3 ©2016 Software AG. All rights reserved.
0 General principles
The ARIS RESTful APIs are designed to access an ARIS repository by apps typically running on
mobile devices. It is not meant as a replacement for other ways to access an ARIS repository, e.g.
the ARIS Report API. Therefore it has various limitations with respect to functionality that you might
have expected.
Every call to the API is atomic: either the operation succeeds or fails.
Every call to the API requires a valid API cookie/token from ARIS User Management.
Many calls have obligatory and/or optional URL parameters. All parameter values must be URL-
encoded as they may contain special characters.
If URL parameters are passed that are unknown or not the correct ones for the specific method or
misspelled, then they are silently ignored. This may lead to an unexpected outcome of the
requested operation.
Many calls require a database language as parameter. If not given, the fallback language of the
current database is used.
Many operations require an ARIS method filter GUID as parameter. If not given, a specific auto-
selection mechanism chooses the right filter, similar to a login on the Connect portal. It is strongly
recommended to pass the desired filter as parameter which is also much faster.
The result objects may contain method data, e.g. typename. Method data is delivered in the
language from the client’s HTTP header (“accept-language”). Alternatively, you can pass an
optional URL parameter methodlanguage in order to set the method language directly.
Date parameters must be provided and are returned in UTC in the RFC 3339 Internet format
YYYY-MM-DD, and for timestamps in UTC in the RFC 3339 Internet Zulu time format is needed
YYYY-MM-DD'T'HH:MM:SS'Z', e.g. 2014-01-22T08:22:55Z.