# Gym-Duckietown
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[Duckietown](http://duckietown.org/) self-driving car simulator environments for OpenAI Gym.
Please use this bibtex if you want to cite this repository in your publications:
author = {Chevalier-Boisvert, Maxime and Golemo, Florian and Cao, Yanjun and Mehta, Bhairav and Paull, Liam},
title = {Duckietown Environments for OpenAI Gym},
year = {2018},
publisher = {GitHub},
journal = {GitHub repository},
howpublished = {\url{https://github.com/duckietown/gym-duckietown}},
This simulator was created as part of work done at [Mila](https://mila.quebec/).
<p align="center">
<img src="media/simplesim_free.png" width="300px"><br>
<h2 align="center">
Welcome to <b>Duckietown</b>!
## Table of Contents
1. [Gym-Duckietown](#Gym-Duckietown)
1. [Introduction](#Introduction)
2. [Installation](#Installation)
1. [Installation Using Conda (Alternative Method)](#Installation-Using-Conda-Alternative-Method)
3. [Usage](#Usage)
1. [Testing](#Testing)
2. [Learning](#Learning)
4. [Design](#Design)
1. [Map File Format](#Map-File-Format)
2. [Observations](#Observations)
3. [Actions](#Actions)
4. [Reward Function](#Reward-Function)
5. [Troubleshooting](#Troubleshooting)
1. [ImportError: Library "GLU" not found](#ImportError-Library-GLU-not-found)
2. [NoSuchDisplayException: Cannot connect to "None"](#NoSuchDisplayException-Cannot-connect-to-None)
3. [Running headless](#Running-headless)
4. [Running headless and training in a cloud based environment (AWS)](#Running-headless-and-training-in-a-cloud-based-environment-AWS)
5. [Poor performance, low frame rate](#Poor-performance-low-frame-rate)
6. [RL training doesn't converge](#RL-training-doesnt-converge)
7. [Unknown encoder 'libx264' when using gym.wrappers.Monitor](#Unknown-encoder-libx264-when-using-gymwrappersMonitor)
Thanks @na018 for contributing this!
## Introduction
Gym-Duckietown is a simulator for the [Duckietown](https://duckietown.org) Universe, written in pure Python/OpenGL (Pyglet). It places your agent, a Duckiebot, inside of an instance of a Duckietown: a loop of roads with turns, intersections, obstacles, Duckie pedestrians, and other Duckiebots. It can be a pretty hectic place!
Gym-Duckietown is fast, open, and incredibly customizable. What started as a lane-following simulator has evolved into a fully-functioning autonomous driving simulator that you can use to train and test your Machine Learning, Reinforcement Learning, Imitation Learning, or even classical robotics algorithms. Gym-Duckietown offers a wide range of tasks, from simple lane-following to full city navigation with dynamic obstacles. Gym-Duckietown also ships with features, wrappers, and tools that can help you bring your algorithms to the real robot, including [domain-randomization](https://blog.openai.com/spam-detection-in-the-physical-world/), accurate camera distortion, and differential-drive physics (and most importantly, realistic waddling).
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<img src="media/finalmain.gif"><br>
There are multiple registered gym environments, each corresponding to a different [map file](https://github.com/duckietown/gym-duckietown/tree/master/gym_duckietown/maps):
- `Duckietown-straight_road-v0`
- `Duckietown-4way-v0`
- `Duckietown-udem1-v0`
- `Duckietown-small_loop-v0`
- `Duckietown-small_loop_cw-v0`
- `Duckietown-zigzag_dists-v0`
- `Duckietown-loop_obstacles-v0` (static obstacles in the road)
- `Duckietown-loop_pedestrians-v0` (moving obstacles in the road)
The `MultiMap-v0` environment is essentially a [wrapper](https://github.com/duckietown/gym-duckietown/blob/master/gym_duckietown/envs/multimap_env.py) for the simulator which
will automatically cycle through all available [map files](https://github.com/duckietown/gym-duckietown/tree/master/gym_duckietown/maps). This makes it possible to train on
a variety of different maps at the same time, with the idea that training on a variety of
different scenarios will make for a more robust policy/model.
`gym-duckietown` is an _accompanying_ simulator to real Duckiebots, which allow you to run your code on the real robot. We provide a domain randomization API, which can help you transfer your trained policies from simulation to real world. Without using a domain transfer method, your learned models will likely overfit to various aspects of the simulator, which won't transfer to the real world. When you deploy, you and your Duckiebot will be running around in circles trying to figure out what's going on.
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<img src="media/domainrand-sim.gif" width="300px" height="200px" ><img src="media/needfordr.gif" width="300px" height="200px" ><br>
The `Duckiebot-v0` environment is meant to connect to software running on
a real Duckiebot and remotely control the robot. It is a tool to test that policies
trained in simulation can transfer to the real robot. If you want to
control your robot remotely with the `Duckiebot-v0` environment, you will need to
install the software found in the [duck-remote-iface](https://github.com/maximecb/duck-remote-iface)
repository on your Duckiebot.
<p align="center">
<img src="media/duckiebot_1.png" width="300px"><br>
## Installation
- Python 3.6+
- OpenAI gym
- NumPy
- Pyglet
- cloudpickle
- PyTorch or Tensorflow (to use the scripts in `learning/`)
You can install all the dependencies except PyTorch with `pip3`:
git clone https://github.com/duckietown/gym-duckietown.git
cd gym-duckietown
pip3 install -e .
### Installation Using Conda (Alternative Method)
Alternatively, you can install all the dependencies, including PyTorch, using Conda as follows. For those trying to use this package on MILA machines, this is the way to go:
git clone https://github.com/duckietown/gym-duckietown.git
cd gym-duckietown
conda env create -f environment.yaml
Please note that if you use Conda to install this package instead of pip, you will need to activate your Conda environment and add the package to your Python path before you can use it:
source activate gym-duckietown
## Usage
### Testing
There is a simple UI application which allows you to control the simulation or real robot manually. The `manual_control.py` application will launch the Gym environment, display camera images and send actions (keyboard commands) back to the simulator or robot. You can specify which map file to load with the `--map-name` argument:
./manual_control.py --env-name Duckietown-udem1-v0
There is also a script to run automated tests (`run_tests.py`) and a script to gather performance metrics (`benchmark.py`).
### Learning
`gym-duckietown` provides starter code for both reinforcement learning (Pytorch only) and imitation learning (both Tensorflow and Pytorch). In the following section, we describe how to get started, as well as some tips on improving both agents.
Within the `learning/` subdirectory, you will find `imitation/{tensorflow|pytorch}` and `reinforcement/pytorch`. To use either, you will want to change directories into the `learning/` directory, and call scripts from there (this allows us to import utility functions used in all three baselines while not forcing users to install both Tensorflow and Pytorch).
**Pytorch Reinforcement Learning** can be run using:
python -m reinforcement.pytorch.train_reinforcement
whereas both **Tensorflow and Pytorch Imitation Learning** can be run using:
python -m imitation.{tensorflow|pytorch}.train_imitation
We use `argparse