This file contains a simple example of using the D* routine
The task is coded up to find a path on a regular grid between
any two points. The grid values can be integers from 0 to 100.
A specified number of rectangular obstacles can be defined.
Revised 3-29-01 by Yi Guo
// Include files
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "dstar.h"
#include <unistd.h>
// global variables: goal configuration, initial configuration, obstacles
int gblGoal[2] = {50, 15};
int gblRobot[2] = {10, 5};
char gblImage[GRIDY + 1][GRIDX + 1];
//double elev[GRIDY][GRIDX];
// define the number of obstacles here
int gblNumObstacles=2;
#define gblMaxObstacles 3
// define the obstacle rectangles here: (top, left, bottom, right), origin in lower left
int gblObstacle[gblMaxObstacles][4] = { 17, 15, 0, 17,
12, 5, 10, 15,
18, 30, 10, 35};
// NodeInfo structure
typedef struct {
int x;
int y;
} NodeInfo;
Node *gblGrid;
NodeInfo *gblInfo;
// Test for whether a point is in an obstacle or not
int inObstacle(int x, int y);
int inObstacle(int x, int y) {
int i;
// uncomment this to remove the obstacles
// return(0);
for(i=0;i<gblNumObstacles;i++) {
if(y <= gblObstacle[i][0] && y >= gblObstacle[i][2] &&
x >= gblObstacle[i][1] && x <= gblObstacle[i][3])
double cost(Node *to, Node *from);
double cost(Node *to, Node *from) {
double dx, dy;
dx = ((NodeInfo *)to->nodeInfo)->x - ((NodeInfo *)from->nodeInfo)->x;
dy = ((NodeInfo *)to->nodeInfo)->y - ((NodeInfo *)from->nodeInfo)->y;
if(inObstacle(((NodeInfo *)to->nodeInfo)->x, ((NodeInfo *)to->nodeInfo)->y))
return(1e+7 + sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy));
return(sqrt(dx*dx + dy*dy));
// define the g function as parent plus a step
double gfunction(Node *p);
double gfunction(Node *p) {
Node *q;
if(p == NULL)
if(p->parent == NULL)
// This uses movement from the initial state
q = (Node *)p->parent;
return(q->g + cost(q, p));
// define the h function as Euclidean distance to the robot
double hfunction(Node *p);
double hfunction(Node *p) {
NodeInfo *ni;
double h, dx, dy;
if(p == NULL)
ni = (NodeInfo *)p->nodeInfo;
// Uncomment this to get the basic D* with no focusing
// return(0);
// Uncomment this to use Euclidean distance
dx = gblRobot[0] - ni->x;
dy = gblRobot[1] - ni->y;
h = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);
// define the robotNode function
int robot(Node *p);
int robot(Node *p) {
NodeInfo *ni;
ni = (NodeInfo *)p->nodeInfo;
if(ni->x == gblRobot[0] & ni->y == gblRobot[1])
// define the goalNode function
int goal(Node *p);
int goal(Node *p) {
NodeInfo *ni;
ni = (NodeInfo *)p->nodeInfo;
if(ni->x == gblGoal[0] & ni->y == gblGoal[1])
// conventional direction coding for 8-connectedness
#define EAST 0
#define NORTHEAST 1
#define NORTH 2
#define NORTHWEST 3
#define WEST 4
#define SOUTHWEST 5
#define SOUTH 6
#define SOUTHEAST 7
// define the children function
int getNeighbors(Node *parent, Node **neighbor);
int getNeighbors(Node *parent, Node **neighbor) {
NodeInfo *ni;
int i, posx, posy;
int deltax[8] = {1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1, 0, 1};
int deltay[8] = {0, 1, 1, 1, 0, -1, -1, -1};
int numNeighbors;
ni = (NodeInfo *)parent->nodeInfo;
// build all of the legal children
numNeighbors = 0;
for(i=0;i<8;i++) {
// calculate the potential position of the next child
posx = ni->x + deltax[i];
posy = ni->y + deltay[i];
// bounds check
if(posx >= 0 && posx < GRIDX && posy >= 0 && posy < GRIDY) {
// obstacle check
// if(!inObstacle(posx, posy)) {
// node has passed the tests: add it to the array of neighbors
neighbor[numNeighbors++] = &(gblGrid[posy*GRIDX + posx]);
// }
// Free node function
void freeNode(Node *p);
void freeNode(Node *p) {
NodeInfo *ni;
ni = (NodeInfo *)p->nodeInfo;
ni->x = ni->y = -1;
p->parent = NULL;
p->next = NULL;
p->state = NEW;
// Test for node equality
int nodeEqual(Node *a, Node *b);
int nodeEqual(Node *a, Node *b) {
if(a == NULL && b == NULL)
else if(a == NULL)
else if(b == NULL)
if(((NodeInfo *)(a->nodeInfo))->x != ((NodeInfo *)(b->nodeInfo))->x)
if(((NodeInfo *)(a->nodeInfo))->y != ((NodeInfo *)(b->nodeInfo))->y)
// if we're here, the x and y values are the same
// simple function to print a node
void printNode(Node *p);
void printNode(Node *p) {
printf("Node %05d: f %.2lf h %.2lf g %.2lf k %.2lf (%4d, %4d)\n", p->id, p->f, p->h, p->g, p->k,
((NodeInfo *)p->nodeInfo)->x, ((NodeInfo *)p->nodeInfo)->y);
void drawArrow(Node *child, Node *parent);
void drawArrow(Node *child, Node *parent) {
NodeInfo *ci, *pi;
int diffx, diffy;
char c;
long i;
static int reset = 0;
ci = (NodeInfo *)child->nodeInfo;
if(parent == NULL)
c = 'G';
else {
pi = (NodeInfo *)parent->nodeInfo;
diffx = pi->x - ci->x;
diffy = pi->y - ci->y;
if(diffx == 0)
c = '|';
else if(diffy == 0)
c = '-';
else if(diffx * diffy > 0)
c = '/';
c = '\\';
gblImage[ci->y][ci->x] = c;
if(reset <= 0) {
printf("%s\n", gblImage[i]);
printf("ENTER # of iterations: ");
scanf("%d", &reset);
// main function
main() {
Node *root;
NodeInfo *ni;
Node *path, *p, *q;
Node *initial[50];
int numInitial;
int step;
int i, j, k, lo, hi, left, right;
FILE *fp;
double pathcost;
double costR[2];
// initialize the image
for(i=0;i<GRIDY;i++) {
for(j=0;j<GRIDX;j++) {
gblImage[i][j] = '.';
gblImage[i][j] = '\0';
//gblImage[gblRobot[1]][gblRobot[0]] = 'R';
// Put in the obstacle(s)
for(k=0;k<gblNumObstacles;k++) {
for(i=gblObstacle[k][2];i<=gblObstacle[k][0];i++) {
gblImage[i][j] = '#';
gblImage[gblGoal[1]][gblGoal[0]] = 'G';
gblImage[gblRobot[1]][gblRobot[0]] = 'R';
// draw the initial image
/* for(i=GRIDY-1;i>=0;i--) {
printf("%s\n", gblImage[i]);
// allocate the grid of nodes
gblGrid = (Node *)malloc(sizeof(Node) * GRIDX * GRIDY);
gblInfo = (NodeInfo *)malloc(sizeof(NodeInfo) * GRIDX * GRIDY);
// initialize each grid cell
for(i=0;i<GRIDY * GRIDX;i++) {
gblGrid[i].nodeInfo = &(gblInfo[i]);
gblGrid[i].next = NULL;
gblGrid[i].prev = NULL;
gblGrid[i].parent = NULL;
gblGrid[i].state = NEW;
gblGrid[i].id = i * GRIDX;
gblInfo[i].x = i % GRIDX;
gblInfo[i].y = i / GRIDX;
// setup the root node
root = &(gblGrid[gblGoal[1]*GRIDX + gblGoal[0]]);
root->g = 0;
root->h = hfunction(root);
root->f = root->g + root->h;
// put it in the initial array
initial[0] = root;
numInitial = 1;
costR[0] = costR[1] = 1e+7;
// call the D* algorithm
path = DStarSearch(initial, numInitial, gfunction, hfunction, robot, getNeighbors, cost, costR, printNode);
// D* returned failure (couldn't reach the robot's location)
if(path == NULL) {
printf("No path found, terminating\n");
// otherwise, we had a successful search
p = path;
step = 0;
while(p != NULL) {
ni = (NodeInfo *)p->nodeInfo;
printf("Step %03d: (%4d, %4d)\n", step++, ni->x, ni->y);
gblImage[ni->y][ni->x] = 'x';
p = (Node *)p->parent;
gblImage[gblGoal[1]][gblGoal[0]] = 'G';
gblImage[gblRobot[1]][gblRobot[0]] = 'R';
// Put in the obstacle(s)
for(k=0;k<gblNumObstacles;k++) {