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pro-javascript-ria-techniques:支持 Apress 书籍“Pro JavaScript RIA 技术...
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专业 JavaScript RIA 技术:最佳实践、性能、演示 作者:Den Odell ISBN 9781430219347 源代码发布 - 版本 1.6 2010 年 12 月 17 日更新 - 版本 1.6 修复: 第 2 章,清单 2-14,更新了 getPosition 方法以正确返回元素的宽度和高度 2010 年 11 月 8 日更新 - 版本 1.5 修复: 第 2 章,清单 2-12,更新了保存方法以将错误命名的 HTTP 标头从“内容类型”重命名为“内容类型” 2010 年 11 月 4 日更新 - 版本 1.4 修复: 第 2 章,清单 2-10,更新了 onDomReady 方法,该方法在某些浏览器中忽略了回调参数 2010 年 10 月 11 日更新 - 版本 1.3 修复: 第 2 章,清单 2-11,更新了 getRelatedTarget 方法
pro-javascript-ria-techniques-master.zip (94个子文件)
04 - Julian Lecomte's Code Pattern for Breaking Up Long Scripts into Smaller Blocks.js 1KB
07 - Loading Full Navigation HTML on Interaction with a Placeholder.js 755B
01 - Providing a Response 300 Milliseconds After an Action.js 1KB
06 - Improved Performance of the Sort Algorithm in Listing 5-5.js 2KB
02 - CSS Pseudo-Classes for Providing Visual Feedback on Hyperlinks.css 432B
03 - Informing the User That the Form Is Being Submitted.js 871B
05 - A Long-Running Sort Routine Split into Smaller Code Blocks.js 2KB
05 - Plugging a Memory Leak.html 397B
07 - Updating Applied Class Names Instead of Individual Styles.html 607B
09 - Adding Page Elements Dynamically As an HTML String.html 371B
02 - Executing Scripts As Soon As the DOM Is Ready.js 390B
04 - Using JSON-P.js 1KB
08 - Creating DOM Elements Efficiently.js 951B
06 - Event Delegation.html 511B
01 - Loading a JavaScript File on Demand Without Blocking the Browser.js 708B
03 - Using a Memoizer to Speed Up Execution Time of Repetitive Functions.js 2KB
03 - Polymorphism in Action - Replacing the Method of a Parent Class.js 747B
17 - The Bare-Bones Structure of an E-Mail Message Class.js 1KB
01 - Creating a Singleton.js 858B
18 - A Folder Class Structure.js 938B
16 - Instantiating the $ Library.js 146B
08 - Object Literal with Many Types of Values.js 692B
15 - Adding Methods for Locating Elements Within the DOM to the $ Library.js 1KB
21 - A Class Representing the Observer Pattern.js 1006B
04 - Polymorphism in Action - Extending the Method of a Parent Class.js 1KB
23 - Basic Test Suite HTML Page Using YUI Test.html 3KB
22 - Web Mail Client Application Using the Observer Pattern.js 3KB
19 - Singleton Representing a Web Mail Client Application.js 944B
02 - Basic Inheritance in JavaScript.js 814B
09 - Object Literal As an Input to a Function.js 1KB
05 - The this Keyword in Action.js 1KB
13 - Adding Utility Methods to the $ Library.js 4KB
10 - Executing Code When the DOM Is Ready for Access.js 1KB
07 - Restricting Access to Properties and Methods of a Class.js 1KB
11 - Writing Methods to Standardize Event Handling in Browsers.js 8KB
20 - Web Mail Client Application Using the MVC Software Pattern.js 4KB
06 - Using apply and call to Alter the Value of the this Keyword.js 1KB
14 - Adding CSS Style-Related Methods to the $ Library.js 6KB
12 - Loading Content Dynamically Using Ajax.js 6KB
01 - Configuring a Binary Connector.js 4KB
03 - Binary File Reader.js 5KB
05 - HTML Page for Displaying Image Data via Ajax.html 1KB
02 - Loading a Complete or Partial Binary File Using Ajax.js 3KB
06 - Displaying EXIF Image Data on an HTML Page.js 7KB
04 - EXIF Data Reader.js 20KB
02 - GenerateImage.aspx.cs 7KB
03 - Generating Images Containing Text in Custom Fonts in JSP.jsp 4KB
01 - Generating Images Containing Text in Custom Fonts Using PHP.php 4KB
06 - A Simple Canvas Tag Image.html 2KB
01 - A Simple SVG Image File.svg 2KB
05 - Drawing a Dynamic Graph Using the Raphael JavaScript Library.html 15KB
02 - A Simple SVG Image, Described Within an XHTML Page.xhtml 1KB
04 - A Simple VML Image, Described Within an HTML Page.html 1KB
03 - A Simple SVG Image, Described Through JavaScript.html 2KB
06 - Video Tutorial Page Using JW FLV Media Player.js 5KB
03 - HTML Markup for Video Tutorial Page.html 1KB
01 - HTML Markup for the Online MP3 Store Example.html 2KB
02 - JavaScript Code for Online MP3 Store Example.js 1KB
04 - JavaScript to Add Playback Controls to the Video Tutorial Page.js 1KB
05 - Displaying a Video Tutorial Using the YouTube Chromeless Player.js 6KB
13 - Cross-Browser Local Data Storage API.js 3KB
14 - Getting, Setting, and Removing Data Using a Cross-Browser API.js 798B
11 - Getting, Setting, and Removing Data Using Flash Local Shared Objects.js 1KB
07 - Setting, Getting, and Removing Data Using the Global Storage API.js 2KB
08 - Storing, Retreiving, and Removing Data Using the Global Storage API.js 546B
15 - Saving and E-mail Message Being Composed into Local Storage.html 6KB
04 - Creating, Locating, and Deleting userData in Internet Explorer.js 547B
09 - Getting, Setting, and Deleting Data Using the Database Storage API.js 5KB
10 - Setting, Getting, and Removing Data Using the Database Storage API.js 596B
storage.swf 260B
03 - Setting, Getting, and Removing Data Using Internet Explorer's userData Mechanism.js 3KB
storage.fla 38KB
01 - Setting and Reading Cookie Values.js 3KB
06 - Storing, Retreiving, and Removing Data Using the Local Storage API.js 464B
02 - Creating, Location, and Deleting Cookies Using the $ Library.js 486B
05 - Setting, Getting, and Removing Data Using the Local Storage API.js 1KB
12 - Storing, Retreiving, and Removing Data Using Flash Local Shared Objects.js 704B
01 - Extending the $ JavaScript Library with Utility Methods for Dates.js 5KB
06 - HTML Page Demonstrating the SWFUpload Component.html 8KB
07 - Using the TinyMCE Rich Text Editor on an HTML Page.html 2KB
04 - A Custom Slider Form Control.js 21KB
05 - An HTML Page Containing a Slider Control.html 5KB
02 - A Calendar Custom Form Control.js 27KB
03 - HTML Page Containing a Custom Calendar Control.html 7KB
06 - Dynamically Loading Content Accessibly Via Ajax.html 4KB
04 - Alerting Users to Updated Page Content.html 3KB
03 - Improving Event Handling Within the $ JavaScript Library.js 1KB
01 - Adding and Retrieving Browser History Items Through JavaScript.js 4KB
02 - Adding and Navigating Page Visit History Items Using Ajax.html 3KB
05 - Marking Up an HTML Page Using ARIA Landmark Roles.html 2KB
01 - Eric Meyer's Universal Cross-Browser Style Reset.css 1KB
01 - HTTP Request Message Example for www.google.com.txt 414B
02 - HTTP Response Message Example for www.google.com.txt 281B
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