# ![NFC logo][logo] Plugin.NFC
A Cross-Platform NFC (_Near Field Communication_) plugin to easily read and write NFC tags in your application.
This plugin uses **NDEF** (_NFC Data Exchange Format_) for maximum compatibilty between NFC devices, tag types, and operating systems.
## Status
|Plugin.NFC | [![Build status](https://dev.azure.com/franckbour/franckbour/_apis/build/status/Plugin.NFC-CI)](https://dev.azure.com/franckbour/franckbour/_build/latest?definitionId=1) | ![Nuget](https://img.shields.io/nuget/v/Plugin.NFC.svg?label=Nuget) | ![MyGet](https://img.shields.io/myget/plugin-nfc/v/Plugin.NFC.svg?label=MyGet)
CI Feed : https://www.myget.org/F/plugin-nfc/api/v3/index.json
## Supported Platforms
Platform|Version|Tested on
Android|4.4+|Google Nexus 5, Huawei Mate 10 Pro
iOS|11+|iPhone 7
> Windows is currently not supported. Pull Requests are welcomed!
## Setup
### Android Specific
* Add NFC Permission `android.permission.NFC` and NFC feature `android.hardware.nfc` in your `AndroidManifest.xml`
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.NFC" />
<uses-feature android:name="android.hardware.nfc" android:required="false" />
* Add the line `CrossNFC.Init(this)` in your `OnCreate()`
protected override void OnCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)
TabLayoutResource = Resource.Layout.Tabbar;
ToolbarResource = Resource.Layout.Toolbar;
// Plugin NFC: Initialization
global::Xamarin.Forms.Forms.Init(this, savedInstanceState);
LoadApplication(new App());
* Add the line `CrossNFC.OnResume()` in your `OnResume()`
protected override void OnResume()
// Plugin NFC: Restart NFC listening on resume (needed for Android 10+)
* Add the line `CrossNFC.OnNewIntent(intent)` in your `OnNewIntent()`
protected override void OnNewIntent(Intent intent)
// Plugin NFC: Tag Discovery Interception
### iOS Specific
> iOS 13+ is required for writing tags.
An iPhone 7+ and iOS 11+ are required in order to use NFC with iOS devices.
* Add `Near Field Communication Tag Reading` capabilty in your `Entitlements.plist`
* Add a NFC feature description in your Info.plist
<string>NFC tag to read NDEF messages into the application</string>
* Add these lines in your Info.plist if you want to interact with ISO 7816 compatible tags
## API Usage
Before to use the plugin, please check if NFC feature is supported by the platform using `CrossNFC.IsSupported`.
To get the current platform implementation of the plugin, please call `CrossNFC.Current`:
* Check `CrossNFC.Current.IsAvailable` to verify if NFC is available.
* Check `CrossNFC.Current.IsEnabled` to verify if NFC is enabled.
* Register events:
// Event raised when a ndef message is received.
CrossNFC.Current.OnMessageReceived += Current_OnMessageReceived;
// Event raised when a ndef message has been published.
CrossNFC.Current.OnMessagePublished += Current_OnMessagePublished;
// Event raised when a tag is discovered. Used for publishing.
CrossNFC.Current.OnTagDiscovered += Current_OnTagDiscovered;
// Event raised when NFC listener status changed
CrossNFC.Current.OnTagListeningStatusChanged += Current_OnTagListeningStatusChanged;
// Android Only:
// Event raised when NFC state has changed.
CrossNFC.Current.OnNfcStatusChanged += Current_OnNfcStatusChanged;
// iOS Only:
// Event raised when a user cancelled NFC session.
CrossNFC.Current.OniOSReadingSessionCancelled += Current_OniOSReadingSessionCancelled;
### Launch app when a compatible tag is detected on Android
In Android, you can use `IntentFilter` attribute on your `MainActivity` to initialize tag listening.
[IntentFilter(new[] { NfcAdapter.ActionNdefDiscovered }, Categories = new[] { Intent.CategoryDefault }, DataMimeType = "application/com.companyname.yourapp")]
public class MainActivity : global::Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android.FormsAppCompatActivity
To launch/open an app with a tag, `TypeFormat` of the record must be set to `NFCNdefTypeFormat.Mime` and `MimeType` should be setted to the same value of `IntentFilter.DataMimeType` (e.g. application/com.companyname.yourapp):
var record = new NFCNdefRecord {
TypeFormat = NFCNdefTypeFormat.Mime,
MimeType = "application/com.companyname.yourapp",
Payload = NFCUtils.EncodeToByteArray(_writePayload)
### Read a tag
* Start listening with `CrossNFC.Current.StartListening()`.
* When a NDEF message is received, the event `OnMessageReceived` is raised.
### Write a tag
* To write a tag, call `CrossNFC.Current.StartPublishing()`
* Then `CrossNFC.Current.PublishMessage(ITagInfo)` when `OnTagDiscovered` event is raised.
* Do not forget to call `CrossNFC.Current.StopPublishing()` once the tag has been written.
### Clear a tag
* To clear a tag, call `CrossNFC.Current.StartPublishing(clearMessage: true)`
* Then `CrossNFC.Current.PublishMessage(ITagInfo)` when `OnTagDiscovered` event is raised.
* Do not forget to call `CrossNFC.Current.StopPublishing()` once the tag has been cleared.
For more examples, see sample application in the repository.
### Customizing UI messages
* Set a new `NfcConfiguration` object to `CrossNFC.Current` with `SetConfiguration(NfcConfiguration cfg)` method like below
// Custom NFC configuration (ex. UI messages in French)
CrossNFC.Current.SetConfiguration(new NfcConfiguration
Messages = new UserDefinedMessages
NFCWritingNotSupported = "L'écriture des TAGs NFC n'est pas supporté sur cet appareil",
NFCDialogAlertMessage = "Approchez votre appareil du tag NFC",
NFCErrorRead = "Erreur de lecture. Veuillez rééssayer",
NFCErrorEmptyTag = "Ce tag est vide",
NFCErrorReadOnlyTag = "Ce tag n'est pas accessible en écriture",
NFCErrorCapacityTag = "La capacité de ce TAG est trop basse",
NFCErrorMissingTag = "Aucun tag trouvé",
NFCErrorMissingTagInfo = "Aucune information à écrire sur le tag",
NFCErrorNotSupportedTag = "Ce tag n'est pas supporté",
NFCErrorNotCompliantTag = "Ce tag n'est pas compatible NDEF",
NFCErrorWrite = "Aucune information à écrire sur le tag",
NFCSuccessRead = "Lecture réussie",
NFCSuccessWrite = "Ecriture réussie",
NFCSuccessClear = "Effaçage réussi"
## Tutorials
Thanks to Saamer Mansoor ([@saamerm](https://github.com/saamerm)) who wrote this excellent article on [Medium](https://medium.com/@prototypemakers/start-building-with-nfc-rfid-tags-on-ios-android-using-xamarin-today-2268cf86d3b4) about Plugin.NFC and how to use it, check it out!
He also made this video:
[![NFC apps on iOS & Android using Xamarin Forms or Native](http://img.youtube.com/vi/STfzU18v7gE/0.jpg)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STfzU18v7gE "Click to play on YouTube.com")
## Contributing
Feel free to contribute. PRs are accepted and welcomed.
## Credits
Inspired by the great work of many developers. Many thanks to:
- James Montemagno ([@jamesmontemagno](https://github.com/jamesmontemagno)).
- Matthew Leibowitz ([@mattleibow](https://github.com/mattleibow)) for [Xamarin.Essentials PR #131](https://github.com/xamarin/Essentials/pull/131).
- Alessandro Pozone ([@poz1](https://github.com/poz1)) for [NFCForms](https://github.com/poz1/NFCForms).
- Ultz ([@ultz](https://github.com/Ultz)) for [XNFC](https://github.com
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插件NFC 一个跨平台NFC(近场通信)插件,可轻松在您的应用程序中读写NFC标签。 该插件使用NDEF ( NFC数据交换格式)来最大程度地在NFC设备,标签类型和操作系统之间实现兼容性。 状态 包 建立 NuGet 我的Get 插件NFC CI订阅源: : 支持平台 平台 版 经过测试 安卓 4.4+ Google Nexus 5,华为Mate 10 Pro 的iOS 11+ iPhone 7 当前不支持Windows。 拉请求是受欢迎的! 建立 特定于Android 在AndroidManifest.xml添加NFC权限android.permission.NF
Plugin.NFC:跨平台NFC(近场通信)插件,可轻松在您的应用程序中读写NFC标签 (113个子文件)
Package.appxmanifest 2KB
Tabbar.axml 522B
Toolbar.axml 383B
Resource.designer.cs 711KB
NFC.iOS.cs 29KB
NFC.android.cs 15KB
MainPage.xaml.cs 12KB
NfcConfiguration.shared.cs 5KB
NFC.uwp.cs 5KB
App.xaml.cs 4KB
NFCUtils.shared.cs 3KB
CrossNFC.android.cs 3KB
INFC.shared.cs 3KB
ITagInfo.shared.cs 2KB
CrossNFC.shared.cs 2KB
TagInfo.shared.cs 2KB
AssemblyInfo.cs 1KB
AssemblyInfo.cs 1KB
MainActivity.cs 1KB
AppDelegate.cs 1KB
AssemblyInfo.cs 1KB
MainPage.xaml.cs 641B
App.xaml.cs 640B
Main.cs 483B
Plugin.NFC.Sample.UWP.csproj 8KB
Plugin.NFC.Sample.iOS.csproj 7KB
Plugin.NFC.Sample.Android.csproj 5KB
Plugin.NFC.csproj 4KB
Plugin.NFC.Sample.csproj 511B
.editorconfig 4KB
.gitignore 6KB
Contents.json 2KB
Info.plist 2KB
Entitlements.plist 312B
Icon1024.png 69KB
launcher_foreground.png 51KB
SplashScreen.scale-400.png 39KB
Default-Portrait@2x.png 34KB
launcher_foreground.png 33KB
LargeTile.scale-400.png 31KB
icon.png 19KB
launcher_foreground.png 17KB
Wide310x150Logo.scale-400.png 15KB
SplashScreen.scale-200.png 15KB
LargeTile.scale-200.png 14KB
Square150x150Logo.scale-400.png 13KB
icon.png 13KB
launcher_foreground.png 11KB
Default-Portrait.png 10KB
Square44x44Logo.targetsize-256.png 9KB
Square44x44Logo.altform-unplated_targetsize-256.png 9KB
Default-568h@2x.png 9KB
Default@2x.png 8KB
Default.png 7KB
icon.png 7KB
Wide310x150Logo.scale-200.png 6KB
SplashScreen.scale-100.png 6KB
launcher_foreground.png 6KB
LargeTile.scale-100.png 6KB
Square150x150Logo.scale-200.png 6KB
SmallTile.scale-400.png 5KB
Icon180.png 5KB
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icon.png 5KB
Icon152.png 5KB
Square44x44Logo.scale-400.png 5KB
Icon167.png 5KB
nfc.png 4KB
Icon120.png 4KB
StoreLogo.scale-400.png 4KB
Wide310x150Logo.scale-100.png 3KB
icon.png 3KB
Square150x150Logo.scale-100.png 3KB
Icon87.png 3KB
Icon60.png 2KB
SmallTile.scale-200.png 2KB
Square44x44Logo.scale-200.png 2KB
Icon80.png 2KB
Icon76.png 2KB
nfc48.png 2KB
Icon58.png 2KB
StoreLogo.scale-200.png 2KB
Icon20.png 1KB
Square44x44Logo.altform-unplated_targetsize-48.png 1KB
Square44x44Logo.targetsize-48.png 1KB
SmallTile.scale-100.png 1KB
Square44x44Logo.scale-100.png 1KB
Icon40.png 1KB
Icon29.png 845B
StoreLogo.scale-100.png 836B
Square44x44Logo.targetsize-16.png 394B
Square44x44Logo.altform-unplated_targetsize-16.png 394B
StoreLogo.backup.png 392B
Plugin.NFC.Full.sln 24KB
Plugin.NFC.sln 1KB
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