# react-datetime
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A date and time picker in the same React.js component. It can be used as a datepicker, timepicker or both at the same time. It is **highly customizable** and it even allows to edit date's milliseconds.
This project started as a fork of https://github.com/quri/react-bootstrap-datetimepicker but the code and the API has changed a lot.
## Installation
Install using npm:
npm install --save react-datetime
Install using yarn:
yarn add react-datetime
## Usage
[React.js](http://facebook.github.io/react/) and [Moment.js](http://momentjs.com/) are peer dependencies for react-datetime (as well as [Moment.js timezones](https://momentjs.com/timezone/) if you want to use the `displayTimeZone` prop). These dependencies are not installed along with react-datetime automatically, but your project needs to have them installed in order to make the datepicker work. You can then use the datepicker like in the example below.
render: function() {
return <Datetime />;
[See this example working](http://codepen.io/simeg/pen/mEmQmP).
**Don't forget to add the [CSS stylesheet](https://github.com/YouCanBookMe/react-datetime/blob/master/css/react-datetime.css) to make it work out of the box.**
## API
| Name | Type | Default | Description |
| ------------ | ------- | ------- | ----------- |
| **value** | `Date` | `new Date()` | Represents the selected date by the component, in order to use it as a [controlled component](https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/forms.html#controlled-components). This prop is parsed by Moment.js, so it is possible to use a date `string` or a `moment` object. |
| **defaultValue** | `Date` | `new Date()` | Represents the selected date for the component to use it as a [uncontrolled component](https://facebook.github.io/react/docs/uncontrolled-components.html). This prop is parsed by Moment.js, so it is possible to use a date `string` or a `moment` object. |
| **viewDate** | `Date` | `new Date()` | Represents the month which is viewed on opening the calendar when there is no selected date. This prop is parsed by Moment.js, so it is possible to use a date `string` or a `moment` object. |
| **dateFormat** | `boolean` or `string` | `true` | Defines the format for the date. It accepts any [Moment.js date format](http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/) (not in localized format). If `true` the date will be displayed using the defaults for the current locale. If `false` the datepicker is disabled and the component can be used as timepicker, see [available units docs](#specify-available-units). |
| **timeFormat** | `boolean` or `string` | `true` | Defines the format for the time. It accepts any [Moment.js time format](http://momentjs.com/docs/#/displaying/format/) (not in localized format). If `true` the time will be displayed using the defaults for the current locale. If `false` the timepicker is disabled and the component can be used as datepicker, see [available units docs](#specify-available-units). |
| **input** | `boolean` | `true` | Whether to show an input field to edit the date manually. |
| **open** | `boolean` | `null` | Whether to open or close the picker. If not set react-datetime will open the datepicker on input focus and close it on click outside. |
| **locale** | `string` | `null` | Manually set the locale for the react-datetime instance. Moment.js locale needs to be loaded to be used, see [i18n docs](#i18n).
| **utc** | `boolean` | `false` | When true, input time values will be interpreted as UTC (Zulu time) by Moment.js. Otherwise they will default to the user's local timezone.
| **displayTimeZone** | `string` | `null` | **Needs [moment's timezone](https://momentjs.com/timezone/) available in your project.** When specified, input time values will be displayed in the given time zone. Otherwise they will default to the user's local timezone (unless `utc` specified).
| **onChange** | `function` | empty function | Callback trigger when the date changes. The callback receives the selected `moment` object as only parameter, if the date in the input is valid. If the date in the input is not valid, the callback receives the value of the input (a string). |
| **onFocus** | `function` | empty function | Callback trigger for when the user opens the datepicker. The callback receives an event of type SyntheticEvent. |
| **onBlur** | `function` | empty function | Callback trigger for when the user clicks outside of the input, simulating a regular onBlur. The callback receives the selected `moment` object as only parameter, if the date in the input is valid. If the date in the input is not valid, the callback returned. |
| **onViewModeChange** | `function` | empty function | Callback trigger when the view mode changes. The callback receives the selected view mode string (`years`, `months`, `days` or `time`) as only parameter.|
| **onNavigateBack** | `function` | empty function | Callback trigger when the user navigates to the previous month, year or decade. The callback receives the amount and type ('month', 'year') as parameters. |
| **onNavigateForward** | `function` | empty function | Callback trigger when the user navigates to the next month, year or decade. The callback receives the amount and type ('month', 'year') as parameters. |
| **viewMode** | `string` or `number` | `'days'` | The default view to display when the picker is shown (`'years'`, `'months'`, `'days'`, `'time'`). |
| **className** | `string` or `string array` | `''` | Extra class name for the outermost markup element. |
| **inputProps** | `object` | `undefined` | Defines additional attributes for the input element of the component. For example: `onClick`, `placeholder`, `disabled`, `required`, `name` and `className` (`className` *sets* the class attribute for the input element). See [Customize the Input Appearance](#customize-the-input-appearance). |
| **isValidDate** | `function` | `() => true` | Define the dates that can be selected. The function receives `(currentDate, selectedDate)` and shall return a `true` or `false` whether the `currentDate` is valid or not. See [selectable dates](#selectable-dates).|
| **renderInput** | `function` | `undefined` | Replace the rendering of the input element. The function has the following arguments: the default calculated `props` for the input, `openCalendar` (a function which opens the calendar) and `closeCalendar` (a function which closes the calendar). Must return a React component or `null`. See [Customize the Input Appearance](#customize-the-input-appearance). |
| **renderDay** | `function` | `DOM.td(day)` | Customize the way that the days are shown in the daypicker. The accepted function has the `selectedDate`, the current date and the default calculated `props` for the cell, and must return a React component. See [Customize the Datepicker Appearance](#customize-the-datepicker-appearance). |
| **renderMonth** | `function` | `DOM.td(month)` | Customize the way that the months are shown in the monthpicker. The accepted function has the `selectedDate`, the current date and the default calculated `props` for the cell, the `month` and the `year` to be shown, and must return a React component. See [Customize the Datepicker Appearance](#customize-the-datepicker-appearance). |
| **renderYear** | `function` | `DOM.td(year)` | Customize the way that the years are shown in the year picker. The accepted function has the `selectedDate`, the current date and the default calculated `props` for the cell, the `year` to be shown, and must return a React component. See [Customize the Datepicker Appearance](#customize-the-datepicker-appearance). |
| **strictParsing** | `boolean` | `true` | Whether to use Moment.js'