16 June 2022 -- changed reference docs from *_README.txt to *_README.md
22 March 2022 -- lasindex: added -o parameter; Fix fseek for gcc for las/lax file > 2Gb
22 March 2022 -- LASlib: added '-iptx_transform' option;
7 January 2022 -- lastrack: extra_byte output bugfix
30 December 2021 -- fix small memory leak in lasreaditemcompressed_v3.cpp
1 December 2021 -- lasclip: merge split output with same shape names
18 November 2021 -- LASlib: new LAStransform '-force_RGB'
12 November 2021 -- LASlib/LASzip merge, bug fix memory leak; add some x64 tool versions
19 July 2021 -- NEW: lasvdatum: vertically moves elevation using ellipsoidal / geoidal difference grids in GTX format
15 July 2021 -- lasinfo: terribly stupid bug fixed for recently added option '-delete_empty'
12 July 2021 -- lasview: bug fix in saving on manual edits. now multiple edits can be saved without restarting the viewer.
11 July 2021 -- lassort: catching quicksort failure with proper ERROR when stack overflow due to exzessive duplicate points
10 July 2021 -- lascopy: added '-keypoint_flag', '-synthetic_flag' and '-overlap_flag' so that all flags can be copied
6 July 2021 -- Potree16: fix for measuring tool bug introduced by recent Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browser update
5 July 2021 -- NEW: lasprobe: handy tool to probe the elevation of one or many LiDAR files at one indicated x / y position
15 June 2021 -- LASlib: new '-clamp_RGB_to_8bit' transform useful after '-scale_rgb 0.07 0.05 0.05' to avoid 8 bit overflow
10 June 2021 -- lasgrid: added '-color_map color_map.txt' to map small values from 0 to 63 to specified RGB color
10 June 2021 -- lasinfo: new option '-delete_empty' for deleting LAS files with zero points
9 June 2021 -- LASlib: bug fix, disallow simultanous use of '-keep_class' together with '-keep_extended_class'
7 June 2021 -- lasgrid: fixed '-classification_majority_16bit' to support extended classes
5 June 2021 -- lasview: option '-screenshot memoy.ppm' starts the viewer and grabs / stored the first full frame to PPM format.
3 June 2021 -- lasview: new hot-key 'D' that stores screen to 'temp.ppm'. need to let my moy go, but it breaks my heart and more.
31 May 2021 -- lasgrid: use '-extended_classification_variety' to compute different classifications per cell for extended point types
31 May 2021 -- lascopy: new option '-unmatched' activates simple copy of requested attribute in point order
30 May 2021 -- LASlib: bug fix when writing LAS files to ASCII text (extended classifications above 31 were always zero)
30 May 2021 -- demzip: minor bug fix for rare ASC files and new option '-class 2' to set classification in LAZ raster
18 April 2021 -- lascolor: new options '-pairs point_pairs.laz' locally correct image alignment via IDW vectors
10 April 2021 -- LASlib: new '-keep_profile p1_x p1_y p2_x p2_y width' keeps a segment of a certain width
30 March 2021 -- lasdatum: distinguish between '-pvr' and '-cfr' for seven parameter helmert transform
26 March 2021 -- laspublish: added support for PotreeViewer 1.8 (as generated by PotreeConverter 2.1)
24 March 2021 -- LASlib: bug fix only for signed long (I32) in LASattributer.set_value_as_float()
23 March 2021 -- lasdatum: now also supports seven parameter helmert transforms via option '-seven ......'
21 March 2021 -- LASlib: new LAStransform '-set_NIR 255'
16 February 2021 -- LASlib and all LAStools: better detection and ERROR when your LAZ file has corruptions in the LAS header
28 January 2021 -- NEW: lasdatum: perform a datum transform using an NTv2 grid using the GRID.gsb file provided by the national survey
22 January 2021 -- lasduplicate: new option '-unique_xyzt' for marking/removing duplicates where XYZ and GPS time stamps match
17 January 2021 -- lascolor: new options: -band_into_red 0 -band_into_green 1 -band_into_blue 2 -band_into_nir 3 -band_into_intensity 5
15 January 2021 -- LASlib: new magic while reading files: '-divide_registers 0 1 2' and '-subtract_registers 0 1 2'
14 January 2021 -- las2las: new option to add an empty VLR: -add_empty_vlr "hello martin" 4711 "i like laser chickens"
7 December 2020 -- fixed new bug introduced 28 September 2020 for command-line combo '-o out.laz -odix _mist -cpu64'
22 November 2020 -- las2las: when reprojecting only x and y, preserve resolution of z coordinate, if not set explicitely
11 November 2020 -- lasinfo: new option '-set_vlr_record_id 2 4711' changes 'record ID' field of VLR with index 2
11 November 2020 -- lasinfo: new option '-set_vlr_user_id 1 "hello martin"' changes 'user ID' field of VLR with index 1
10 November 2020 -- lasinfo: new option '-set_vlr_description 0 "hello martin"' changes 'description' field of VLR with index 0
1 November 2020 -- lascanopy: new option to output either minimal or maximal GPS time stamp with '-gps_min' or '-gps_max'
30 October 2020 -- las2las: fail / exit with error code when input file is corrupt
10 October 2020 -- LASlib: new '-copy_register_into_R 0', '-copy_register_into_G 1', '-copy_register_into_B 2', '-copy_register_into_NIR 3'
5 October 2020 -- LASlib: new '-scale_NIR 2', '-scale_NIR_down', '-scale_NIR_up', '-scale_NIR_to_8bit', '-scale_NIR_to_16bit'
3 October 2020 -- LASlib: new LAStransforms '-add_registers 0 1 2', '-multiply_registers 0 1 2' and '-translate_register 1 10.7'
2 October 2020 -- lassplit: new option to split based on EXTRA BYTES attributes "-by_attribute_interval 0 1.0"
30 September 2020 -- LASlib: new LAStransforms '-copy_register_into_point_source 1' and 'copy_attribute_into_point_source 0'
28 September 2020 -- lastile: small bug fix for correct '-odix _mist' tile names also when using '-cpu64' switch
23 September 2020 -- LASzip and LASlib: rare fix for reading bit-corrupted LAZ files where chunk table is zeroed
13 August 2020 -- lasgrid: added vertical offset to '-subcircle 0.2 -0.1' to keep tree tops
4 August 2020 -- lasthin: added vertical offset to '-subcircle 0.2 -0.1' to keep tree tops
18 June 2020 -- LASlib: first new LAStransforms that allow 16 temporary registers for intermediate computations
9 May 2020 -- LASlib and all LAStools: fixed PLY reader for files written by Cloud Compare with odd header entry
13 March 2020 -- lastile: fixed bug in combination of '-cpu64' and 'external_tiling tiles.shp'
10 March 2020 -- LASlib and all LAStools: enhanced PLY reader to also support "uint" attributes and properties
9 March 2020 -- LASlib and all LAStools: fixed PLY reader for "double" or "float64" attributes and properties
29 February 2020 -- lastile: exit with ERROR when '-external_tiling index.shp FNAME' does not overlap the input point cloud
24 February 2020 -- las2las: check horizontal datum when reprojecting and also set OCG WKT when point type >= 6
22 February 2020 -- lasclassify: do not fail when all of the input points are ignored, but simply copy the unmodified file
19 February 2020 -- lasclip: bug fix for '-split 0' when DBF attribute is unique number and not unique string as file name
18 February 2020 -- lasinfo: report classification histogram for 'withhelp', 'keypoint', 'synthetic', 'overlap' flagged points
16 February 2020 -- las2dem, lasgrid, lasoverlap: new '-osep space', '-osep tab' or '-osep semicolon' specifies XYZ seperator
15 February 2020 -- LASlib: new transforms '-scale_RGB_to_8bit' and '-scale_RGB_to_16bit' only scale RGB values if needed
14 February 2020 -- LASlib: new '-multiply_divided_intensity_into_RGB_green 255' '-multiply_scaled_intensity_into_RGB_red 0.4'
14 February 2020 -- LASlib: new filter '-keep_RGB_greenness 10 65535' keep points if 2G-R-B falls into specified interval
13 February 2020 -- demzip, demdiff: bug fix for reading rasters whose number of cells (ncols x nrows) is over 2 billion
13 February 2020 -- lasoptimize, lasoptimize64: bug fix for certain GPS time stamp orderings that crashed the tool
10 February 2020 -- lasinfo: handle up to 10 attributes with '-histo attribute0 1.0' through '-histo attribute9 0.1'
10 February 2020 -- LASlib: ne
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LAS点云数据解析工具 (472个子文件)
algorithm 1KB
pre_process_mobile_lidar_into_classified_adaptive_tiling.bat 7KB
tutorial3_raster_products_tile_based_pipeline.bat 7KB
photogrammetry_point_processing_example01.bat 6KB
tutorial1_quality_check.bat 4KB
different_ways_to_create_a_chm.bat 4KB
pit_free_script.bat 4KB
tutorial2_lidar_preparation_tile_based_pipeline.bat 4KB
planar_patches_tls.bat 3KB
planar_patches_mls.bat 3KB
huge_las_file_extract_ground_points_only.bat 3KB
generating_a_pit_free_dsm_beam_width.bat 3KB
generating_a_pit_free_chm_beam_width.bat 3KB
photogrammetry_points_to_dtm_dsm_countours.bat 3KB
typical_lidar_preparation_pipeline.bat 3KB
generating_a_pit_free_chm_beam_width_piped.bat 3KB
generating_a_pit_free_chm.bat 2KB
typical_raster_products_pipeline.bat 2KB
lidar_to_dtm_dsm_iso_laz_tiles.bat 2KB
typical_quality_check_pipeline.bat 2KB
create_tiled_hillshaded_dtm.bat 2KB
huge_las_file_thin_with_percentiles.bat 2KB
create_single_hillshaded_dtm.bat 1KB
quality_check_single_block.bat 1KB
do_not_use.bat 1KB
huge_las_file_thin_with_fine_grid.bat 1KB
huge_las_file_copy_classification_attribute.bat 1KB
huge_las_file_classify_ground.bat 963B
huge_las_file_sort_by_gpstime.bat 933B
huge_las_file_delete_duplicates.bat 916B
huge_las_file_sort_spatial_coherence.bat 896B
quality_check_across_blocks.bat 520B
classify_lidar.bat 278B
bitset 32KB
laszip_api.c 35KB
demzip_api.c 35KB
macros.cmake 9KB
win32_compiler_options.cmake 3KB
cpack.cmake 2KB
unix_compiler_options.cmake 888B
common.cmake 447B
libraries.cmake 405B
laslib-config.cmake 314B
compiler_options.cmake 243B
directories.cmake 222B
modules.cmake 115B
policies.cmake 110B
geoprojectionconverter.cpp 350KB
lasinfo.cpp 238KB
lastransform.cpp 227KB
lasfilter.cpp 185KB
laszip_dll.cpp 157KB
demzip_dll.cpp 155KB
laszipdllexample.cpp 131KB
lasreader.cpp 105KB
lasreaditemcompressed_v3.cpp 72KB
lasreaditemcompressed_v4.cpp 72KB
las2las.cpp 71KB
lasreader_las.cpp 71KB
laswriteitemcompressed_v3.cpp 70KB
laswriteitemcompressed_v4.cpp 69KB
lasdiff.cpp 68KB
lasreader_txt.cpp 66KB
lasreader_ply.cpp 61KB
las2txt.cpp 58KB
lasutility.cpp 57KB
lasquadtree.cpp 53KB
lasreadermerged.cpp 51KB
lasreader_dtm.cpp 50KB
laswriter_las.cpp 43KB
laszip.cpp 32KB
txt2las.cpp 29KB
laswriter.cpp 29KB
lasreader_bil.cpp 26KB
lasprecision.cpp 26KB
laszip.cpp 26KB
laswritercompatible.cpp 23KB
laswriter_txt.cpp 22KB
lasreadpoint.cpp 22KB
lasreader_shp.cpp 21KB
laswriteitemcompressed_v2.cpp 20KB
lasreader_asc.cpp 19KB
laswriteitemcompressed_v1.cpp 19KB
lasinterval.cpp 18KB
lasindex.cpp 18KB
lasreaditemcompressed_v2.cpp 17KB
lasreaditemcompressed_v1.cpp 16KB
lasreaderbuffered.cpp 16KB
lasexample_write_only_full_waveform.cpp 16KB
lasindex.cpp 14KB
integercompressor.cpp 14KB
lasreader_qfit.cpp 13KB
laswritepoint.cpp 13KB
arithmeticencoder.cpp 12KB
arithmeticdecoder.cpp 11KB
laswaveform13reader.cpp 11KB
lasmerge.cpp 11KB
lasreader_bin.cpp 11KB
lasignore.cpp 11KB
laskdtree.cpp 9KB
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