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Journal of Communication and Computer 15 (2019) 1-13
doi: 10.17265/1548-7709/2019.01.001
Artificial Intelligence Driven Resiliency with Machine
Learning and Deep Learning Components
Bahman Zohuri
, and Farhang Mossavar Rahmani
1. Research Associate Professor, University of New Mexico, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department, Albuquerque,
New Mexico USA
2. Professor of Finance and Director of MBA School of Business and Management, San Diego, California, USA
Abstract: The future of any business from banking, e-commerce, real estate, homeland security, healthcare, marketing, the stock
market, manufacturing, education, retail to government organizations depends on the data and analytics capabilities that are built and
scaled. The speed of change in technology in recent years has been a real challenge for all businesses. To manage that, a significant
number of organizations are exploring the Big Data (BD) infrastructure that helps them to take advantage of new opportunities while
saving costs. Timely transformation of information is also critical for the survivability of an organization. Having the right
information at the right time will enhance not only the knowledge of stakeholders within an organization but also providing them
with a tool to make the right decision at the right moment. It is no longer enough to rely on a sampling of information about the
organizations' customers. The decision-makers need to get vital insights into the customers' actual behavior, which requires enormous
volumes of data to be processed. We believe that Big Data infrastructure is the key to successful Artificial Intelligence (AI)
deployments and accurate, unbiased real-time insights. Big data solutions have a direct impact and changing the way the organization
needs to work with help from AI and its components ML and DL. In this article, we discuss these topics.
Key words: Artificial intelligence, resilience system, machine learning, deep learning, big data.
1. Introduction
In today’s growth of modern technology and the
world of Robotics, significant momentum is driving
the next generation of these robots that we now know
as Artificial Intelligence (AI). This new generation is
attracting tremendous attention of scientists and
engineers. They are eager to move them to the next
generation that is smarter and more cognitive, which
we now call them Super Artificial Intelligence (SAI).
Every day businesses are facing the vast volume of
data. Unlike before, processing this amount of data is
beyond Master Data Management (MDM) to a level
that we know it as Big Data (BD) that are getting
around at the speed of the Internet. Since our daily
operations within any organization or enterprises are
Corresponding author: Bahman Zohuri, Ph.D, Associate
Research Professor, research fields: electrical and computer
engineering. E-mail: zohurib@unm.edu.
expanding the Internet of Things (IoT) dealing with
these data either structured or unstructured also is
growing at the same speed, thus processing these data
for extracting the right information for the proper
knowledge growing accordingly.
With the demand of Power to make a decision with
minimum risk based on Knowledge of Information
from Data accumulated in Big Data (i.e., Fig. 1) [1]
repository, we need real-time processing of the data
coming to us from Omni-direction perspective. These
data are centric around the BD and get deposited at the
speed of Internet-driven mainly by IoT.
Thus, at this stage, we need to understand, what is
the Big Data (BD) and why it matters when we are
bringing the AI into play.
Toward real-time processing of data with
infrastructure around the Big data is a term that
describes the large volume of data — both structured
and unstructured — that inundates a business on a
Artificial Intelligence Driven Resiliency with Machine Learning and Deep Learning Components
day-to-day basis. Big data usually has three
characteristics. They are volume (the amount of data),
velocity (the rate at which the data is received), and
variety (types of data).
Each of these three characteristics is briefly defined
here as:
1) Volume: Organizations collect data from a
variety of sources, including business transactions,
social media, and information from sensor or
machine-to-machine data. In the past, storing it
would’ve been a problem — but new technologies
(such as Hadoop) have eased the burden.
2) Velocity: Data streams in at an unprecedented
speed and must be dealt with in a timely manner. RFID
tags, sensors, and smart metering are driving the need
to deal with torrents of data in near-real-time.
3) Variety: Data comes in all types of formats —
from structured, numeric data in traditional databases
to unstructured text documents, email, video, audio,
stock ticker data, and financial transactions.
Although at some companies such as SAS, they
consider two additional dimensions when it comes to
big data:
1) Variability: In addition to the increasing
velocities and varieties of data, data flows can be
highly inconsistent with periodic peaks. Is something
trending in social media? Daily, seasonal and
event-triggered peak data loads can be challenging to
manage. Even more so with unstructured data.
2) Complexity: Today’s data comes from multiple
sources, which makes it difficult to link, match,
cleanse and transform data across systems. However,
it’s necessary to connect and correlate relationships,
hierarchies, and multiple data linkages or your data
can quickly spiral out of control.
In a nutshell, Big Data is one of the essential
concepts of our time. It is a phenomenon that has
taken the world by storm. Data is growing at a
compound annual growth rate of almost 60% per year.
As per studies, 70% of that vast data is unstructured.
Examples of unstructured data are video files, data
related to social media, etc. A look at the diversity of
data itself tells the story and the challenges associated
with it. Big Data is a burning topic in IT and the
business world. Different people have different views
and opinions about it. However, everyone agrees that
Big Data refers to a huge amount of unstructured
or semi-structured data.
Storing this mammoth detail is beyond the
capacity of typical traditional database systems
(relational databases).
Legacy software tools are unable to capture,
manage, and process Big Data.
Big Data is a relative term, which depends on an
organization’s size. Big Data is not just referring to
traditional data warehouses, but it includes operational
data stores that can be used for real-time applications.
Also, Big Data is about finding value from the
available data, which is the key to success for the
business. Companies try to understand their customers
better so that they can come up with more targeted
products and services for them.
To do this they are increasingly adopting analytical
techniques by utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI)
driven by Machine Learning (ML) and that is derived
by Deep Learning (DL) for doing analysis on larger
sets of data.
AI, ML and DL are defined further down in this
white paper in a short format to fit this paper and their
details are beyond the scope of this white paper.
To perform operations on data effectively,
efficiently, and accurately, they are expanding their
traditional data sets by integrating them with social
media data, text analytics, and sensor data to get a
complete understanding of customer’s behavior.
However, it is not the amount of data that is
important. It is what organizations do with the data
that matters. Big data can be analyzed for insights that
lead to better decisions and strategic business moves.
The fact is that in today’s volatile environment, every
major organization needs to have the ability to adapt
Artificial Intelligence Driven Resiliency with Machine Learning and Deep Learning Components
to disrupt while maintaining its o eration quickly. In contrast, h ndling the sheer volume of data at the
That is why collecting, housing, analyzing data, and level of Big Data and being able to process these data
using the result of our analysis can give us the power for the right information in near real-time if not
to make a more informed decision and implement that
in a timely manner.
real-time requi es a smart
Artificial Intelligence (AI).
tool that is known as
The above statement, holistically presented in Fig. 1, Artificial intelligence (AI) is a set of technologies
where partially originated by Anthony Liew [1] from and building blocks, all utilizing
Walden University in his article entitled intelligent value across industries and businesses. It is
“Understanding Data, Information, Knowledge and being scaled across sectors at an enterprise level. By
Their Inter-Relationships and was completed by the gathering and learning from data, cogn tive systems
first two authors of this article in their volume I of book can spot
insights to
under title of A Model to Forecast Future Paradigm, workflows, response times, and client ex eriences and
Knowledge Is Power in Four Dimensions” [2]. reduce the cost f operation.
Fig. 1 Depiction of data, information, and knowledge is power in four dimensions [1].
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