`id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
`category_id` int(11) NOT NULL,
`title` varchar(255) NOT NULL,
`description` text NOT NULL,
`sort_order` int(11) NOT NULL default '10',
`content` longtext,
`create_by` int(11) default NULL,
`create_time` datetime default NULL,
`update_by` int(11) default NULL,
`update_time` datetime default NULL,
KEY `create_by` (`create_by`),
KEY `update_by` (`update_by`)
INSERT INTO `help` (`id`, `category_id`, `title`, `description`, `sort_order`, `content`, `create_by`, `create_time`, `update_by`, `update_time`) VALUES
(1, 3, 'What is Module Management?', '<p>\n Module Management screen allows administrator to manage modules in the application</p>\n', 10, '<p>\n Action can be done on the module management screen.</p>\n<ul>\n <li>\n Edit button. This is to activate or deactivate a module</li>\n <li>\n Delete button. This is to delete a module. When a module is deleted, its ACL settings are deleted as well.</li>\n <li>\n Load button. This is to load new modules added in the modules directory. The loading processor will read mod.xml, and load module and it ACL info to the system.</li>\n</ul>\n', 1, '2010-05-01 13:01:58', 1, '2010-05-01 13:06:21'),
(2, 1, 'What is User Management ?', '<p>\n User Manage screen allows administrator to manage application users</p>\n', 10, '<p>\n Action can be done on the user management screen</p>\n<ul>\n <li>\n Add button to add a new user</li>\n <li>\n Edit button to edit a selected user</li>\n <li>\n Delete button to delete a selected user</li>\n</ul>\n', 1, '2010-02-07 16:07:21', 1, '2010-05-01 12:50:12'),
(3, 2, 'What is Role Management?', '<p>\n Role Management screen allows administrator to manage roles in the application</p>\n', 10, '<p>\n Actions can be done on the role management screen.</p>\n<ul>\n <li>\n Add button</li>\n <li>\n Edit button</li>\n <li>\n Delete button. If a role is deleted, its permissions will be deleted as well.</li>\n</ul>\n', 1, '2010-02-07 17:25:46', 1, '2010-05-01 12:58:06'),
(4, 6, 'How to ceate a help tip?', '<p>\r\n You need to go to Manage Help tips module and click Add button to create a new help tips.</p>\r\n', 10, NULL, 1, '2010-04-24 04:18:35', 1, '2010-04-24 04:19:35'),
(5, 6, 'How to map a help category to system module?', '<p>\r\n You can mapping a help category to a module's left help panel by specified URL match. then the module will only show help tips under this category.</p>\r\n', 10, NULL, 1, '2010-04-24 04:21:54', 1, '2010-04-24 04:21:54'),
(6, 3, 'How to reload a module?', '<p>\n A module can be reloaded to update its change</p>\n', 10, '<p>\n On the module management screen, click the module name to drilldown the module detail form. On this form, click Reload button to update the changes into the system</p>\n', 1, '2010-05-01 13:09:09', 1, '2010-05-01 13:09:09'),
(7, 4, 'What is Event Log?', '<p>\n Event log screen is to list all events logged by the application</p>\n', 10, '<p>\n On the Event Log screen, clicking on the comments link to see to event log detail.</p>\n<p>\n Clicking on the Clear button, all log records will be deleted from the log table. Be careful of using it.</p>\n', 1, '2010-05-01 13:12:11', 1, '2010-05-01 13:15:33'),
(8, 5, 'How to manage email queue?', '<p>\n Email Queue Management screen allows user to manage queued emails</p>\n', 10, '<p>\n Action can be done on the email queue management screen.</p>\n<ul>\n <li>\n Send All button. This is to send all queued email immediately</li>\n <li>\n Send button. This is to send the selected email immediately</li>\n <li>\n Delete. This is to delete the selected email from the queue</li>\n <li>\n Delete Sent. This is to delete all sent emails from the queue</li>\n <li>\n Delete All. This is to empty the email queue</li>\n</ul>\n', 1, '2010-05-01 13:17:05', 1, '2010-05-01 16:18:48'),
(9, 5, 'How to manage email log?', '<p>\n Email Log Management screen allows user to manage email activities</p>\n', 10, '<p>\n Clicking the Clear button will empty the email log records.</p>\n', 1, '2010-05-01 13:18:11', 1, '2010-05-01 16:19:59'),
(10, 8, 'What is theme management', '<p>\n Theme Management allow administor to review / install or uninstall a theme for the system. </p>\n', 10, NULL, 1, '2011-12-15 19:31:11', 1, '2011-12-15 19:31:11'),
(11, 11, 'How to change default language', '<p>\n change cubi platfrom language from user preference setting.</p>\n', 10, '<p>\n 1 click user module and select user preference setting. </p>\n<p>\n 2 go down the the bottom of the page click 'edit' button.</p>\n<p>\n 3 select the language you want to used for your cubi platform from 'general'-->'default language' options.</p>\n<p>\n 4 go to bottom of the page click 'save' button.</p>\n<p>\n 5 re-log into the cubi.</p>\n', 1, '2011-12-16 10:59:20', 1, '2011-12-16 16:05:57'),
(12, 10, 'What is Cronjob item', '<p>\n Cron is a time-based job scheduler in cubi systems.It's enables users to schedule jobs (commands or shell scripts) to run periodically at certain times or dates.</p>\n', 10, NULL, 1, '2011-12-16 15:52:21', 1, '2011-12-27 02:38:19'),
(13, 1, 'How to add a new user?', '<p>\n follow the user manangement module to add an new user into cubi platform.</p>\n', 10, '<p>\n 1 Click user management function add button under user module as below screen picture.</p>\n<p>\n <img alt="" height="198" src="/cubi/files/upload/helptips/user/1.png" width="732" /></p>\n<p>\n 2 input the new user name and password and email address and set state to active then click save.</p>\n<p>\n <img alt="" height="352" src="/cubi/files/upload/helptips/user/2.png" width="381" /></p>\n<p>\n 3 input the related user information like address, telephone and so on in the contact profile form then save.</p>\n<p>\n <img alt="" src="/cubi/files/upload/helptips/user/3.png" /></p>\n<p>\n 4 now you have add an new user into cubi platform.</p>\n', 1, '2011-12-16 17:33:15', 1, '2011-12-25 19:40:53'),
(14, 1, 'How to change user profile', '<p>\n change or replenish user's personal information </p>\n', 10, '<p>\n 1 log into cubi</p>\n<p>\n </p>\n<p>\n 2 click left navigation user module</p>\n<p>\n <img alt="" height="126" src="/cubi/files/upload/helptips/user/4.png" width="189" /></p>\n<p>\n 3 select the user that you need to change information</p>\n<p>\n <img alt="" src="/cubi/files/upload/helptips/user/5.png" /></p>\n<p>\n 3 click profile button to change or replenish your personal information like phone number or address</p>\n<p>\n <img alt="" src="/cubi/files/upload/helptips/user/6.png" /></p>\n', 1, '2011-12-22 23:21:39', 1, '2011-12-25 19:47:18'),
(15, 2, 'What is role for?', '<p>\n User role could be used for assign different role management in different modules.</p>\n', 10, NULL, 1, '2011-12-23 16:06:02', 1, '2011-12-23 16:06:02'),
(16, 2, 'How to create an role and set up his authority??', '<p>\n User could split up administrator and common user with role management</p>\n', 10, '<p>\n 1 click left navigation role moudle</p>\n<p>\n <img alt="" height="119" src="/cubi/files/upload/helptips/role/1.png" width="189" /></p>\n<p>\n 2 click add button to create an new type role you needed for your application</p>\n<p>\n <img alt="" height="138" src="/cubi/files/upload/helptips/role/2.png" width="715" /></p>\n<p>\n 3 create an new type of role you needed</p>\n<p>\n <img alt="" src="/cubi/files/upload/helptips/role/3.png" /></p>\n<p>\n 4 back to role management page select the new role you have created and click perm for set up access permission</p>\n<p>\n <img alt="" src="/cubi/files/upload/helptips/role/4.png" /></p>\n', 1, '2011-12-23 16:51:56', 1, '2011-12-25 20:06:11'),
(17, 2, 'what is default page for?', '<p>\n there is an option when user create an new type of role in cubi platfr