# Pothos framework library and build environment
This is the project for the Pothos framework library.
It also contains submodules for various dependencies
and Pothos toolkits to make it easy to install
the entire Pothos software suite in one build.
## Documentation
* https://github.com/pothosware/PothosCore/wiki
## Build Status
- Travis: [![Travis Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/pothosware/PothosCore.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/pothosware/PothosCore)
- AppVeyor: [![AppVeyor Build status](https://ci.appveyor.com/api/projects/status/7owo8qb9oldw8iq8)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/guruofquality/pothos)
## Dependencies
The poco, muparserx, and spuce libraries are available
as git submodules to simplify building this project from source.
The user may install these dependencies separately prior to building,
or the build will install them automatically from submodule if missing.
* poco C++ utility library (framework+toolkit dependency)
* muparserx expression parser (framework dependency)
* spuce filter design library (toolkit dependency)
## Toolkits
Although all toolkits can be built as standalone cmake projects,
user may wish to build these toolkits alongside the framework
library to simplfy the effort involved building from source.
The following toolkits are available as git submodules:
* PothosAudio
* PothosBlocks
* PothosComms
* PothosFlow
* PothosPlotters
* PothosPython
* PothosSoapy
* PothosWidgets
## Building
configure, build, and install with CMake
## Layout
* include/ - public API C++11 header files
* lib/ - C++ sources for the Pothos library
* docs/ - doxygen configuration and generation
* apps/ - the source for the PothosUtil binary
* cmake/ - cmake utilities for building projects
## Licensing library
Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software
License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
## Licensing other
This repository is a meta-project for developing, building, and installing
the main Pothos framework, core dependency libraries, and official toolkits.
License files and source code are available in each project sub-directory.
The core Pothos library, Poco and libsimdpp C++ libraries,
and official toolkits found in this repository
are available under the Boost Software License - Version 1.0.
Please note that Pothos toolkits that are NOT found in this repository,
both official and unofficial, may have different licensing terms.
Several external libraries have been included into this meta-project
that are not licensed under the Boost Software License - Version 1.0,
however are available under a permissive compatible software license.
### kissfft
* Description: C and C++ Fast Fourier Transform library
* Homepage: https://github.com/itdaniher/kissfft/blob/master/README
* License: https://github.com/itdaniher/kissfft/blob/master/COPYING
* Usage: Pothos comms FFT transform blocks
* Source: comms/fft/ (embedded copy)
### muparserX
* Description: C++ mathematical expression evaluator library
* Homepage: http://articles.beltoforion.de/article.php?a=muparserx
* License: http://opensource.org/licenses/BSD-3-Clause
* Usage: Pothos util tookit expression parser support
* Source: muparserx/ (top level submodule)
### Qwt
* Description: C++ plotting library based around Qt widgets
* Homepage: http://qwt.sourceforge.net/
* License: http://qwt.sourceforge.net/qwtlicense.html
* Usage: Pothos plotters toolkit support library
* Source: plotters/qwt/ (nested submodule)
### qtcolorpicker
* Description: C++ drop-down color selection Qt widget
* License: GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
* Usage: Pothos GUI designer affinity color selection
* Source: flow/qtcolorpicker/ (embedded copy)
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Pothos框架库和构建环境 这是Pothos框架库的项目。 它还包含用于各种依赖项的子模块和Pothos工具包,从而可以轻松地在一个版本中安装整个Pothos软件套件。 文献资料 建置状态 特拉维斯(Travis): AppVeyor: 依存关系 poco,muparserx和spuce库可作为git子模块使用,以简化从源代码构建此项目的过程。 用户可以在构建之前分别安装这些依赖项,或者如果缺少,则构建将从子模块自动安装它们。 poco C ++实用程序库(框架+工具包依赖项) muparserx表达式解析器(框架依赖性) spuce过滤器设计库(工具包依赖项) 工具包 尽管所有工具箱都可以作为独立的cmake项目构建,但用户可能希望将这些工具箱与框架库一起构建,以简化从源代码进行构建的工作。 以下工具包可作为git子模块使用: PothosAudio PothosBlock
PothosCore:Pothos数据流框架 (335个子文件)
changelog 2KB
PothosConfigSIMD.cmake 40KB
PothosConfig.cmake 8KB
PothosUtil.cmake 7KB
FindPkgMacros.cmake 5KB
FindPoco.cmake 5KB
GetGitRevisionDescription.cmake 4KB
PothosStandardFlags.cmake 3KB
SetupPoco.cmake 2KB
PothosLibraryConfig.cmake 2KB
PothosConfigVersion.in.cmake 410B
compat 2B
control 1KB
copyright 2KB
WorkerActor.cpp 25KB
TestTopology.cpp 23KB
SIMDConvert.cpp 23KB
BlockDescription.cpp 20KB
Topology.cpp 17KB
Block.cpp 16KB
TopologyCommit.cpp 12KB
Registry.cpp 12KB
Class.cpp 11KB
PothosUtil.cpp 11KB
DType.cpp 11KB
EvalEnvironment.cpp 10KB
Tests.cpp 10KB
SIMDDispatcherUtils.cpp 10KB
Logger.cpp 10KB
JITCompilerLoader.cpp 10KB
TestEvalExpression.cpp 9KB
InputPort.cpp 9KB
TopologyMakeJSON.cpp 9KB
TopologyDumpJSON.cpp 9KB
BufferConvert.cpp 9KB
ThreadEnvironment.cpp 8KB
BufferAccumulator.cpp 8KB
TestBufferConvert.cpp 8KB
ManagedHandle.cpp 8KB
RemoteProxy.cpp 8KB
ServerHandler.cpp 7KB
ConvertContainers.cpp 7KB
SIMD.cpp 7KB
WindowsGetLogicalProcessorInfo.cpp 7KB
TestToString.cpp 7KB
Server.cpp 7KB
Exception.cpp 7KB
SharedBufferWindows.cpp 7KB
Convert.cpp 7KB
TestRemote.cpp 7KB
SharedBufferUnix.cpp 6KB
RemoteProxyDatagram.cpp 6KB
TopologyDotMarkup.cpp 6KB
Client.cpp 6KB
Convert.cpp 6KB
WorkerActorPortAllocation.cpp 6KB
PothosUtilSelfTests.cpp 6KB
TestConvertVectors.cpp 6KB
ToString.cpp 6KB
TestErrorCodeHandling.cpp 6KB
TopologySquashFlows.cpp 6KB
TestDType.cpp 5KB
Paths.in.cpp 5KB
PothosUtilProxyEnvironmentInfo.cpp 5KB
ConfLoader.cpp 5KB
BlockRegistry.cpp 5KB
TopologyDomainFlows.cpp 5KB
OutputPort.cpp 5KB
BufferChunk.cpp 5KB
Tests.cpp 5KB
MsvcCompilerSupport.in.cpp 5KB
Testing.cpp 5KB
PothosUtilProxyServer.cpp 5KB
ModuleSafeLoad.cpp 5KB
WindowsDelayLoadedSymbols.cpp 5KB
TestBasicTypes.cpp 5KB
Init.cpp 4KB
Module.cpp 4KB
Callable.cpp 4KB
CircularBufferManager.cpp 4KB
TopologyNetworkFlows.cpp 4KB
Label.cpp 4KB
TestSIMDDispatcherUtils.cpp 4KB
TestRingDeque.cpp 4KB
ThreadPool.cpp 4KB
BlockEval.cpp 4KB
RemoteProxyHandle.cpp 4KB
Compare.cpp 4KB
PothosUtilRunTopology.cpp 4KB
Object.cpp 4KB
JSONTopologyLoader.cpp 3KB
GenericBufferManager.cpp 3KB
Proxy.cpp 3KB
Registry.cpp 3KB
Path.cpp 3KB
ConvertString.cpp 3KB
ManagedProxy.cpp 3KB
TestWorker.cpp 3KB
Hash.cpp 3KB
ClangCompilerSupport.cpp 3KB
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