# BinanceDotNet <img src="https://i.imgur.com/x2YPVe6.png" width="56" />
## C# Wrapper for the official Binance exchange API
<img src="https://img.shields.io/nuget/dt/BinanceDotNet.svg" />
<img src="https://img.shields.io/nuget/v/BinanceDotNet.svg" />
Compatible with **.NET 4.5.1, .NET 4.5.2, .NET 4.6.1, .NETSTANDARD2.0**
This repository provides a C# wrapper for the official Binance API, and provides rate limiting features _(set to 10 by 10 out the box)_, a `IAPICacheManager` interface to allow users to provide their own cache implementations, all `REST` endpoints covered, and a best practice solution coupled with strongly typed responses and requests. It is built on the latest .NET Framework and in .NET Core
Feel free to raise issues and Pull Request to help improve the library. If you found this API useful, and you wanted to give back feel free to sign up to Binance via my referral link [**here**](https://www.binance.com/?ref=10886925).
## Documentation
- [Binance Clients](/docs/BINANCE-CLIENTS.md)
- [REST API Calls](/docs/REST-API.md)
- [WebSocket API Calls](/docs/WEBSOCKET-API.md)
## Installation
The package is available in NuGet, or feel free to download:
**Nuget PM**
Install-Package BinanceDotNet
**dotnet cli**
dotnet add package BinanceDotNet
## Donations and Contribution
Upkeep of this API takes a lot of time from answering issues and PR's on the Repository, as well as tweets and direct emails.
You can donate cryptocurrency of any amount to the following wallets:
ETH: 0xd5775e2dee4b9fa9a3be5222970c04ac574e8412
_Want to send something else? Just tweet me! @Glitch100_
Or you can help maintain the repository! Donations of time are welcome, just hit me up and we can work on it. From answering issues, to contributing code anyone can assist.
git clone git@github.com:glitch100/BinanceDotNet.git
- Navigate to `ExampleProgram.cs`
- Add your own Private and Secret keys
- Play around with the API
## Features
- Simple, Configurable, Extendable
- Rate limiting, with 10 requests in 10 seconds _(disabled by default)_
- `log4net` Interfaces supported
- dotnet standard, dotnet core, 4.5.1, 4.6.1 support
- Binance WebSockets
- Unit test coverage (_in progress_)
- `IAPICacheManager` abstraction for providing your own cache or using the build in concrete implementation. _(Currently only one endpoint has caching)_
- Console app with examples ready to launch _(provide API keys)_
## Examples
More examples are available to play around with within the repositorys Console application which can be found [here](/BinanceExchange.Console/ExampleProgram.cs). Otherwise there are some examples around utilising both `WebSockets` and `REST` API in the `Usage` section below.
## Roadmap
Work will continue on this API wrapper over the coming months adding and extending out the number of features that the `BinanceDotNet` library has. Please raise issues for new features desired
- Start building out Unit Test support - >~2.1.0
- Provide Builder support for queries - 2.5.0~
- Abstract out the HttpClient - 3.0.0~
## Usage
Code examples below, or clone the repository and run the `BinanceExchange.Console` project.
**This repository is built off dotnet core, and runs against C# 7.1**
### Creating a Client
General usage just requires setting up the client with your credentials, and then calling the Client as necessary.
// Build out a client, provide a logger, and more configuration options, or even your own APIProcessor implementation
var client = new BinanceClient(new ClientConfiguration()
ApiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY",
SecretKey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY",
//You an also specify symbols like this.
var desiredSymbol = TradingPairSymbols.BNBPairs.BNB_BTC,
IReponse response = await client.GetCompressedAggregateTrades(new GetCompressedAggregateTradesRequest(){
Symbol = "BNBBTC",
StartTime = DateTime.UtcNow().AddDays(-1),
EndTime = Date.UtcNow(),
### Creating a WebSocket Client
For WebSocket endpoints, just instantiate the `BinanceClient`, and provide it into the `BinanceWebSocketClient`
You can use a `using` block or manual management.
var client = new BinanceClient(new ClientConfiguration()
ApiKey = "YOUR_API_KEY",
SecretKey = "YOUR_SECRET_KEY",
// Manual management
var manualWebSocketClient = new InstanceBinanceWebSocketClient(client);
var socketId = binanceWebSocketClient.ConnectToDepthWebSocket("ETHBTC", data =>
System.Console.WriteLine($"DepthCall: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data)}");
// Disposable and managed
using (var binanceWebSocketClient = new DisposableBinanceWebSocketClient(client))
binanceWebSocketClient.ConnectToDepthWebSocket("ETHBTC", data =>
System.Console.WriteLine($"DepthCall: {JsonConvert.SerializeObject(data)}");
### Error Handling
The Binance API provides rich exceptions based on different error types. You can decorate calls like this if you would like to handle the various exceptions.
// Firing off a request and catching all the different exception types.
accountTrades = await client.GetAccountTrades(new AllTradesRequest()
FromId = 352262,
Symbol = "ETHBTC",
catch (BinanceBadRequestException badRequestException)
catch (BinanceServerException serverException)
catch (BinanceTimeoutException timeoutException)
catch (BinanceException unknownException)
### Building out a local cache per symbol from the depth WebSocket
The example is mainly 'all in one' so you can see a full runthrough of how it works. In your own implementations you may want to have a cache of only the most recent bids/asks, or perhaps will want the empty quanity/price trades.
You can also calculate volume and more from this cache. The following code is _partial_ from the `ExampleProgram.cs`.
private static async Task<Dictionary<string, DepthCacheObject>> BuildLocalDepthCache(IBinanceClient client)
// Code example of building out a Dictionary local cache for a symbol using deltas from the WebSocket
var localDepthCache = new Dictionary<string, DepthCacheObject> {{ "BNBBTC", new DepthCacheObject()
Asks = new Dictionary<decimal, decimal>(),
Bids = new Dictionary<decimal, decimal>(),
var bnbBtcDepthCache = localDepthCache["BNBBTC"];
// Get Order Book, and use Cache
var depthResults = await client.GetOrderBook("BNBBTC", true, 100);
//Populate our depth cache
depthResults.Asks.ForEach(a =>
if (a.Quantity != 0.00000000M)
bnbBtcDepthCache.Asks.Add(a.Price, a.Quantity);
depthResults.Bids.ForEach(a =>
if (a.Quantity != 0.00000000M)
bnbBtcDepthCache.Bids.Add(a.Price, a.Quantity);
// Store the last update from our result set;
long lastUpdateId = depthResults.LastUpdateId;
using (var binanceWebSocketClient = new DisposableBinanceWebSocketClient(client))
binanceWebSocketClient.ConnectToDepthWebSocket("BNBBTC", data =>
if (lastUpdateId < data.UpdateId)
data.BidDepthDeltas.ForEach((bd) =>
CorrectlyUpdateDepthCache(bd, bnbBtcDepthCache.Bids);
data.AskDepthDeltas.ForEach((ad) =>
CorrectlyUpdateDepthCache(ad, bnbBtcDepthCache.Asks);
lastUpdateId = data.UpdateId;
System.Console.WriteLine($"{JsonConvert.SerializeObject(bnbBtcDepthCache, Formatting.Indented)}");
System.Console.SetWindowPosition(0, 0);
return localDepthCache;
### Result Transformations
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BinanceDotNet 官方Binance交换API的C#包装器 与.NET 4.5.1,.NET 4.5.2,.NET 4.6.1,.NETSTANDARD2.0兼容 该存储库为官方Binance API提供了C#包装,并提供了速率限制功能(开箱即用10设置为10) ,允许用户提供自己的缓存实现的IAPICacheManager接口,涵盖了所有REST端点以及最佳实践解决方案以及强类型的响应和请求。 它基于最新的.NET Framework和.NET Core构建 随时提出问题,并请求请求来改进图书馆。 如果你发现这个API有用的,你希望自己能回馈随时通过我的推荐链接注册到Binanc
BinanceDotNet:带有REST和WebSocket端点的Binance交换API的官方C#包装器 (154个子文件)
nlog.config 878B
BinanceClient.cs 19KB
ExampleProgram.cs 17KB
AbstractBinanceWebSocketClient.cs 14KB
TradingPairSymbols.cs 13KB
RequestClient.cs 12KB
Endpoints.cs 12KB
APIProcessor.cs 10KB
IBinanceClient.cs 7KB
MarketDataTests.cs 6KB
BinanceTradeOrderData.cs 4KB
BinanceTradeData.cs 4KB
APICacheManager.cs 3KB
ExchangeInfoSymbolFilterConverter.cs 3KB
UserDataStreamTests.cs 2KB
BinanceKline.cs 2KB
OrderResponse.cs 2KB
SymbolPriceChangeTickerResponse.cs 2KB
IBinanceWebSocketClient.cs 2KB
BinanceAggregateTradeData.cs 2KB
ResultTransformations.cs 2KB
CreateOrderRequest.cs 2KB
IAPIProcessor.cs 2KB
KlineCandleSticksConverter.cs 2KB
BinanceAccountUpdateData.cs 2KB
IAPICacheManager.cs 1KB
CompressedAggregateTradeResponse.cs 1KB
BinanceDepthData.cs 1KB
KlineCandleStickResponse.cs 1KB
ResultCreateOrderResponse.cs 1KB
GeneralEndpointTests.cs 1KB
BinanceDataCombined.cs 1KB
ExchangeInfoSymbol.cs 1KB
TraderPriceConverter.cs 1KB
BinanceTradeOrderDataTests.cs 1KB
ExchangeInfoSymbolFilterType.cs 1KB
DisposableBinanceWebSocketClient.cs 1KB
AccountTradeReponse.cs 1KB
TimespanConverter.cs 1KB
WithdrawListItem.cs 1KB
BinancePartialData.cs 1KB
GetKlinesCandlesticksRequest.cs 1012B
EpochTimeConverter.cs 959B
BinanceKlineData.cs 952B
AccountInformationResponse.cs 951B
StringDecimalConverter.cs 930B
BinanceClientBaseTests.cs 928B
DepositListItem.cs 908B
WithdrawRequest.cs 905B
GetCompressedAggregateTradesRequest.cs 902B
BinancePartialDepthData.cs 897B
PreparePartialString.cs 887B
Guard.cs 886B
OrderRejectReason.cs 872B
KlineInterval.cs 820B
ExchangeInfoResponse.cs 791B
BinanceCombinedDepthData.cs 781B
FundHistoryRequest.cs 757B
BaseCreateOrderResponse.cs 731B
CancelOrderResponse.cs 727B
CancelOrderRequest.cs 720B
OrderBookResponse.cs 676B
SymbolOrderBookResponse.cs 674B
DateTimeExtensions.cs 662B
QueryOrderRequest.cs 632B
ExchangeInfoSymbolFilterPercentPrice.cs 613B
BinanceWebSocketResponse.cs 610B
BinanceTimeoutException.cs 608B
ExchangeInfoSymbolFilterPrice.cs 593B
ExchangeInfoSymbolFilterLotSize.cs 591B
SystemStatusResponse.cs 570B
EnumExtensions.cs 566B
BinanceEndpointData.cs 561B
InstanceBinanceWebSocketClient.cs 560B
OrderType.cs 560B
ExchangeInfoRateLimit.cs 554B
BalanceResponse.cs 554B
DepositAddressResponse.cs 545B
OrderStatus.cs 543B
AllOrdersRequest.cs 534B
Fill.cs 527B
ClientConfiguration.cs 526B
AllTradesRequest.cs 525B
AccountRequest.cs 523B
BalanceResponseData.cs 512B
WithdrawResponse.cs 505B
ServerTimeResponse.cs 497B
BinanceBadRequestException.cs 483B
UserDataWebSocketMessages.cs 479B
TradeResponse.cs 472B
WebSocketConnectionFunc.cs 471B
BinanceWebSocket.cs 470B
ExecutionType.cs 455B
BinanceServerException.cs 453B
ExchangeInfoOrderType.cs 447B
ExchangeInfoSymbolFilterMinNotional.cs 444B
WithdrawListResponse.cs 442B
DepositListResponse.cs 439B
FullCreateOrderResponse.cs 413B
BinanceError.cs 409B
共 154 条
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- game1382021-08-09骗子。2019年的代码重新上传一次就卖钱?看时间还以为是最新的。官方不管管?3年前的代码你们觉得还有什么用?
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