README for ArcSWAT 2012.10_5.22
In order to install ArcSWAT for ArcGIS 10.5.1, you MUST have:
1.) Microsoft Windows 7 or higher
2.) ArcGIS 10.5.1 (build 7333).
3.) ArcGIS Spatial Analyst 10.5.1
4.) ArcGIS Dot Net support (usually found in: C:\ProgramFiles\ArcGIS\DotNet)
5.) Microsoft .Net Framework 4.5
6.) Adobe Acrobat Reader Version 8 or higher. Acrobat Reader may be downloaded for free from:
To install ArcSWAT:
1.) Uninstall any previous versions of ArcSWAT using "Add or Remove Programs" and choosing to Remove ArcSWAT.
2.) Add double-click on the "setup.exe" program. This will launch the ArcSWAT install program
The ArcSWAT documentation and help files will be installed in the ArcSWAT\ArcSWATHelp\ folder in the install
directory (e.g., C:\SWAT\ArcSWAT\). Refer to the ArcSWAT_Documentation.pdf document for important information
on how to get started with ArcSWAT.
Failure to have the above system configuration may result in failure to install ArcSWAT or errors
in the ArcSWAT interface.
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