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Trusted Extensions User's Guide
Part No: E54844
October 2017
Trusted Extensions User's Guide
Part No: E54844
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Référence: E54844
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Using This Documentation ................................................................................ 13
1 About Trusted Extensions ............................................................................. 15
What Is Trusted Extensions? ........................................................................... 15
Trusted Extensions Protects Against Intruders .................................................... 15
Access to the Trusted Computing Base Is Limited ....................................... 16
Mandatory Access Control Protects Information .......................................... 16
Peripheral Devices Are Protected ............................................................. 16
Programs That Spoof Users Are Prevented ................................................. 16
Trusted Extensions Provides Discretionary and Mandatory Access Control ............... 17
Discretionary Access Control .................................................................. 17
Mandatory Access Control ...................................................................... 18
User Responsibilities for Protecting Data ................................................... 24
Trusted Extensions Separates Information by Label ............................................. 24
Single-Level or Multilevel Sessions .......................................................... 24
Session Selection Example ...................................................................... 25
Labeled Workspaces .............................................................................. 26
Enforcing MAC for Email Transactions ..................................................... 26
Erasing Data on Objects Prior to Object Reuse ........................................... 26
Trusted Extensions Enables Secure Administration .............................................. 27
Accessing Applications in Trusted Extensions ............................................ 27
Administration by Role in Trusted Extensions ............................................ 28
2 Logging In to Trusted Extensions ................................................................. 29
Desktop Login in Trusted Extensions ................................................................ 29
Trusted Extensions Login Process .................................................................... 29
Identification and Authentication During Login .......................................... 30
Review Security Attributes During Login .................................................. 31
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