# edumeet
A WebRTC meeting service using [mediasoup](https://mediasoup.org).
Try it online at https://letsmeet.no. You can add /roomname to the URL for specifying a room.
## Features
* Audio/Video
* Chat
* Screen sharing
* File sharing
* Different layouts
* Internationalization support
## Docker
If you want the automatic approach, you can find a docker image [here](https://hub.docker.com/r/edumeet/edumeet/).
## Ansible
If you want the ansible approach, you can find ansible role [here](https://github.com/edumeet/edumeet-ansible/).
## Package Installation
If you want to install it on the Debian & Ubuntu based operating systems.
* Prerequisites:
edumeet will run on nodejs v10.x and later versions. (v12.x has a know issue for now, please until it will be fixed use the 10.x version)
To install see here [here](https://github.com/nodesource/distributions/blob/master/README.md#debinstall).
* Download .deb package from [here](https://github.com/edumeet/edumeet/actions?query=workflow%3ADeployer+branch%3Amaster+is%3Asuccess) (job artifact)
* Unzip the file
$ unzip edumeet.zip
* Install the package
$ sudo apt install edumeet/edumeet.deb
* After package installation, don't forget the configure ip address in config file.
$ sudo nano /etc/meeting/server-config.js
* Finally, start the service by (it's enabled by default)
$ sudo systemctl start edumeet
## Manual installation
* Prerequisites:
Currently edumeet will only run on nodejs v13.x
To install see here [here](https://github.com/nodesource/distributions/blob/master/README.md#debinstall).
$ sudo apt install git npm build-essential redis
* Clone the project:
$ git clone https://github.com/edumeet/edumeet.git
$ cd edumeet
* Copy `server/config/config.example.js` to `server/config/config.js` :
$ cp server/config/config.example.js server/config/config.js
* Copy `app/public/config/config.example.js` to `app/public/config/config.js` :
$ cp app/public/config/config.example.js app/public/config/config.js
* Edit your two `config.js` with appropriate settings (listening IP/port, logging options, **valid** TLS certificate, don't forget ip setting in last section in server config: (webRtcTransport), etc).
* Set up the browser app:
$ cd app
$ npm install
$ npm run build
This will build the client application and copy everythink to `server/public` from where the server can host client code to browser requests.
* Set up the server:
$ cd ..
$ cd server
$ npm install
## Run it locally
* Run the Node.js server application in a terminal:
$ cd server
$ npm start
* Note: Do not run the server as root. If you need to use port 80/443 make a iptables-mapping for that or use systemd configuration for that (see further down this doc).
* Test your service in a webRTC enabled browser: `https://yourDomainOrIPAdress:3443/roomname`
## Deploy it in a server
* Stop your locally running server. Copy systemd-service file `edumeet.service` to `/etc/systemd/system/` and check location path settings:
$ cp edumeet.service /etc/systemd/system/
$ edit /etc/systemd/system/edumeet.service
* Reload systemd configuration and start service:
$ systemctl daemon-reload
$ systemctl start edumeet
* If you want to start edumeet at boot time:
$ systemctl enable edumeet
## Ports and firewall
* 3443/tcp (default https webserver and signaling - adjustable in `server/config.js`)
* 4443/tcp (default `npm start` port for developing with live browser reload, not needed in production environments - adjustable in app/package.json)
* 40000-49999/udp/tcp (media ports - adjustable in `server/config.js`)
## Load balanced installation
To deploy this as a load balanced cluster, have a look at [HAproxy](HAproxy.md).
## Learning management integration
To integrate with an LMS (e.g. Moodle), have a look at [LTI](LTI/LTI.md).
## TURN configuration
* You need an additional [TURN](https://github.com/coturn/coturn)-server for clients located behind restrictive firewalls! Add your server and credentials to `server/config/config.js`
## Community-driven support
* Open mailing list: community@lists.edumeet.org
* Subscribe: lists.edumeet.org/sympa/subscribe/community/
* Open archive: lists.edumeet.org/sympa/arc/community/
## Authors
* Håvar Aambø Fosstveit
* Stefan Otto
* Mészáros Mihály
* Roman Drozd
* Rémai Gábor László
* Piotr Pawałowski
This started as a fork of the [work](https://github.com/versatica/mediasoup-demo) done by:
* Iñaki Baz Castillo [[website](https://inakibaz.me)|[github](https://github.com/ibc/)]
## License
MIT License (see `LICENSE.md`)
Contributions to this work were made on behalf of the GÉANT project, a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No. 731122 (GN4-2). On behalf of GÉANT project, GÉANT Association is the sole owner of the copyright in all material which was developed by a member of the GÉANT project.
GÉANT Vereniging (Association) is registered with the Chamber of Commerce in Amsterdam with registration number 40535155 and operates in the UK as a branch of GÉANT Vereniging. Registered office: Hoekenrode 3, 1102BR Amsterdam, The Netherlands. UK branch address: City House, 126-130 Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 1PQ, UK.
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埃德梅特 使用WebRTC会议服务。 通过在线尝试。 您可以将/ roomname添加到用于指定房间的URL。 产品特点 音频视频 聊天室 屏幕共享 文件共享 不同的布局 国际化支持 码头工人 如果您想使用自动方法,可以找到docker映像。 Ansible 如果您希望使用ansible方法,可以找到ansible角色。 套件安装 如果要在基于Debian和Ubuntu的操作系统上安装它。 先决条件:edumeet将在nodejs v10.x和更高版本上运行。 (v12.x目前有一个已知问题,请使用10.x版本修复该问题)要安装,请参见。 从下载.deb软件包(作业工件) 解压缩文件
edumeet:使用mediasoup和WebRTC进行的多方网络会议 (186个子文件)
index.css 767B
LoadingView.css 48B
.env 71B
demo.gif 1.42MB
.gitignore 274B
index.html 2KB
privacy.html 553B
avatar-empty.jpeg 10KB
background.jpg 88KB
background.jpg 88KB
RoomClient.js 88KB
Room.js 45KB
TopBar.js 26KB
Me.js 25KB
Peer.js 22KB
JoinDialog.js 18KB
server.js 17KB
MediaSettings.js 16KB
interactiveServer.js 15KB
config.example.js 13KB
VideoView.js 13KB
ListPeer.js 13KB
Filmstrip.js 9KB
Room.js 9KB
AppearanceSettings.js 8KB
Selectors.js 8KB
ButtonControlBar.js 8KB
NewWindow.js 7KB
promExporter.js 7KB
room.js 7KB
config.example.js 7KB
SpeakerPeer.js 6KB
Peer.js 6KB
Democratic.js 5KB
settings.js 5KB
RolesManager.js 5KB
index.js 5KB
roomActions.js 5KB
About.js 4KB
File.js 4KB
FullScreenView.js 4KB
ScreenShare.js 4KB
LockDialog.js 4KB
Help.js 4KB
ParticipantList.js 4KB
LoginDialog.js 4KB
Lobby.js 4KB
FileSharing.js 4KB
Volume.js 4KB
UnsupportedBrowser.js 4KB
MeetingDrawer.js 4KB
ExtraVideo.js 4KB
AdvancedSettings.js 4KB
Settings.js 3KB
peers.js 3KB
Spotlights.js 3KB
ChatInput.js 3KB
me.js 3KB
settingsActions.js 3KB
Room.spec.js 3KB
ListModerator.js 3KB
ListLobbyPeer.js 3KB
consumers.js 3KB
ListMe.js 3KB
FileList.js 2KB
FileSharingModerator.js 2KB
locales.js 2KB
VideoWindow.js 2KB
ChatModerator.js 2KB
Message.js 2KB
Notifications.js 2KB
FullView.js 2KB
FullScreen.js 2KB
peerActions.js 2KB
appPropTypes.js 2KB
meActions.js 2KB
MessageList.js 2KB
store.js 2KB
serviceWorker.js 2KB
App.spec.js 2KB
files.js 2KB
toolarea.js 2KB
producers.js 2KB
PeerAudio.js 1KB
consumerActions.js 1KB
lobbyPeers.js 1KB
AudioPeers.js 1KB
permissions.js 1KB
permissions.js 1KB
App.js 1001B
Logger.js 974B
EditableInput.js 965B
electron-starter.js 885B
deviceInfo.js 822B
userRoles.js 817B
fileActions.js 788B
producerActions.js 774B
electron-wait-react.js 772B
Logger.js 768B
rootReducer.js 766B
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