# Running Ruby Driver Tests
## Quick Start
The test suite requires shared tooling that is stored in a separate repository
and is referenced as a submodule. After checking out the desired driver
branch, check out the matching submodules:
git submodule init
git submodule update
To run the test suite against a local MongoDB deployment listening on port
27017, run:
When run without options, the test suite will automatically detect deployment
topology and configure itself appropriately. Standalone, replica set and
sharded cluster topologies are supported (though the test suite will presently
use only the first listed shard in a sharded cluster if given a seed list,
or the one running on port 27017 if not given a seed list).
TLS, authentication and other options can be configured via URI options by
setting `MONGODB_URI` environment variable appropriately. Examples of such
configuration are given later in this document.
## MongoDB Server Deployment
The tests require a running MongoDB deployment, configured and started
externally to the test suite.
Tests that are not appropriate for the running deployment will be skipped,
with one exception: the test suite assumes that fail points are enabled in
the deployment (see the Fail Points section below). Not every test uses fail
points, therefore it is possible to launch the server without fail points
being enabled and still pass many of the tests in the test suite.
## Starting MongoDB Deployment
There are many ways in which MongoDB can be started. The instructions below
are for manually launching `mongod` instances and using
(part of [mtools](https://github.com/rueckstiess/mtools)) for more complex
deployments, but other tools like
[mongodb-runner](https://github.com/mongodb-js/runner) and
[Mongo Orchestration](https://github.com/10gen/mongo-orchestration) can
in principle also work.
### Standalone
The simplest possible deployment is a standalone `mongod`, which can be
launched as follows:
# Launch mongod in one terminal
mkdir /tmp/mdb
mongod --dbpath /tmp/mdb --setParameter enableTestCommands=1
# Run tests in another terminal
A standalone deployment is a good starting point, however a great many tests
require a replica set deployment and will be skipped on a standalone deployment.
### Replica Set
While a replica set can be started and configured by hand, doing so is
cumbersome. The examples below use
to start a replica set.
First, install [mtools](https://github.com/rueckstiess/mtools):
pip install 'mtools[mlaunch]' --user -U --upgrade-strategy eager
# On Linux:
export PATH=~/.local/bin:$PATH
# On MacOS:
export PATH=$PATH:~/Library/Python/2.7/bin
Then, launch a replica set:
mlaunch init --replicaset --name ruby-driver-rs \
--dir /tmp/mdb-rs --setParameter enableTestCommands=1
The test suite willl automatically detect the topology, no explicit
configuration is needed:
### Replica Set With Arbiter
Some tests require an arbiter to be present in the replica set. Such a
deployment can be obtained by providing `--arbiter` argument to mlaunch:
mlaunch init --replicaset --arbiter --name ruby-driver-rs \
--dir /tmp/mdb-rs --setParameter enableTestCommands=1
To indicate to the test suite that the deployment contains an arbiter, set
HAVE_ARBITER environment variable as follows:
### Sharded Cluster
A sharded cluster can be configured with mlaunch:
mlaunch init --replicaset --name ruby-driver-rs --sharded 1 --mongos 2 \
--dir /tmp/mdb-sc --setParameter enableTestCommands=1
As with the replica set, the test suite will automatically detect sharded
cluster topology.
Note that some tests require a sharded cluster with exactly one shard and
other tests require a sharded cluster with more than one shard. Tests requiring
a single shard can be run against a deployment with multiple shards by
specifying only one mongos address in MONGODB_URI.
## Note Regarding TLS/SSL Arguments
MongoDB 4.2 (server and shell) added new command line options for setting TLS
parameters. These options follow the naming of URI options used by both the
shell and MongoDB drivers starting with MongoDB 4.2. The new options start with
the `--tls` prefix.
Old options, starting with the `--ssl` prefix, are still supported for backwards
compatibility, but their use is deprecated. As of this writing, mlaunch only
supports the old `--ssl` prefix options.
In the rest of this document, when TLS options are given for `mongo` or
`mongod` they use the new `--tls` prefixed arguments, and when the same options
are given to `mlaunch` they use the old `--ssl` prefixed forms. The conversion
table of the options used herein is as follows:
| --tls prefixed option | --ssl prefixed option |
| ----------------------- | --------------------- |
| --tls | --ssl |
| --tlsCAFile | --sslCAFile |
| --tlsCertificateKeyFile | --sslPEMKeyFile |
## TLS With Verification
The test suite includes a set of TLS certificates for configuring a server
and a client to perform full TLS verification in the `spec/support/certificates`
directory. The server can be started as follows, if the current directory is
the top of the driver source tree:
mlaunch init --single --dir /tmp/mdb-ssl --sslMode requireSSL \
--sslPEMKeyFile `pwd`/spec/support/certificates/server.pem \
--sslCAFile `pwd`/spec/support/certificates/ca.crt \
--sslClientCertificate `pwd`/spec/support/certificates/client.pem
To test that the driver works when the server's certificate is signed by an
intermediate certificate (i.e. uses certificate chaining), use the chained
server certificate bundle:
mlaunch init --single --dir /tmp/mdb-ssl --sslMode requireSSL \
--sslPEMKeyFile `pwd`/spec/support/certificates/server-second-level-bundle.pem \
--sslCAFile `pwd`/spec/support/certificates/ca.crt \
--sslClientCertificate `pwd`/spec/support/certificates/client.pem
The driver's test suite is configured to verify certificates by default.
If the server is launched with the certificates from the driver's test suite,
the test suite can be run simply by specifying `tls=true` URI option:
MONGODB_URI='mongodb://localhost:27017/?tls=true' rake
The driver's test suite can also be executed against a server launched with
any other certificates. In this case the certificates need to be explicitly
specified in the URI, for example as follows:
MONGODB_URI='mongodb://localhost:27017/?tls=true&tlsCAFile=path/to/ca.crt&tlsCertificateKeyFile=path/to/client.pem' rake
Note that some tests (specifically testing TLS verification) expect the server
to be launched using the certificates in the driver's test suite, and will
fail when run against a server using other certificates.
## TLS Without Verification
It is also possible to enable TLS but omit certificate verification. In this
case a standalone server can be started as follows:
mlaunch init --single --dir /tmp/mdb-ssl --sslMode requireSSL \
--sslPEMKeyFile `pwd`/spec/support/certificates/server.pem \
--sslCAFile `pwd`/spec/support/certificates/ca.crt \
--sslAllowConnectionsWithoutCertificates \
To run the test suite against such a server, also omitting certificate
verification, run:
MONGODB_URI='mongodb://localhost:27017/?tls=true&tlsInsecure=true' rake
Note that there are tests in the test suite that cover TLS verification, and
they may fail if the test suite is run in this way.
There are several types of OCSP tests implemented in the test suite.
OCSP unit tests are in `spec/integration/ocsp_verifier_spec.rb`. To run
these, set `OCSP_VERIFIER=1` in the environment. There must NOT be a process
running on the host port 8100 as that port will b