink/tree/flink-1.11).
- Flink 1.12: it is maintained in the [`master` branch](https://github.com/streamnative/pulsar-flink/tree/master).
> **Note**
> Since Flink's API has changed greatly, we mainly work on new features in the `master` branch and fix bugs in other branches.
The JAR package is located in the [Bintray Maven repository of StreamNative](https://dl.bintray.com/streamnative/maven).
For projects using SBT, Maven, or Gradle, you can set the following parameters for your project.
- `FLINK_VERSION`: currently, versions `1.9`, `1.11`, and `1.12` are available.
- `SCALA_BINARY_VERSION`: this parameter defines the Scala version used by Flink. Versions `2.11` and `2.12` are available.
- `PULSAR_FLINK_VERSION`: it is the version of the Pulsar Flink connector. Usually, use a three-digit version (such as version `2.7.0`) for a master release and a four-digit version for a branch release (such as version ``).
Here is an example about how to configure parameters for projects using SBT, Maven, or Gradle.
groupId = io.streamnative.connectors
artifactId = pulsar-flink-connector-{{SCALA_BINARY_VERSION}}-{{FLINK_VERSION}}
## Maven projects
For Maven projects, you can add the repository configuration to your `pom.xml`, as shown below.
For Maven projects, you can use the following [shade](https://imperceptiblethoughts.com/shadow/) plugin definition template to build an application JAR package that contains all the dependencies required for the client library and Pulsar Flink connector.
<!-- Shade all the dependencies to avoid conflicts -->
<!-- more libs to include here -->
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.ServicesResourceTransformer" />
<transformer implementation="org.apache.maven.plugins.shade.resource.PluginXmlResourceTransformer" />
## Gradle projects
For Gradle projects, you can add the repository configuration to your `build.gradle`, as shown below.
repositories {
maven {
url 'https://dl.bintray.com/streamnative/maven'
For gradle projects, you can use the following [shade](https://imperceptiblethoughts.com/shadow/) plugin definition template to build an application JAR package that contains all the dependencies required for the client library and Pulsar Flink connector.
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'com.github.jengelman.gradle.plugins:shadow:6.0.0'
apply plugin: 'com.github.johnrengelman.shadow'
apply plugin: 'java'
# Build Pulsar Flink connector
To build the Pulsar Flink connector for reading data from Pulsar or writing the results to Pulsar, follow these steps.
1. Check out the source code.
git clone https://github.com/streamnative/pulsar-flink.git
cd pulsar-flink
2. Install the Docker.
The Pulsar Flink connector uses [Testcontainers](https://www.testcontainers.org/) for integration test. To run the integration test, ensure to install the Docker. For details about how to install the Docker, see [here](https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/install/).
3. Set the Java version.
Modify `java.version` and `java.binary.version` in `pom.xml`.
> **Note**
> Ensure that the Java version should be identical to the Java version for the Pulsar Flink connector.
4. Build the project.
mvn clean install -DskipTests
5. Run the test.
mvn clean install
After the Pulsar Flink connector is installed, a JAR package that contains all the dependencies is generated in both the local Maven repository and the `target` directory.
> **Note**
> If you use intellij IDEA to debug this project, you might encounter the `org.apache.pulsar.shade.org.bookkeeper.ledger` package error. To fix the error, use the ` mvn clean install -DskipTests` command to install the JAR package to the local repository, ignore the `managed-ledger-shaded` Maven module on the project, and then click **Refresh**.
# Deploy Pulsar Flink connector
This section describes how to deploy the Pulsar Flink connector.
## Client library
For any Flink application, use the `./bin/flink run` command to compile and start your application.
If you have already built a JAR package with dependencies using the above shade plugin, you can use the `--classpath` option to add your JAR package.
> **Note**
> The path must be in a protocol format (such as `file://`) and the path must be accessible on all nodes.
./bin/flink run -c com.example.entry.point.ClassName file://path/to/jars/your_fat_jar.jar
## Scala REPL
The Scala REPL is a tool (scala) for evaluating expressions in Scala. Use the `bin/start-scala-shell.sh` command to deploy Pulsar Flink connector on Scala client. You can use the `--addclasspath` to add `pulsar-flink-connector_{{SCALA_BINARY_VERSION}}-{{ PULSAR_FLINK_VERSION}}.jar` package.
./bin/start-scala-shell.sh remote <hostname> <portnumber>
--addclasspath pulsar-flink-connector-{{SCALA_BINARY_VERSION}}-{{PULSAR_FLINK_VERSION}}.jar
For more information on submitting applications through the CLI, see [Command-Line Interface](https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.12/deployment/cli.html) .
## SQL client
The [SQL Client](https://ci.apache.org/projects/flink/flink-docs-release-1.12/dev/table/sqlClient.html) is used to write SQL queries for manipulating data in Pulsar, you can use the `-addclasspath` option to add `pulsar-flink-connector-{{SCALA_BINARY_VERSION}}-{{PULSAR_FLINK_VERSION}}.jar` package.
./bin/sql-client.sh embedded --jar pulsar-flink-connector-{{SCALA_BINARY_VERSION}}-{{PULSAR_FLINK_VERSION}}.jar
> **Note**
> If you put the JAR
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脉冲星Flink连接器 Pulsar Flink连接器使用和实现弹性数据处理。 有关中文文档的详细信息,请参见。 先决条件 Java 8或更高版本 Flink 1.9.0或更高版本 Pulsar 2.4.0或更高版本 基本信息 本节介绍有关Pulsar Flink连接器的基本信息。 客户 当前,支持以下Flink版本。 Flink :它们维护在。 Flink 1.11:它在维护。 Flink 1.12:它在维护。 注意由于Flink的API发生了很大变化,因此我们主要致力于master分支中的新功能,并修复其他分支中的错误。 JAR包位于。 对于使用SBT,Maven或Gradle的项目,可以为项目设置以下参数。 FLINK_VERSION :目前,版本1.9 , 1.11 ,和1.12可用。 SCALA_BINARY_VERSION :此参数定义Flink使用的Scala版本。 提供版本2.11和2.12 。 PULSAR_FLINK_VERSION :它是Pulsar Flink连接器的版本。 通常,对于主发行版,请使用三位数版本(例如,版本2.7.0 );对
pulsar-flink:使用Apache Pulsar和Apache Flink进行弹性数据处理 (192个子文件)
txnStandalone.conf 35KB
standalone.conf 33KB
client.conf 2KB
org.apache.flink.table.factories.Factory 767B
.gitignore 496B
FlinkPulsarITest.java 63KB
FlinkPulsarSource.java 36KB
FlinkPulsarSourceTest.java 35KB
PulsarTableOptions.java 32KB
PulsarDynamicTableFactoryTest.java 31KB
FlinkPulsarSinkBase.java 30KB
PulsarFetcher.java 29KB
PulsarDeserializer.java 28KB
FlinkPulsarTableITest.java 27KB
JacksonRecordParser.java 26KB
UpsertPulsarTableITCase.java 25KB
PulsarFetcherWatermarkTest.java 21KB
PulsarEnumeratorTest.java 20KB
ClosableBlockingQueueTest.java 20KB
PulsarDynamicTableSource.java 20KB
UpsertPulsarDynamicTableFactoryTest.java 20KB
SimpleSchemaTranslator.java 19KB
PulsarMetadataReader.java 19KB
CatalogITest.java 18KB
ClosableBlockingQueue.java 17KB
PulsarDynamicTableFactory.java 17KB
PulsarTestBase.java 17KB
FlinkPulsarSinkTest.java 16KB
PulsarPartitionSplitReader.java 16KB
RowDataDerSerializationSchemaTest.java 15KB
UpsertPulsarDynamicTableFactory.java 15KB
PulsarSerializer.java 15KB
PulsarCatalog.java 15KB
PulsarDynamicTableSink.java 15KB
DiscovererTest.java 12KB
SchemaUtils.java 12KB
DateTimeUtils.java 12KB
PulsarSourceITCase.java 11KB
SchemaITest.java 11KB
ReaderThread.java 11KB
PulsarSourceEnumerator.java 11KB
PulsarTransactionalSinkTest.java 10KB
DynamicPulsarDeserializationSchema.java 10KB
PulsarSource.java 9KB
InputSplitReader.java 9KB
PulsarSerializationSchemaWrapper.java 9KB
PulsarAuthTest.java 9KB
PulsarFetcherTest.java 9KB
CachedClients.java 8KB
PulsarSourceBuilder.java 8KB
SourceSinkUtils.java 8KB
Pulsar.java 8KB
DynamicPulsarSerializationSchema.java 8KB
SplitUtils.java 7KB
SourceReaderTestBase.java 7KB
PulsarInputFormat.java 7KB
JSONOptions.java 7KB
PulsarValidator.java 6KB
SchemaData.java 6KB
PulsarOptionsTest.java 6KB
AtomicRowDataDeserializationSchema.java 6KB
PulsarSubscriberTest.java 6KB
StartOffsetInitializer.java 6KB
SerdeUtils.java 6KB
PulsarCatalogSupport.java 5KB
PulsarTest.java 5KB
PulsarPrimitiveSchema.java 5KB
FlinkPulsarSink.java 5KB
PulsarOptions.java 5KB
AtomicRowDataFormatFactory.java 5KB
PulsarInputFormatITest.java 5KB
PartitionReader.java 4KB
IntegerSource.java 4KB
CachedPulsarClient.java 4KB
StopCondition.java 4KB
TopicPatternSubscriber.java 4KB
AtomicRowDataSerializationSchema.java 4KB
SpecifiedStartOffsetInitializer.java 4KB
AtomicRowDataDeserializationSchemaTest.java 4KB
PulsarDeserializationSchema.java 4KB
PulsarTestBaseWithFlink.java 4KB
CachedPulsarClientTest.java 4KB
RowDataUtil.java 4KB
TopicListSubscriber.java 4KB
PulsarCatalogFactory.java 4KB
FailingIdentityMapper.java 4KB
ConnectorConfig.java 4KB
PulsarSubscriber.java 4KB
TopicRange.java 4KB
TestMetadataReader.java 3KB
PulsarValidatorTest.java 3KB
SchemaTranslator.java 3KB
ComponentClosingUtils.java 3KB
ComponentClosingUtils.java 3KB
MessageDeserializer.java 3KB
SerializableRange.java 3KB
ValidatingExactlyOnceSink.java 3KB
PulsarTopicPartitionStateWithWatermarkGenerator.java 3KB
PulsarSourceOptions.java 3KB
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